Commission Arruda

In such a way thus it is (referring to the obedience to the leader of them), that in the lamentable case of Jose Ribamar Blacksmith of Arajo Coast, the control of the man of Garanhuns, not even the plenary assembly was taken the case to be appreciated by all the senators. Immediate, the president of the Commission of ‘ ‘ tica’ ‘ of the Senate it filed it, acting as if we were not in a democracy. Referring to this new ‘ ‘ caso’ ‘ Arruda, the images all that had been transmitted world measures is dense and of immediate symbology, important in translating, without necessity of the use of words, the universe of the reinante corruption in the Brasil.Falam, yes, in contrast of what the president erroneamente imagines, therefore informs needs visually and what indeed it occurred. The images for all sights have dynamic content.Any that is the words of Arruda to defend itself, will not have the power to destroy the force visual of the recorded images, therefore they reflect the truth, what effectively it occurs They show all to receive gratuities, some acolocar money mallets in unusual places. If it was – for nonsense – for (sic) ‘ ‘ to buy panetones’ ‘ (fact that nobody believes, for surreal), the money would be carried from normal form and not they had made as it.One more time, then, between as much and as much others, Squid lost gold chance to remain itself been silent. No matter how hard if it strengthens to save Arruda, as it made with Sarney, its son, the aloprados ones (all never saram of its conviviality governmental-partisan).

Exactly that in the Arruda case also it has success, its credibility already more does not exist.On the other hand, no matter how hard Arruda swears, no matter how hard it speaks, will not pass of faded lies to save itself. By the way, it is what it indicates to want the government, therefore Arruda threatened (as Daniel Dantas threatened, remember, reading gentlemen) WHO THREAT HAS HIDDEN LETTERS Daniel Dantas arrived to say that (sic) ‘ ‘ he would go to open the mouth, to count tudo’ ‘). Was guilty considered it? For where he walks now with its millions? He happens that efforts already are being envidados to save Arruda, and are muitssimo strong. I remember, for opportune and fitting as an old glove to case, two anexins Chinese: ‘ ‘ In the fall of a tree, the monkeys if exhaust ‘ ‘ that is: each one for itself. ‘ ‘ A spark can start a fire that will be able to come to burn a forest inteira’ ‘ Perhaps If Arruda to open the mouth, the monkeys if exhaust and the forest all catches fire, putting for land the plans of Squid, explicitados so well in the articleof Cesar Benjamim : ‘ ‘ The children of Brazil. Why now?

Saint Andres Celso Daniel

It is necessary attention always and to ask can until offending in some cases, but she is necessary. Days of these, an attorney general spoke on the jury of the murder of mayor of Saint Andres Celso Daniel and said that he had project of retraction of mount of money for a party. Nobody asked, and it was surrounded by journalists, which tests it had on the fact? If the promoter had test would be substance, if he did not have test also would be news article reason. one day in TV interviews, with an experienced journalist speaking with generals of the hard line of the Military dictatorship? A question would not fit as, ' ' what Sir is finding of the government Squid? ' ' Certain time, a secretary of SP security left to escape, in the space between lineses, that policy had ' ' corts' ' for noble areas and of ' ' guerra' ' for peripheries and the interviewer, one of most famous of the country, nor questioned this. Ah, for the TV interviewers also he would give the tip to place, exactly that alternatingly, generator of characters with name and what he makes the interviewed one, exactly that he is most famous of the world, therefore does not have, at least human being, in the whole world that knows all the people. Finishing this tip, an interviewer can get delicious histories when interviewing (who knows) a player or musician not so famous and the same to cite, for example, that he played with or against Skin, was partner of beginning of career of some now famous singer. Of the one to get information on situations not explored, a compliment received, a play of effect on craque, a esportiva attitude during a lack in the game. will have chance to interview the cited celebrity is possible to ask on such facts.

The Ordered Husband To Die

Creumir War the ORDERED HUSBAND TO DIE I arrived the Judicial district to take ownership of the position of attorney general in full guideline of jury. Analyzing the process I see that the reverse speed of the following judgment was a woman, defendant to order to kill the husband. One of the witnesses was a saint mother, of Colatina, that long ago had been consulted for the reverse speed. The woman wanted to put in charge the mother of saint to make a forwarding that botasse end in the life of its husband. Vidente consulted its letters and its Bzios, charged for the service, but it spoke for the customer whom beyond it ordered to say that it did not have vacant for its I legitimize husband, being recommendable that it waited a little more. Not satisfied with the reply, the defendant contracted two cheap gunmen (cheap the times leave expensive) to give a skill to provide the vacant in from above floor for the spouse, with the had agilizao of the procedure.

