Business English

In today's business world it is impossible to do without knowledge of English. However, not good enough to learn a language in high school, to feel comfortable in a business environment. Features ownership business English relate to many types of activities in relation to different sectors of the economy. Great importance to the development of …

Eduardo Galeano

When it renegotiated the foreign debts of impoverished countries, was imposed the conditionality clause, whereby forced in IMF Governments to implement measures of structural adjustment, including a replacement economy. It was no longer the country that decided what was going to occur, both in the textile sector, as the meat industry, fishing or planting flowers …

Libyans Mission

Spain will continue as long as the dictator is a threat to his people. The cost so far of the Mission has been 43 million euros. The acarrreara extension monthly spending of about 14 million. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Trinidad Jimenez, has ensured on Monday that Spain would continue to participate in the mission …

Common Sense

JOSE BRECHNER rights are overpowered in the elections in Europe. The avalanche was coming after the elections for the European Parliament in 2009, where the left-wing were massacred by popular vote. PE has 736 members, representing 500 million citizens. Never existed a transnational body of such magnitude and relevance in the history of mankind. The …