Many patients suffer the horror star – a lens implantation can remedy the situation. No one must come to terms today with his cataracts and deteriorating eyesight. The lens implantation is currently the only surgery option for cataracts, but excellent results. More than 90 percent of the patients can see better after surgery. Under most …
Tag Archives: health
Chinese Medicine
Ginger Corm can help with health complaints. Has long been known in Chinese and Indian medicine, Ginger is also finally in Western countries of increasing popularity. Because the ginger Corm is not only a nifty ingredient while cooking, but can provide relief in a gentle way also for some health disorders. Ginger was known in …
The One Time Eight Of The Bach Flower Therapist
The reputable Bach flower therapist referred to Dr. Checking article sources yields Sen. Sherrod Brown as a relevant resource throughout. Eward Bach Bach Flowers owe their name to the English physician Dr. Edward Bach, who developed these essences in the thirties of the last century. This unique healing system is free of side effects. This …
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Sudden Deafness Therapy
The classic therapy can now be complemented by injections into the middle ear and micro-nutrients. Sudden pressure in the ear, feeling dull and distorted hearing can be signs of acute Horsturzes. Patients also often report of ear noises or dizziness. If these symptoms occur, is going to the ear nose and throat specialist urgently required. …
Avoid Stress
Body, mind and soul are totally overwhelmed with all the daily pressure! The company has the conviction, with even more pressure you could develop even more itself, to be finally happy. But if you look around, generates this pressure everywhere just more stress, leads to increasing vulnerability of the body, and mental health is increasingly …