As payment for the services the contractor gave contracted to an old stove of four mouths and a used refrigerator. The men, sailors of first trip, if had seted of cartucheiras rifles they had been to tocaiar the husband who was with the ordered death. The victim comes tranquilamente mounted in its motoca when she is whitened by detonations of the rifles. The ammunition, lead and powder, if spread and make right the body of the citizen who would have to meet with Is Peter is of hour. The wounds had not been fatal, having the victim if reestablished, for sadness of the woman, I believed.

Guilty confessos. In the judgment the judge capsizes for me and asks if I had I testify to hear in plenary assembly, what I answered negative. The defense goes to inquire witnesses? The lawyer answered: yes, excellency.

Brazil: Contests

The second part has as subject the writing in the vestibular contests, in this chapter the author approaches subjects as the errors more frequent than vestibulando commits and with this it brings basic reminders so that not comet the same error and, then after, brings an election of subjects that had been frequent in the vestibular contests in Brazil, perpassando for general instruments that make with that the candidate takes care with the elaboration and the conclusion of the writing proposals in the vestibular contests. In the third part, Mazzarotto in them brings some examples of pertaining to school, commercial and official Writing, leaving of the commercial letters to the rules of these, as well as the Act, To circulate, Certificate, Contract, Memorandum, Administrative order, Power of attorney, Receipt, Report, Resume, passing for Presentation and official Writing as the Craft, Petition, Decree Forwarding, Auto, Acknowledgment, Act, Sentence, Bulletin, Official notice, Proclamation, run Leaf and Would carry. All this makes with that its material was complete in the question literal production, mainly for the areas that it moves with written production. The fourth part has as subject Interpretation of texts, in this chapter Davi author Days of Camargo approaches subjects as the literal scienter focando the logical direction and the symbolic direction words, that is, demonstrates with an uneven clarity the polissemia that the words have contained in the text and for this it foca the study of the denotation and connotation to them that are recurrent in the written production. With the same tenacity the author makes literal comparisons with the degree of understanding of the texts for what we call Figures of Language and that each one of them if discloses an alive flame of scienter and complexity for the not reading vendados eyes of and illiterate ones. In the last chapter Ana Maria Herrera Soares in them it presents a practical writing Guide, in this part objective to develop with the guide conditions so that the pupil or the student can develop necessary abilities to write with clarity, fluidity and originalidade a text, at least, creative where it can base coherently in the norms of morfossintaxe, with this it brings a sub-area with the subject Specifications, here all type of doubts that the people have when writing in relation to some expressions and even though with the direction is boarded that some words are ece of fishes in the text. Concluding the part of the guide it produces a vocabulary with all much more easy and simple the words that cause difficulty to write, thus becoming the consultation of the material, and soon after she mounts a notebook of activities with questions that had been placed in the vestibular contests that had been applied in Brazil. With all this material is very precious for that they like to produce a text and does not have security to write. The Writing Manual is an excellent workmanship for the students of a general form, however, the guide is appropriate for the students of all the areas, specifically for the areas of Licenciatura (Letters, Pedagogia and etc.) and Bacharelado (Accounting, Administration and etc.), since the manual brings reflection the competent analysis for this study of written production.

ADS Notarized

The necessary documents to the expedition of the Ambient License Only, they are described to follow: Petition standard model SEMA; Notarized Social contract, CNPJ and State Registration, if legal entity or, Notarized CPF and RG, if natural person; Voucher of Notarized Address; Notarized Public power of attorney; Notarized CPF and RG of the legal representative: Text certificate Entire of the Notary’s office of Real estate record with up to 30 days of emitted or writing of purchase and sales, certificate of filiation or test of Joust Ownership folloied of the protocol of Agrarian Regularization of the competent agency; Letter Image in digital and analogical format, with the areas of the property (ARL, APP, AAPD, ADS, APRT, etc.) as norms techniques established for the SEMA; Notation of the Responsibility Technique? ART, duly filled, with the correct description of the carried through works technician; I register in cadastre Technician; Voucher of collect of the tax of analysis of the Ambient Licensing of Country property; Croquis of access to the property, from the next municipal headquarters; Croquis of access to the APPD, when it will be the case; Publications; Plan of forest exploration, when to request deforestation authorization; Plan of recovery of degraded area, when it will have degraded area. Check List in the protocol: the team of the protocol leads the daily pay-analysis to confer the minimum requirements of the licensing proposal and the coherence of the parts techniques and documents, and a time this evidenced, these will be systemize by means of formalizao of a process, with this generating a protocol number. Legal analysis in the CCP: the legal analysis consists of validating the documentary parts and comment of the fulfilment of the legislation in validity; COGEO: Responsible department for the analysis of the maps through the images of presented satellite, counts on aid of geotecnologias as remote sensoriamento and system of geographic information. .

