National Security

If the police, legal and illegal violence, was systematic and used against enemies and critics of the regimen in extreme cases and situations in which the generals in the power felt themselves threatened particularly, the monitoring on the civil society and the information were constant. The obsession for monitoring as form to prevent the performance …

Acili Son Representatives

In day 20 of September, the National Congress would approve for 241 votes the favor against 145 against the reforms politics presented in June for the government. Although the pressures, paranaense senator Acili Son, of the Enclosure for bullfighting, the extinguishing of the figure of the elect senators presented an emendation considering for saw indirect, …

Brazilian Psychiatric Reformation

The Movement of the Workers in Sade Mental (MTSM) appears specifically in the year of 1978, year that if attends the reemergncia of the main social movements in the country, after a long period of repression opened for the military regimen, that until then disabled the expression politics of the civil society in the country, …

Manoela Maria Rock

Art. 19, in turn, establish: Art. 19. All child or adolescent has educated right to be created and in the seio of its family and, bonanza, in substitute family, assured the familiar and communitarian convivncia, in free environment of the presence of dependent narcotic substance people. According to Manoela Maria Rock, the family is indispensable …