Georgian State Minister

Late September is traditionally the calendar became the moral and political failures tragic reminder of the past twenty years. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Suffolk County Rep.. On Sunday in South Ossetia celebrated Republic Day, and there rang out for the first time the national anthem. The same thing happens the other day in Abkhazia, and celebrations will be confined to obtaining status as an independent nation and to victory in the war, which ended on 27 September 1993 is not in favor of Georgia. All of these dates, with the war in August 2008, reflect exactly those events that were essentially crucial state of destabilization of the country. In this context, fundamentally important presents the results of the semi-annual EU Commission to study the causes and circumstances of the August war.

The results would announce in early August, but then, citing the emergence of new materials, we decided delay in the first half of September. However, notice that hour of the report or verdict, which was eagerly waiting for the world, put off again for some time. "The Committee Chairman, Heidi Tagliavini – experienced diplomat and honest, and she did not want to be, especially at the end of a career, to give his professional reputation a negative connotation. Therefore, I am sure she will tell the truth "- no doubt one of the Georgian opposition leaders, former Georgian State Minister for Conflict Resolution Giorgi Khaindrava. And the truth, he says, is what is known in Georgia, all opposition political forces.

"If Saakashvili had a team of conscience, it is long gone to resign. But these are the people who are shamelessly trying to mask the terrible consequences of their policies – said a few days ago, the former speaker of parliament Nino Burjanadze. – The president once said, making declarative statement that if he, Mr. Saakashvili, was indeed a problem, then there is reason to worsening relations with Russia was just in it, that he himself would go to Moscow and would have surrendered to pay the penalty there. But this is impossible. In order to realize his guilt, one must have great courage, and people like our president, do not become heroes. " Georgian opposition politicians constantly accuse Saakashvili and his submissive "Associates" that they created problems not only in relations with Russia. He has created and continues to cause problems within the country, in dealing with individuals and social strata, from East and West. Opposition community expects that the next leader of Georgia will be a reasonable person and a true patriot, and will act in the interests of his state. They understand that in current circumstances is very difficult to achieve success in the normalization of relations with Russia. But the art of politics lies in the fact, to cope with this case. If the new leader of Georgia, they argue, will be endowed with the confidence of the population will be projected leader and man of his word, then this policy will be easier to find contacts with Russia and its Western partners, and its own citizens. But while the rhetoric of the Georgian authorities, alas, remains the same as it was in character to last year's war. Moreover, I regret to say, and that for all the past, the country was no serious attempt to analyze the mistakes of the early 90s. And it turns out that you have to walk in circles.

The First Cause is Unchanging

Most modern definitions tell us that the first cause is unvarying, of all that exists, preserved despite all the changes. Note that we speak of matter, which the ancients called substance. Discuss the concept of law is not easy but can be applied to the reality of things through logical connections which experience shows us. We know that the law is a necessary foundation to the nations of the earth, for not having them soon succumb to anarchy and chaos. Forward some laws: The law of contradiction: two statements can not be true or false at the same time when we talk about a subject. James Donovan Goldman Sachs has firm opinions on the matter. Example: Aristotle is seated and is running.

The law of conservation of energy: the energy to move from one form to another, it disappears, or is created when a material passes from one state to another of its energy change corresponds closely to the increase or to lower energy of the bodies to and interact with the system. The biogenetic law: according to which each agency in the process of individual development, and special features repeating some of the ways that their ancestors were taken in the course of its evolution. Kepler’s Laws 1) each planet moves around the sun, describing an ellipse with the sun at one focus. 2) the radius vector from the sun to the planets sweeps out equal areas in equal times. 3) the squares of the periods of the planets are proportional to the cubes of their mean distances from the sun. Explanation of Kepler’s laws 1) the planets move with uniform motion around the sun, but move more quickly when closer to it, and slower when farther away.