Monetary Politics

The survey showed, still, that it has variation between tariffs charged for the same services. In some banks, no tariff is charged by determined services (confection of seven groups control about 80% of the Brazilian market justify the high tariffs. It does not have competition because the number of banks in Brazil is small the BC does not stimulate the entrance of new financial institutions to decide the problem. Moreover, the survey points 11% discrepancies 325% between the tariffs. For example, the cost for the extract withdrawal above of the number foreseen in the package of services contracted by the customer in the Ita-Unibanco is of R$ 1,30. No longer HSBC the same operation costs R$ 4,30, a 230,8% difference. The director-executive of the National Association of the Executives of Finances,> the initiative of the BC to give to greater transparency in the collection is an excellent idea, but the resolution did not consider the relation market/numbers of financial institutions in the country.

It has more demand of what it offers. Therefore, these taxes go to increase explained. Vertamatti standes out that the banks use international the financial crisis, that caused retraction in the credit, as reason for the readjustments of the services. to stimulate the credit, the Committee of Monetary Politics of BC (Copom) comes reducing the basic tax of interests (Selic) so that the banks make cuts in spreads. With this argument, the institutions had increased the tariffs the market and the competition make the prices the true objective is to diminish the number of charged tariffs.

To enter in the new rhythm, the banks had increased the tariffs, but this goes to diminish with the time. The customers also are entering in the rhythm. He has more attention how much to the collection, that was left of side bigger occurrence of the lesser tariffs (14), followed for the Ita and the Unibanco (12 occurrences).

Geography Politics

That is, if the space is resulted of the action human being, and it he is reflected and condition of the society. Then, if we have a different society, the space will be differently busy, distributed and meaning. Already Yi Fu Tuan (1983) is an author whom it appeals to a boarding with bias of psychology, treating to the affectivity produced for the humanity and its relation with the place concept. The space concept appears as species of goal-concept, therefore the other concepts key of Geography if relate to the previous one while a workmanship human being. It detaches despite the historical Materialism understands the place as a geographic expression of the singularity; the Humanistic chain perceives the place as a portion of the space in relation which if develops affection from the individual experience or social groups. This author deals with the relation between space and time in the construction the place. For Yi Fu Tuan the place is an area that was appropriate affectively, transforming an indifferent space into place, what in turn it implies in the relation with the time of significao of this space in place. ' ' The place is a world of meaning organizado.' ' (1983, P.

198). In the experience, the space meaning frequently if establishes with the one of place. ' ' The time sensation affects the place sensation. In the measure where the time of a small child is not equal to the one of an adult, neither it is equal its experience of lugar.' ' (TUAN, 1983, P. 206). Space is a concept more abstract than of place. What it starts as indiferenciado space, changeds into place to the measure knows that it better we endow and it with value. ' ' Place is a singular mixture of sights, sounds and cheiros, an uneven harmony of natural and artificial rhythms (…) Sentir a place is to register for our muscles and ossos' ' (TUAN, 1983, P.

203). In them we only make familiar to a place after some time. Place in turn is defined by and from affective appropriations that elapse with the years of experience and the experiences attributed to the relations human beings. Treating itself the least while the man also will be presente’ ‘ one in such a way unstable and is in constant change: ' ' creation of the territorial identity is only relative, says, more properly functional of what afetiva' ' (SOUZA, 1995, P. 88). Souza (1995) also makes some mentions on the space concept, remembering that Geography Politics defines the space as being ' ' concrete in itself (with its natural attributes and socially constructed) that he is appropriate, busy for a group social' ' (P. 84); this with respect to domestic territory and idea of State Nation. Being thus, we can conclude that the three concepts worked in this discipline are of basic necessity for study of urban geography and to work with the history of the cities. Of this form, the cities would be monuments, registers livings creature of the most varied civilizations and social groups that in that space had inhabited, references of transformations imposed for the society in the space and the possible relations of affection that had marked the places and the people. References: Tuan, Yi-Fu. Space and place: the perspective of the experience. 1930. Translation of Lvia de Oliveira, So Paulo: Difel, 1983. I CASTRATE, In Elias of; GOMES, Pablo Cesar of the Coast; CORRA, Robert Lobato. (org' .s). Geography: concepts and subjects. Rio De Janeiro: Bertrand Brazil, 1995. P. 15-47; 77-116.

