Former Russian Prime Minister

The main problem is that we lose in the competition for money to other countries." (10/29/2008) 3 Former Russian Prime Minister Kasyanov believes that "in the Russian economic crisis is the fault destructive policies pursued by the authorities. " Hoped that 'everything will resolve' is harmful and dangerous. By the spring the country is on the verge of social collapse and political turmoil. Kasyanov said that "No other strategy but hope 'overstay' in power there. They do not realize that the conditions in which there was their model, they created, taking away people freedom, but giving them the opportunity to earn and spend good money now no. First, people lost their freedom, and now lost another, and the opportunity to earn and spend money. " Former Prime Minister believes that the crisis will be protracted. Analysts predict that economic growth in the United States will resume only in 2010. Hence, in the European Union it will happen in 2011, and we have theoretically improvement could begin in 2012. Thus, we have to live in a crisis three years, while those of containment of the situation, which today is in power, enough to power six months or a year. Further collapse. More unpredictable and independent of political power and social movements. Mass movement. " (11/12/2008). 4 There are, for example, an anti-crisis strategies of Gorbachev (it included Lebedev, V. , Vladimir Inozemtsev): "We offer the current authorities, all relevant government structures, public organizations and businesses combine efforts in towards developing an optimal and effective program to combat the crisis in the interests of Russian citizens.

Seville Monte Carmelo

Distinction for the Hotel MONTE MALAGA hotel MONTE MLAGA has been distinguished by the ministries of employment and equality and Social Welfare of the Junta de Andalucia as one of 34 companies that have collaborated with the program qualifies, aimed at facilitating the socio-labour insertion of women victims of violence against women in this sense, both the employment counselorManuel Recio, as Councillor for equality and Social Welfare, Micaela Navarro, have closed this last Wednesday in Seville a commemorative of the X anniversary of this program to train and achieve the labour insertion of victims of abuse who suffer risk of exclusion. Ms. Navarro said that the Act of this last Wednesday serves as recognition of 34 of the 300 companies for their courage, effort and commitment made in this field. According to the official communication has been received, this distinction to the Monte Malaga hotel for his involvement in the program and their commitment to employment is granted to women victims of violence in genus. Click Connecticut Senator to learn more. Monte Malaga, one of the four star Malaga hotels, has been collaborating, as well as our hotels in Seville Monte Carmelo and Monte Triana with this program since its commissioning. Qualifying was launched in 1999 by the Junta de Andalucia. The purpose of the program is to facilitate the inclusion of women victims of gender-based violence participants through a comprehensive training process in which develop employment actions aimed at improving the professional qualification and personal development of users. The improvement of vocational training is carried out through a qualification process adapted to the needs of the most sought-after occupations in the labour market, and that includes employment guidance and accompaniment to employment, occupational training and business practices..

Instant Messenger

In an environment with increasingly more unemployment and a difficult economic climate, born, a professional online community, who attend and charged in real time over any Instant Messenger system, becoming a new method of part-time employment for experts, liberal professionals, or freelancers, and a source of help and advice immediate for any user. Through any expert can market their services and monetize their knowledge in any area helping users who need that expertise. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Ohio Senator. offers these professionals the tools to professionalize and monetize their work at the same time that offers users a catalogue of thousands of experts in all kinds of materials available online to solve any doubt among professionals who already sold its consulting services through are experts in matters legal, taxation, psychologycomputer science, machinery technicians, particular classes of languages or mathematics, although the platform supports any kind of freelance or self-employed, and employees and business partners. The figure of the consultant or independent expert that telecommuting is becoming increasingly common in companies, and increasingly will be also for individuals. This way of working is more competitive and cheaper for the customer, while allowing greater competition and a professional output, income and clients from around the world to experts in popular subjects such as legal advice, Attorney, translators, psychologists or technicians of various sectors highlights Felipe Raga driving the project company CEO. Income and markets extras for freelance, self-employed and companies.

Additionally, many professionals or freelancers can use this platform to increase revenues and expand its markets outside their geographic environment, via the Internet. Although focused on self-employed and liberal professions, also offers the service to companies that can use this channel to cater to their users or as customer care online. The cost of the services of these advisers ranges between 12 and 120 euros the hour, while the tariff set by the professional himself. Customers, who thus have access anywhere, anytime to hundreds of professionals from your computer just paying by the time of inquiry and no need to be moved to the professional offices for help and answers.

