Power This In My

I’ve often wondered by that God forbids so emphatically attend fortune tellers of letters that tell you your future, consult the dead, or also to worship images, with punishment of not to enter the Kingdom of heaven. Since childhood I liked reading, everything fell into my hands as leia, but were calling attention to certain kinds of reading, esoteric, metaphysical, mental powers, without knowing why. I consider myself a rational and logical person, therefore not enough me somebody tell me this or what isn’t right because it is a sin, does not accept it that explanation, and seek truth sometimes results in that you become in the eyes of others a Maverick or a troubled person. Filed under: Sen. Sherrod Brown. Lately I’ve been reading everything relating to the law of attraction, the secret film has put on the table again, of course it is nothing new, but what is interesting is that it is explained (at least for my clearly), without these old as the Kybalion interpretations. The pillars of these teachings are: you are what you think and say. Your feelings attract more of the same (this applies to thoughts) you are responsible for everything that is in your life, good or bad. You see it in the physical is only a reflection of your inner, therefore you believe your world. More or less so this condensed this law.

If we accept this as proper law, your Creator you are consciously and unconsciously in everything going on in your life. When you decide to consult an astrologer, witch, Tarot reader, medium, can you ask yourself exactly that you do? It is more easy for us to let it be fate that lead us, because if everything goes well, it is because it was your way, and if it is not, by your bad karma, bad luck, God you this punishing, etc. When we put all our faith in an image, which clearly is just that, a representation of how an artist or someone else has decided as it can be seen, at the time of going where the, offers a kind of barter, your grant me this and I in return give anything. .