If the police, legal and illegal violence, was systematic and used against enemies and critics of the regimen in extreme cases and situations in which the generals in the power felt themselves threatened particularly, the monitoring on the civil society and the information were constant. The obsession for monitoring as form to prevent the performance …
Author Archives: Shane
I perceived that to the influx of the Armed Forces the old police character of the combat to the dealers gained contours solemn, going up some points in the institucional hierarchy. Quer to say then that the simple presence of the Navy and the Army in the Mount of the German abolished the police character …
Cedar Park
The old inhabitants had been taken off of the place where they liked to live. people produced same there in the closed bush, and exactly thus he had much bush, now people sees much destruction for there. The power of the territory imposed conditions of use without arguing the property of daily making of the …
Acili Son Representatives
In day 20 of September, the National Congress would approve for 241 votes the favor against 145 against the reforms politics presented in June for the government. Although the pressures, paranaense senator Acili Son, of the Enclosure for bullfighting, the extinguishing of the figure of the elect senators presented an emendation considering for saw indirect, …
Brazilian Psychiatric Reformation
The Movement of the Workers in Sade Mental (MTSM) appears specifically in the year of 1978, year that if attends the reemergncia of the main social movements in the country, after a long period of repression opened for the military regimen, that until then disabled the expression politics of the civil society in the country, …
Diets Thought Language
Vigila your thoughts, become words. It watches your words, become action. It watches your actions, they become hbitosVigila your habits, become your carcterVigila your character, becomes your destiny Frank J. – Outlaw (1843 -1915) We know that they are on 58,000 thousand thoughts those that we have daily, that is to say on 40 per …
Treated Theological
In the Words of Espinosa, in Page 309 of Treated the Theological Politician, he is demonstrated in the Chapter XX, this: ' ' I? It is impossible to take off to the men the freedom to say what they think. II? This freedom can be granted to the individuals without damage of the right and …
Manoela Maria Rock
Art. 19, in turn, establish: Art. 19. All child or adolescent has educated right to be created and in the seio of its family and, bonanza, in substitute family, assured the familiar and communitarian convivncia, in free environment of the presence of dependent narcotic substance people. According to Manoela Maria Rock, the family is indispensable …
IBGE Residues
The space clipping of the research corresponds the city of Gois-Go, whose population esteem in 2005 was of 26.705 inhabitants in accordance with the IBGE, for being a city where not yet it has a correct treatment to the residues what it causes ambient and social impacts the region. In this direction, the secular clipping …
Dilma Rousseff
Now, if this or that company does not offer to the attendance the one that the customer has right, fits to the public power to fiscalize, to charge and to punish. At this moment, the state hand is welcome. Welcome and reasonable, by the way, it was the verified state intervention during the current financial …