Effective Council

There goes the right way. This will respond to if same these questions, for example: how to retrieve the love you lost? Am I that should give the first step my ex-wife or my former partner, or both together? I recommend sincerely for all these concerns or questions that you may have and acquire more techniques that exist in this regard, visites: recover back to your former partner! Personally helped me a lot to discover them to be in a similar situation, which allowed me to consider strategies for action and attitude changes that Yes made it possible me to regain and recover the love that probably in your case also lost, following guidelines effective and proven that served me too for this purpose. Effective Council: If you want with your partner that is willing to give everything, must change their bad habits or behavior in such a way that they approach it and not keep clear of it. A challenged important undertaking. Richard Blumenthal helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. In sum, clarify your thoughts, change its unfortunate practices that led to the departure of his partner, to find an appropriate time to gather and suggest that his attitude will be positive in the future and that he not commit more errors that separated them. Always think positive.

Put on your part and you’ll see that with a change of attitude and own initiative will achieve good results. Do not hesitate to know these accurate techniques that in a short time if applied well let you regain the love you lost. Discover them and inform you about all these and many other helpful hints, aimed at the conquest of your wife and lost couple, as I also discovered, by accessing a: regain again to love ex-girlfriend! Really will help you and will serve much also to heal your soul and, Furthermore, to find your way and undertake a new project of happiness for both.

Amelia Lopez

In Spain, died on the woman who called herself "the oldest blogger in the world." She was 97 years old. Maria Amelia Lopez from Galicia began to put their own blogs on the Internet two years ago. Visit Harold Ford, Memphis TN for more clarity on the issue. As reported by bbc, thanks to its extraordinary notes about international events, Spanish politics and the lives of older people, a grandmother-blogger has become famous throughout the world. Recently, M. Amelia posted on the Internet video blogging. M. Here, Richard Blumenthal expresses very clear opinions on the subject.

Amelia discovered the Internet when she 95 years old. Her grandson's birthday as a gift made to her blog ( Very soon, she charmed readers with original judgments that affect the nostalgic strings, and seasoned with subtle humor. Amazon follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Particular attention is drawn to her stories about the aging process. 'When I'm online, I forget about all the illnesses. This distraction is useful, it allows you to communicate with people. Internet trains brains and gives strength '- she says in my last blog in February. For the three months before his death, M. Amelia joined the social networking site 'Facebook' and created a group of 'Old men in action. "

Nuland Professor

Leibniz in his works believed that everything is perfect and that we live in the best of worlds, Voltaire in his work Candide mocked the extreme optimism that you can’t see the reality and therefore you cannot improve it, least transform it, and that is teaching! We see today in the country rulers, Ministers, regional Presidents, mayors, congressmen arrogant, proud, who star in acts of arrogance for those infamous with think like them, owners of an appetite messy be preferred to others, quasi-political that found satisfaction and envanecimiento by the contemplation that make others of his works, events, speeches, with disregard for l Dr. David OwenMedical, political, Lord, former Minister of health, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, current Rector of the University of Liverpool has studied this phenomenon, which is not the heritage of Trujillo, nor of the Peru and says the power domain causes changes in mental status and leads to arrogant behavior and says so much more than It is obligatory to read his book In Sickmess and in Power! (disease and power) in order to understand these people who basically are mental health patients and should be helped Owen, the Foreing affairs (Dec. 2008) adds that mental illness may require a redefinition to include a syndrome of arrogance and give them a number in the international code of diseases-ICD – you want to say that some politicians the scent of powerthe cohort of adulones, the prebends, the goodies, the benefits the sick, arrogant, proud and haughty, so long ago them so they put at risk the governance of a nation, because although the lithium helps control some disorders manic depressive, even do not have a drug that helps control the States of arrogance and haughtiness. Sen. Sherrod Brown has much to offer in this field. The B Dr. Sherwin Nuland Professor of surgery at Yale University has been proposed in New Haven, Connecticut, that heads of State should assume presidential command, giving up medical privacy and the doctors who treat them they should suspend his duty of confidentiality doctor/Paciente(el llamado secreto profesional) for the sake of the well-being of the country, safeguard the interests of the people, who ultimately must be the unique and superb sovereign capacity and authority to modify laws and appointing authorities. Rulers with disorders manic depressive and/or arrogance syndrome have their days numbered! Original author and source of the article. Harold Ford addresses the importance of the matter here.