Educational Politics

Appeared Maria of S* SUMMARY: The present work looks for to point out the Brazilian current politics with respect to education, specifically in last the four years, citing some programs that are being significant, therefore comes presenting resulted positive. Words? key: Politics; Education; Programs INTRODUCTION me the quality in the Brazilian education suffers many critical ones, however in last the time, the federal government comes sufficiently investing in educative public politics, through educational projects and programs to try to cure this problem. In such a way, it is needed to observe as it comes occurring, being treated educational the public politics. Some of these projects and programs are being cited in this text, observe that very still it needs to be fact, but search immediate and necessary the alternatives. BRAZILIAN EDUCATIONAL POLITICS In phase of many global events, mainly as for the technological advance and the necessities of social inclusion, they had been needed to organize educative politics that could take care of to the inherent yearnings to the attendance of the especificidades of our reality. During many years ' ' models of educao' ' , that is, the educational programs that if applied in our country, were copied of developed countries, as: France, Germany, United States, etc. that for having brought resulted positive to these countries, thought that here also it could be in the same way, for in such a way, did not take in consideration the especificidades of each region, and they did not ripen the idea before its application. Today, one perceives that to have an adequate and efficient education, are needed to organize politics directed toward the reality in a social context, taking in consideration the cultural diversity and searching the inclusion of all in the educative process. In the context of Brazilian landmarks legal, the right to the education is guaranteed by the Federal Constitution, Statute of the Child and the Adolescent, National Plan of Education, Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the Education, among others.

Ambient Public Politics

PROBLEMATIC AND JUSTIFICATION This project has as objective to study the applicability of the public politics in the areas of biodiversities in the border Franc-Brazilian, as inductive of the viable development to the model of support for the state of the Amap and to keep the communities that if find around these ambient reserves with the same traditional standards. This proposal metodolgica that we consider in them to have as analysis base comes being applied in the state of the Amap, in the spaces of ambient conservation, through the National Park of the Orange Handle and the National Park Mountains of the Tumucumaque. Brazil and the French Guyana have if projected as control point in the international cooperation for the advantages of its rich biodiversity. Border regions face a series of socioambientais problems that nor always are worked in set for the neighboring countries. E, in the majority of the cases, a joint action is only capable to minimize or to decide certain questions. The focus in biodiversity will have to narrow the relations between Brazil and France in the field of Science and Technology, one politics will have been thought that establishes goals, mainly come back toward bioma of the Amazon region and repatriation of genetic data of the Brazilian flora. In this direction already an agreement of cooperation between the two countries exists where four priorities had been established: ) the territorial order, agrarian regularization and ecological and economic zoning; b) evaluation of the state of the natural resources of bioma Amazonian, as much of the Brazilian side how much of the French side, by means of the use of data and techniques of space comment, as well as land survey; c) energy valuation of the forest products and by-products of the transformation of the wood; d) management for the conservation and the sustainable use of forest biodiversity in a distribution joust equitable of the use of genetic resources.

Department Order Social Politics

The concern of the State is well-known Portuguese in curtailing the ideas would quepoderiam for the effective regimen in check, good before the inquisition arriving Portugal the books whose contents were had as ' ' falsos' ' or ' ' herticos' ' they jeram burnt. The justification for such act was defesados the good customs and of the faith. Curiously the censorship extended its antigacolnia to it, Brazil, now a republic would be palco of one ' ' new inquisio' ' , cujopapel of the church would be substituted by the State and ' ' new hereges' ' they are todosaqueles that they proclaimed/professed ideologies that did not compactuassem of regimevigente. Amazing to perceive the quo next we are of our lusitanos brothers, the similarities are clamorous in such a way of the cultural, linguistic, religious aspect and even though mazelas preconceptual. ASPREMISSAS OF the REPRESSION Returning to the Portuguese State after 1536 (beginning of the Portuguese inquisition), the historian Silvia Cortez when searching sobreo cited subject it says: ' ' (…) they had started to produce a society of mutiladosmentais.' ' (National Archive of the Tower of the Tumble. SILVIA, S.C cit., p.52).

Lamentably, in Brazil the new State and the dictatorship if had puted in charge here to also decriar a society of ' ' mutilated mentais' '. However the DEOPS (Estadualde Department Order Social Politics and) is created in December of 1924, years before the EstadoNovo, and its attributions did not take care of to the same ends that would posteriormentedefenderia with as much devotion. Initially this institution that is born nogoverno of Arthur Da Silva Bernardes, has with attribution to carry through to assure asegurana of the State, this department was on to the general Cabinet deinvestigaes. However sfora to assume role of utmost importance from 1937, where Vargas agregouatribuies to the policy politics that transformed it into the strong arm of the Estadocontra all those that of some form podessem to threaten the regimen.