In the Words of Espinosa, in Page 309 of Treated the Theological Politician, he is demonstrated in the Chapter XX, this: ' ' I? It is impossible to take off to the men the freedom to say what they think. II? This freedom can be granted to the individuals without damage of the right and the authority being able of them sovereign, being able each one to still use it without damage of this exactly right, since that from there it does not remove excuse to introduce alterations in the legislation of the State or to make something that goes against the established laws. III? The same freedom does not represent no threat in relation the peace, nor causes inconveniences that cannot easily be neutralized. IV? The same if it can say in relation the mercy. V? The laws promulgated on substances of speculative order are of all useless. VI? Finally, the opinion freedom, not only can be granted without the peace of the State, the mercy and the right being able of them sovereign are threatened, as also it must be, if to want to preserve everything this. In truth, where it wants that if it tries to remove it the men, where wants that the opinions of the opponents are raised the court and not them intentions, when these only is that they can be pecaminosas, there, the punishments that if give to serve of example, to the eyes of the good men, they seem martyrdoms, and to the others, they infuriate them and they more induce them to have compassion, seno exactly to avenge if of what to be with medo.' ' Conclusion. In chapter XX of Treated Theological-Politician, one reveals that no matter how hard the freedom to think and to say what if thinks can bring inconveniences, does not bring seno those common inconveniences that always occur, and that such freedom does not have as to be taken off of the man, the freedom to think cannot be taken off of the man; the end of the State is the freedom, and the bedding of it, is to keep this freedom to think and to teach what it is thought. The State alone must subjulgar those that find that it has the right of, with violence, to take off the right outrem of it, the nature right, the right nature superior, to think what to want, and to say what he thinks. Bibliography: Treated Theological-Politician de Espinosa.