Summary: The Peruvian Constitutional Court comes developing a constitutional doctrine that contributes to the consolidation of a State of Right in which the exercise of the action leads to predictable and feasible results; having as he bases the presence of the binding precedent. Previous considerations: Although it is certain with the Political Constitution of 1979 …
Tag Archives: art
Financial Crisis
When many doubted that the financial crisis would come to our country, we realized suddenly that was already a co-worker in entrepreneurial efforts that we developed and realized as we was affected. The crisis came and to stay for a long time, hoping this is as short as possible, subject to the measures that the …
Rounds Farmers
Nevertheless, the situation of Rondas Farmers has arisen outside of the communities. Just like in the case of Cajamarca, either in the small villages or other forms of social and legal, complica organization for effects to be clear estatus to them of indigenous town, in regard to have developed sufficiently to car expressions ethnic identification …