We Are One

We are one We are one alone soul We are one after all We are one alone soul We are after all conceived of an immense pleasure and esplendor. Under the supreme will of the emanador. In its glorious form of giver In a Irrevocable act of constancy and pleasure. creatic Cancer Action. To read more click here: Richard Blumenthal. It creates something it nothing! The receiver of stolen goods in its esplendor created all. Clice that regurgitates the seeds of the sacred gene. Vaticina thus the perfectly planned day. It came to the light in this world of majestical colors.

The being, the creature, the soul. That it is spread as supreme of sand in this bred land. Of the substance the most intrinsic quality of the being. In the cradle packed for the teacher and creative master. One singela soul only contained. Receiving everything that the light offered. One filled of all the desires until if overflowing. If to be satiated to empanzinar and finally to refuse.

We form one alone soul in reclusion. Broken up, diluted, displayed. Divided to the way between the clarity and the blackout. Disintegrated, placed to the part for correction. Soobrada in deep of the sea of the darknesses and the blackout. Embedded in primordial its cerne. In the claws of the reason, the viscera of the illusion. We are one alone soul created in the most perfect conclusion. In one only restricted union. Perfect and in communion. In an act of love and donation. Receiving of the point in the heart. Purely set in motion secretely. In the been silent one of the intemporal, vastness without end of the light. The embryo of the deity arrives us this spark. The gene of the infinite. It you are welcome creates the absolute everything in a point. if erases so that its light is reflected and sight without limits. Guarded clearly, skillfully Inexpugnvel to the imprudent eyes. Accessible to the adjusted eyes, perfectly the sight, tocvel, manipulable, generously acalentadora, acolhedora to that they possess its same quality. The being, With a so extensive and infindvel deficiency. As a dark point in the seio of the light.