Learning a Language

If you set about learning the language, there are several things you should do before you begin the process of learning. Of course, choose a program to buy books and CDs and hire a teacher you yourself will be able to, and we have repeatedly discussed these issues. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Richard Blumenthal. But here's an important point, which would be worth thinking more before all other actions. Who is responsible for your training? Or rather, who is responsible for achieving your results? And who is to blame If no results? You thought about it? People who are disappointed, such as foreign language courses, tend to blame the failure of teachers to school. Most often gets is, of course, teachers. (As opposed to Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs).

Students go to language classes, because the teacher or boring, or hard to explain or not explain, or does nothing, which explains but does not give speaking practice. Leave when the teacher does not correct errors. Go, they feel that the teacher is too nagging and constantly adjusts. You can always find one or another flaw in the teacher, which will allow you to withdraw from courses and another six months with a clear conscience defer language learning. However, on second thought, it becomes clear that teachers – only your guides to order study materials which you have chosen (or for you to choose a language school). If the teacher has at least a basic qualifications, he will guide you on these materials – perform with you all the exercises, read all the texts to work out all the dialogues. .