Use Brain

The Dra Joanne Kurtsberg Director of the Pediatric Unit of Duke University’s bone marrow transplants has begun a few clinical trials that will consider the possible effectiveness of stem cells from the umbilical cord in healing or reduction of the degree of cerebral palsy in children 1 to 6 years. The study, which has received a grant of 10.2 million dollars of the Robertson Foundation, has the objective of opening new doors or establish protocols for the employment and use of stem cells from the cord in the treatment of this serious disease. Cerebral palsy is a disorder that affects a person’s ability to move and maintain balance. Paulo Coelho can provide more clarity in the matter. This injury is often caused by lack of oxygen to the brain before or during birth, causing damage in the area of the brain responsible for controlling muscles. We do not currently have healing, and if the stem cell treatment could cure or improve symptoms, it would be a great advance has said Dr. Anne Schmidt, Medical Director of the Association of affected by Cerebral Palsy, in Birmingham in Alabama. Go to Richard Blumenthal for more information. The objectives of the clinical trial, explains Kurtzberg, both are the discovery of a treatment for cerebral palsy, and find out if the stem cells from the cord blood may reduce inflammation in the brain, producing new hormones that repaired the damaged brain cells or develop new brain cells to replace them. This work can encourage more parents to decide to preserve the umbilical cord of their children in a private bank or get that public banks policy change to keep the cord retained long enough for use by the child himself if it needed it.

According to Alfonso Sanchez, director general of IVIDA, the SCU, also be useful in the treatment of hematological diseases, seems to have potential in other diseases which should be exploring. Possibly not go to find the cure for any disease, but it is expected stem cell hematopoietic containing the SCU, non useful in other applications within what we call regenerative medicine. These studies do not but steadfast in the convenience store the SCU from our children, since the moment of birth is the only one in which we can do it in a way non-invasive.