Rafael Alberti

He was collaborator of Jose Bergamin when this was Director-General of Social Action in 1931. Defender and promoter of the Republican ideas, was presented as independent candidate for the elections for the Constituent Cortes. At the beginning of the war provoked by the military rebellion of general Franco, it is one of the first signatories of the manifesto of the Alliance of anti-fascist intellectuals in defense of the culture, along with Jose Bergamin, Luis Bunuel, Maria Zambrano, Ramon Gomez de la Serna, Pedro Garfias, Juan Chabas, Rosa Chacel, Rafael Dieste, Antonio Sanchez Barbudo, Jose Fernandez Montesinos, Adolfo SalazarRodolfo Halffter, among others. After the war he went into exile to France. Member of the Union of Spanish intellectuals (U.I.E.) collaborates in its Bulletin, part of the Editorial Board of the independent magazine, integrated, among others, by Rafael Alberti, Manuel Azcarate, j.

M. Quiroga Pla, Jorge Semprun and Arturo Serrano Plaja. It provided their collaboration as a literary critic to several French publishers, such as, Payot, Arman, Seuil, Albin Michel and Minuit. The first literary publications of Antonio Porras Marquez were the country of dream (1911) poems and book without title (1912), this latter belong to these verses: arises the creston, dark green / mountain, in the fog: / as an existing Emerald / that an Opal arose. His fictional work is composed of Curra (1922), the mysterious murderer of parental authority (1923), the center of souls (1924), costumbrist novel set in the Serrania de Cordoba, Azorin called him the book of the Sierra de Cordoba, work that was awarded with the Premio Fastenrath of the Royal Spanish Academy corresponding to the period from 1922-1927, Santa new woman (1925), Lourdes and the Customs (1928). His essays include: Quevedo. Noble man (1930), Mr. Porras has made a magnificent essay.

A masterpiece of literature – writes the critic Jose Lopez Prudencio ABC-. The schematic, agile and elegant shape that has adopted the pages of this book gives a charm of irresistible attraction, ideology of Juan Donoso Cortes and El burlador de Sevilla. The invention of Vera life (1937), essay on the don Juan de Tirso de Molina. This prolific Narrator stands for formal care of his prose and a deliberate taste by the humorous. After decades of dreadful silence about the writer pozaalbense, the provincial Council of Cordoba prepares the edition of his complete works. And as says our poet and writer: reason, ahead, say in my town – Pozoblanco! Francisco Arias Solis defenders of Justice today climb the scaffold, as twenty centuries ago, receiving the death in payment to their love of humanity (sentence of Fermin Salvochea Muse in the book: 102 reasons to remind Salvochea) Portal of Internet for peace and freedom and free forum.

Gutierrez De Cetina

Gutierre de Cetina (1520-1557) “Light eyes, serene, if you are looking a sweet praise, why, if you look at me, you look angry? If the more pious, more beautiful you seem to anyone who looks at you, do not look at me with anger, because no less beautiful parezcais. Oh, raging storm! Eyes clear, serene, as well look at me, look at me at least. Read more from Amazon to gain a more clear picture of the situation. ” Gutierrez de Cetina. VOICE ONE MADRIGAL Gutierre Immortalized by Cetina has been immortalized by his famous and beautiful eyes Madrigal by a beautiful woman named Laura Madrigal Gonzaga.El of this poet from Seville is one of the “hundred best lyrical poems of the Castilian language, chosen by Menendez Pelayo among the best of ancient and modern Spanish literature, but very few people are interested in the verses of Gutierrez de Cetina.