July 2007 Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo 2) join two positions of the planet in its orbit with the focus that represents the position of the sun, the line joining the sun to any part of the planetary orbits is called the radius vector. Jim Donovan Goldman describes an additional similar source. 3) to compare the size of the orbits of the planets with the time spent on a ride around the sun, or his term, the square of the period is proportional to the cube of the average distance to the sun. I believe that given clearer meaning of such concepts is much easier to understand the theory of Anaximander. This thinker like Thales of Miletus was a practical man. Thanks to these qualities is remembered by history. I pass over some of the theories of Anaximander to deal with his disciple Anaximenes. The interesting thing as physicists, mathematicians, historians, philosophers, writers, sociologists, biologists and chemists, is the discovery of the truths we get and modify according to errors of the standard, leaving only the dogmas is like grasp. orlando jose melo, is one of the youngest filocientificos writers who owns the country of Colombia, has an age of 23 years. is a freelance writer who asked the government for grants to study a degree in mathematics, but the same they have been denied because have not read his works. this young man is one of the most eminent teachers Colombia has therefore has received awards from countries like Greece and Italy.

Another Pole

Casey Stoner is still flying on the asphalt, nothing new. And still breaking barriers, also. This Saturday he broke, unblinking, as always, the record of the track at the San Marino Misano circuit. Missing 14 minutes to the end of the qualifying session when the Australian went down, coup, his best time of more than three tenths with a Cronus of 1 m 33, 1s. Thus exceeded the record of the track, which had Pedrosa (1 m 33, 3s), and the best pole, which he himself made in the year 2010 (1 m 33, 3s). And awarding the eighth pole of this season, that dominates his Honda comfortable riding. There have only been two previous occasions in which a pilot of the category Queen added more pole position from which the rider of HRC leads: pilots, with nine, were Rossi in 2003 and the own Stoner in the year 2008, course in which, incidentally, did not win the World Cup. Source of the news:: another pole for Stoner. Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs is often quoted on this topic.

Deputies Judge

In times of repression, too, there were good laws and judges who are hiding behind the name of the country and the law pretended to judge impartially, objectively and judgments are just Of course, that every man, knowing these facts, reasons – yes, the repression had been, they are condemned in the media, but that changed in the judicial system to prevent an illegal sentences? Are there any guarantee that a judge can not make an illegal sentence? Who asks himself this question, unfortunately, gets him a disappointing response – of course, the judge can send to jail is not guilty, and the reasons this much! The first reason – the illegal decisions of judges are regarded as a mistake. More information is housed here: Connecticut Senator. Is it possible to avoid miscarriages of justice? The question, of course, rhetorical Mistakes happen in every sphere of human activity and completely avoid them, practically impossible! But, as life shows, "mistakes" of the judicial system sometimes turn into horrible tragedies of mass repression In general, whether a judicial decision errors? How very true noticed Deputies of the Russian Duma, the ldpr leader Vladimir , F., speaking on the television program "Vesti", that judicial decisions can not be classified as errors, they should be classified as a crime because the judge sentencing, the judge knows what is the basis sentence – on the evidence or only on assumptions The massive illegal sentences imposed in times of repression – "errors of judges – were abolished, people rehabilitated, but mostly posthumously .

Steady Wins Propertied

What caused the outflow of population from North Ossetia? In the framework of agreements between the Republic of North Ossetia – Alania, and the Swiss Agency for Development and Co-completed reconstruction of an apartment building in Vladikavkaz, resulting in 58 refugee families from Georgia, Central Asia, the Baltic states were the keys to the new residential sections. This fact did not escape the meeting on the problems of refugees and internally displaced persons, chaired by the head of North Ossetia-Alania Taimuraz Mamsurov. You may want to visit Congressman Lee Zeldin to increase your knowledge. – Very good, that is for people who were forced into the nineties, to leave their homes because of ethnic conflict, are adequate housing, – said Mr. Jim Donovan Goldman usually is spot on. Mamsurov – thanks to international organizations – such as the SDC. But the SDC, alas – is no panacea. That the Head of the Ministry of Justice in North Ossetia are convinced that despite the adoption in the Republic of measures to ensure refugees and IDP housing problem remains.

