Energy revolution as exports creates jobs in Germany at the invitation of the Member of Parliament Maria Michalk (CDU) is the Federal Environment Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) for a working visit at the Hoyerswerdaer energy specialist YADOS on September 6, 2013. As a recognized expert in the topics of energy and environment, Altmaier wants to inform about the contribution of innovative products of the Saxon energy equipment manufacturer on the implementation of the objectives of the German energy revolution. Accompanied it is member of the Saxon Landtag and the Lord Mayor of the city of Hoyerswerda Stefan Skora by Saxon Member of Parliament Maria Michalk, Frank Hirche. After visiting the newly-built production facilities of YADOS Altmaier arises issues of entrepreneurs and local politicians of the region in a technical discussion to the German energy policy. The energy equipment manufacturer YADOS from the Saxon Hoyerswerda is a leading manufacturer of district heating schemes and cogeneration on the world market. After only three years of successful market presence, company Chief continued Jorg Wolf with the decision for the new of production and administration building his successful philosophy continued. The growing demand to meet in the long term, is constantly invests in the expansion of manufacturing capacity.
More than 120 employees were created with an investment volume of EUR 8.7 million in last year on the 25,000 m plot in the Hoyerswerdaer around 80,000 m room remodels industrial area and space and optimum working conditions for the. Advanced system solutions for affordable and environmentally sound energy supply are produced on 10,000 m of built-up area. Given the shutdown of German nuclear power plants, YADOS makes an important contribution to the import independence and value creation in Germany through the use of domestic renewable energy. Double-digit growth rates in other European countries can participate in YADOS on the international demand for renewable and innovative energy-efficient processes and products.