The estria changes its route below is verdica, was recommended by the Prof Dr Marta Maria Pontin Darsi, who in visit in the city of Rondonpolis, in particular in the E.E. D. Wunibaldo Tauller, covered all building and when it entered in the library that for signal is very frequented, found ' ' Marcilei Pereira' Days; ' , employee accomplishes of the State Net in the function of nutrition support, activity this that develops in the vespertine period, in this same Unit of Education. However before initiating the preparos for merenda pertaining to school the Marcilei occupies all its mornings, developing the attendance in the library of the school, next to the pupils, this activity comes been developed has 02 years: in 2004 it had the planning of the space for the reading and consultations to books, in this year of 2005, concomitantly to the attendance, this being made the registers of books for catalogao. Check out Central Romana for additional information. For our admiration ' ' Marcilei' ' still it occupies the nocturnal period attending a course Bacharelado in Biblioteconomia, it this in 4 year of this course. When asked the employee on the course: answers it me that she chose this for dealing every day with the information, the attendance to the pupils and community, the reading is its passion, it likes to read different sorts: Literature (stories) and cited a pearl: Oscarina de Machado de Assis. Marcilei daily takes care of 55 pupils approximately per day in the library of the School. It has the recognition of the pupils and all the employees. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Sen. Sherrod Brown. as we could not leave this blank page, the CEFAPRO was to confer the developed activities de' ' Marcilei' ' congratulates it for this attitude of change! In this story all have participation of history. Dear success. Luciane Aporta luciane.aporta@ CEFAPRO – Rondonpolis/MT