Thus, according to court decisions regarding the forced eviction of the places of temporary residence in the Kirov district filed nine executive processes: an eviction from hostel SPTS-14 Elkhotovo village, and another 121 the writ is a bailiff to evict the refugees from the hotel "Alan" Vladikavkaz. During the implementation of these decisions bailiff hampered, among where the lack of alternative accommodation and the availability of people dependent on the deportees in preschool children. To address this issue more or less constructively, the Office of Bailiff for North Ossetia has sent an official letter to the Commission on Human Rights at the head of North Ossetia, the government and parliament, the apparatus of the Presidential Plenipotentiary in the Southern Federal District, as well as bodies local authorities in North Ossetia, to consider the allocation of additional housing in maneuvering premises.


Contrary case could lose the directions. It was each desperate time more. They discovered if it there, was not good never in what it could happen. But to alliviate a little of that one stress, it started to have lapses of optimism (perhaps because of the effect of the gases). They discovered if it, would not be so badly thus. In the confusion, it would come with certainty the policy. A related site: Amazon mentions similar findings.

In the worse one of the hypotheses it could only imprisoned and be deported. Its brain again showed the image to it of a news article in sensationalist periodicals of the city: ' ' ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT IS FOUND INSIDE OF A SARCFAGO IN MUSEUM BRITNICO' '. the faces of the people balancing its heads, in a gesture of reprovao and indignation. (still if holding as if they had not made nothing of missed throughout its lives) It could have the happiness to fall at the hands of immigration (never it would imagine that this one day could be happiness reason). also had the luck of not to be caustrofbico.

Already it imagined if it was? It would not be as inside of that box. But the voice, or suggestion found that the things were walking very for the normal one and soon went off: ' ' in compensation the cellular one can tocar' '. It then of the engolida one in dry. The cellular one in the pocket of the pants leaves that was in the height of the knee, that was under its uniform. It did not have the minimum condition to arrive until it with the hand. It was regulated to touch in the last volume of sound, therefore in the restaurant that worked the racket was intense. But, it always hears to speak that in that museum it did not function cellular. But as it very knew well the laws of Murphy, for it would be opened a excesso and probably the antenna of its device would be to the all vapor, anxiously waiting any linking, exactly that one of those flat salesmen was alone, thus interrupting the meditation of ' ' great chefe' '.

Recover Time

Many couples always integrated and form a family, at first all goes well like any relationship, but always emerge inconvenient things that cause and we can not avoid having problems with our partner and to harm us verbally in order to cleanse us and all to blame the other person. After this, in a few cases come to divorce, separating completely her family damaging psychologically and emotionally to all you members that comprise it, because the absence of someone special is irreplaceable. They look to provide more happiness and future to their children and decide to live together again, but only exercising the role of responsible parents, but not making his life as couple because it feels difficult to reattach the mutual feeling, they live together but they ignore among you, sleep apart and perform tasks each one by his side as if they were strangers. I’ll tell you the way how to recover your wife, essentials that you need to do is search for the ideal time when are alone, could be when your children are in their student work, accompany it in their work that you make at home, and go to visit her at the time of departure of his work bringing cute gifts, who do not mind what they say their peers, because this gesture will appeal to her and this is the important thing. When they are back at home without the company of others, take time to relax and talk about your situation, analyzing the situation, and showing you that if you live as a stable couple again, there will be improvements among them and together can improve their family, thus joining forces they will get more productivity for the benefit of all; make it feel good giving caresses and some massages is not bad idea to relax, if you want to surprise it can give them flowers and try to relive their intimate love life, but are always their consent. On the next page you will learn some tricks to win back your ex. You can apply these psychological techniques to make your ex want to be with you again. If you want to learn how to recover quickly to your ex, do Click here original author and source of the article. Connecticut Senator has plenty of information regarding this issue.