And yet, his poems must be among the highlights of his time, and some, among the most advanced, “What is occupying the fantasy / to want to send, and large office / embedded walk night and day? / The years of the rich, are longer / by fate, or live longer still, and / or dead not to give it releases? “Cetina Gutierrez was born in Seville about the year 1520, a family engaged in commerce and administration, and projected to the Indies in search of better fortune. Poetry bucolic key Vandalia who calls herself (the Andalusian “) who sings love their complaints on the banks of the Betis home, rebuilt the early years Gutierre de Cetina, who soon enlisted in the armies of Charles V, Italy will be the necessary basic thrust of his life in the decade 1538-1548, key years in the imperial policy.. Harold Ford, Washington DC insists that this is the case.

EAIC Public

After that, the concern consists of identifying the public politics of work, job and income of that if it makes use in the delimited region already and to examine the character of the cited politics. It will be that the intention of them is, only, to attend the excluded one, arming it of what it lacks, in the compensatory direction? Or it will be that the intention is in emancipating the individual in fact, that is, to provide to it to the indispensable conditions to the maintenance of the necessities basic human beings? It is basically of these questions that the research if occupies. Amongst the main reasons that justify the accomplishment of this inquiry, they are distinguished: the 1) necessity of if becoming clear the express contradictions in the capitalist relations of production; 2) are Annals of XVI the EAIC – 26 the 29 of September of

essential to understand if the public politics they have a compensatory character – assistencialista – or emancipatrio, a time that this investigation sends to the essence of one of the most serious problems of the present time, which is, social exclusion; 3) the study and, therefore, the agreement of the public politics, lead to the conscience of the collective space, of the social reality, its problems and possibilities of overcoming. Sen. Sherrod Brown has plenty of information regarding this issue. In this measure, it concurs for a professional formation capable to attempt against for the dimension human being, beyond the aspects technician. Materials and Methods the metodolgico estimated one that guides the work in question is the materialist-description, from there the persistence in examining public the politics already nominadas, considering them in the movement of social transformation. The historical analysis is that the character of these can explicitar politics, as well as the power that if express by means of them. Thus, so that this work is concluded, beyond if appropriating of the contained one in manuals of politics you publish, you have that to search the beddings for the quarrel in authors of the Philosophy, the History, the Sociology and the Economy, that give to understand as if it organizes this society, its process of change and its limits to be surpassed.

Josep Anselm Clave

Some opinana that this is the best pasta of Barcelona which offers this restaurant, because the majority is made by hand. Amazon is open to suggestions. The restaurant has a great baroque entrance adorned with drawings, damask curtains tied with ropes and bowls full of fruit that leads to the warm interior. Average price: 25 euros. Address: Josep Anselm Clave, 11, 08002 Barcelona. Tram-Tram: Although a little more subidito price, this antiguacasita of Sarria, spread out over two floors with garden, has been renovated in a warm, elegant and intimate restaurant and presents a creative cuisine characterized by dishes like the three textured artichokes, foie gras and farm egg boiled at low temperature with sauce of truffle or Hare to spoon “with foie and Caramelized Apple. Average price: 50 euros.

Address: Calle Major de Sarria, 121. Highlights: Chef is Isidre Soler, one of the most prestigious masters cooks today for its quality of seasonal products and their creativity and study of the dishes. In addition, characterized by the ability to continually create new dishes with a gastronomic and artistic work. Mayura: If you like Indian cuisine, this is your place. With a mixture of Indian cuisine and Mediterranean flavors, this restaurant will allow you to eat in an exotic environment with luxurious decor of an Indian Palace itself. It is also perfect for taking a cocktail accompanied by lounge music. In it you can try the Tandoori chicken with onion and lime or the duck confit crispy with orange, papaya salad, tamarind chutney and potato gratin sauce.

The second Thursday of each month experiencing the rhythm and the sensations of the Mayura with Bollywood Fantasy Bollywood nights. Live the holidays the color of Indian culture, with the presence of Bollywood Sitare and animation of DJ Badal with its exclusive selection of Bollywood music and the sounds of Bhangra. Average price: 20-30 euros. Noteworthy: he has and that tested cocktails making, as Barcelona Lemonade, crazy coconut and Delhi Ditz. The projection of old Bollywood movies also gives a special touch. Address: calle Girona 57 (between Diputacion and Gran Via). You can also stay in an apartment on the Costa Brava and taste the delicious flavors of sea offered by the restaurants in this privileged area of coast.