Juan Carlos Pastor Domenech

Not be because today drunkenness to awakened in my critical side, but that more gives if it fashionable to be critical, and it is not strange in this world, in this world of interest, deception, falsehood today in day if you want to be cool you have to highlight but not by your skill in …


You know that feeling only is a normal part of everyday life? Planted him face loneliness, all it we have ever felt. We feel depressed when we suspending our exams, when we are rejected by the beloved person, or when someone close dies. It is just one part of life. But the depression, anyway, may …

Oral Fixation Mints Minzpastillen

Breath freshness meets style anytime, anywhere of ORAL FIXATION mints make for a varied breath freshness. Although mints have established themselves more and more as a daily companion in the last few years, there was yet no premium product that simultaneously impresses with its superior quality and a fantastic design, so the idea of the …

…der Ordinary Madness – The Bukowski – Special To The 08.08.09 In Meerbusch

Gerry X – Heidi ad Hoc the Gagarin’s & Special Guests Stephan Peters, Christian Breuer Karl & Karla Bukowski in action – Bukowski lived what Nietzsche once wrote: what does not kill me makes only harder! Bukowski fans, beware! The 08.08.09 Culex events held a Bukowski-party of a different kind. In the world capital of …

Outdoor Living Room Retreat

Wages / westf. The new product is to the design of the outdoor living room retreat and comes from the winter garden manufacturer Casa Vitrum. Variety of materials and material quality, as well as the tendency for simple solutions have undoubtedly become in today’s architecture. Also, contrasts and the effect of materials and colours are …