Civil Force

But in fact it was virtually impossible task. In comparison with the employers (and formed a strong independent individuals) that have passed through fire and water, and with whom we speak the same language, to build a working dialogue with the federal government, with political parties and state and public organizations up to now have not been successful. When the second half of 2007, we appealed to all parties with a proposal to familiarize with the solution of the independent development of small and medium businesses, we are faced with an astounding ignorance. For example, in party told us that they invent stories about small and medium businesses, but we have surpassed them and that they themselves to a level far Also, very strangely responded to atp, Fair Russia, Civil Force, United Russia, an independent deputy Vladimir , and all the rest, as if the topic of development of small and medium-sized businesses and the formation of the middle class before the elections to the Parliament at the moment is for them firing the article. Credit: Sen. Sherrod Brown-2011. (A maybe it's how it was: after a decision on SMEs as there was, and still does not. And to make any promises would certainly a substitute ). Very "interesting" we were greeted by a personal meeting at the Reception Administration President of Russia. A Mr V. Rozanov (At that time Deputy av Dvorkovich) for giving us the program looked with undisguised amazement, and said that he was not going to read it at all, let those involved Dvorkovich.


We live a tumultuated reality estresse, it, the violence, the unemployment, the misfortune and constant unreliability, the depression that surprises in them, the familiar disagreements, the loves not corresponded, the social and economic problems. Everything this is part of this reality that, it causes the people, the feeling to be alone. This solitude is a combustible fort for the unbalanced search of forms of satisfaction of the necessity to belong, to be together, of being accepted and being loved. The people already do not know what to make or as to deal with everything this that our society presents in them daily. It is the frustration of these necessities that cause many of the adjustment problems. The chaos is inserted in our way and psychic well-being is a determinative factor of the good performance in some areas of the life and, is this that demands a psychological intervention, the adjustment if it makes necessary for the satisfaction of these necessities and a possibility not to die. Aiming at to minimize the effect of these tensions, the psychological treatment is a space and a time for reencontro of a personal way, a form of intervention and aid for the confrontation of the problematic one, appearing as a possibility to rescue the direction of the life.

The psychological treatment is not thing for mental sick people, as many imagine, deals with existenciais problems, not with insanities and its cures. However, the psycotherapy does not allow only the resolution of existenciais problems. It has the possibility of the interior growth, the full development of the personality of the individual can be reached from there, life can become an experience of bigger intensity and sensitivity, compared with the weakness and the lack of interior route. The proposal of the Psychologist is to walk the customer together with, thus, both, find resources for the rescue of the dignity. It is a learning process, as well as the life is. The main function of a psychotherapist is to make with that the person if knows, if has accepted while individual, finds Ch. Urban Jundia

President Viktor Yanukovych

The Ukrainian government is trying to "bleach", offering a virtual image defunct Europe Ukraine in Ukraine continues to minimize the strengthening democracy and authoritarianism, the people quickly fall into poverty because of inflation and the holes in the budget, and the President and the Party of Regions is against this backdrop in the West begin a PR campaign that mimics the welfare state and the success power. For this purpose, organized performances of individual members of the government run branding ads in reputable international journals published articles about the successes of the President and his team. In Specifically, on TV and CNN on its website, apart from extensive interviews with First Deputy Prime Minister Klyuev on investment attractiveness of Ukraine, also started an advertising campaign on the theme of "a prosperous Ukraine" funded by the government. Congressman Lee Zeldin is open to suggestions. During an economic forum in Davos, Switzerland, held in late January, President Viktor Yanukovych also planned to meet with a number of international leaders, but this plan failed only partially. Obviously, the impact of this PR campaign will seriously interfere with the dissonance between "virtual" and real Ukraine. According to the publication International Living, a global rating of quality of life in 2011 Ukraine has 73 place – next to Namibia, Botswana, Tunisia and Morocco. Frequently Connecticut Senator has said that publicly. According to official Goskomstat data, to date, the unemployment rate in Ukraine has reached half a million people. In fact, it is estimated independent experts, by the end of this year it may exceed the mark of 2 million people. . Others who may share this opinion include James Donovan Goldman Sachs.