In this context, we have that support nothing more is of what establishing a liame between economic development, ambient preservation and welfare state. Corroborating with the international acceptance of the necessity of a hgido environment and as direct consequncia of the National Politics of the Environment (Law n. 6.938/81), our Federal Constitution of 1988 innovated …
Monthly Archives: March 2018
United Nations
The theories that defend the universalismo of the human rights if oppose to the cultural relativismo, that affirms the validity of all the cultural systems and the impossibility of any valuation absolute since a external landmark, that in this in case that they would be the universal human rights. The Organization of the African Unit …
Democratic Management
In the joint Cear, efforts of the government and the civil society the same direction, fact proven for decisions walk in politics, as the election of directors and creation of mechanisms of social control and participation of the community, the example of the Pertaining to school Advice, Bosoms, etc. Inside of the perspective of here …
Drawbacks Of Democracy
Independent media, usually fall under the influence of “money purse” to ensure their functioning. This opens up a direct route into the power of the oligarchy. The election is directly linked to amount of money spent on the campaign trail, that automatically denies low-income applicants kakihlibo chance of achieving success in the political struggle. Almost …
According to the last studies and statistics, the low-COST takes, mainly in the car rental. To contract online and with payment in advance can be until a 13% more cheap than to do it by means of another modality. The first step occurred with the airline companies, soon they were the trains and now little …