
The changes of handling or exploration of the environment are not only in itself producing of new social relations e, therefore of social spaces, the ideology and the factor politician represent important paper in the formularization of these new environments. (SAINTS, C. 1997). The Units of Conservation while territories must represent important paper in the construction of a new learning of the relation man/half following a conducting wire of the experimentation for the valuation of the way, this valuation must be constructed by the perception and the concepts acquired in an educational process. The metodolgicos aspects of ambient perception tranfer for a search for the space experimentation of a person and after the group, a search of the directions, the meaning that if of to the space becoming it the place. The settling of the catarinense coast that more recently suffered the impositions from the environment that was constituted of unknown ecossistmicos aspects of the aorianos and Europeans in a general way, and in the destitution of the cultural traditions, and mainly in the malfadados projects of modernization of the field.

They now face the biocntrico impetus of the constitution of protecting spaces integrally in places has explored centuries, without consulting and clarifying the communities, that is, without its participation in projects of protection to the environment. To observe the contours of the convivncia with the way to a large extent consists of a etnogrfico work of impressions of the experimentation human being. Easily the human phenomenon of the experimentation is neglected and if they tie only to the work that marks the landscape. This action human being on the nature, the work, seems to comfort, perhaps in consequence of a economicista vision or a thought occidental person who permeia the constructions human beings and not really the man (TUAN, 1980). She is necessary to know of the places, but also as if of the direction to the place.

National Security

If the police, legal and illegal violence, was systematic and used against enemies and critics of the regimen in extreme cases and situations in which the generals in the power felt themselves threatened particularly, the monitoring on the civil society and the information were constant. The obsession for monitoring as form to prevent the performance ' ' subversiva' ' , over all in what the manuals of the Doctrine of National Security called ' ' propaganda subversiva' ' ' ' war psicolgica' ' against the democratic and Christian institutions: ' ' in a military dictatorship, guided for the Doctrine of National Security, to arise itself in weapons against the regimen it constitutes a crime gravssimo' ' (CHIAVENATO. 1994:118), finishing for generating a logic of the suspicion. I consider that although the dogmatismo, reflecting the marxism and the moral rules of the PC of the B, ' ' The press alternativa' ' , mainly the alternative periodicals politicians, had perceived the perigos presumptions of the increasing Brazilian indebtedness, still in 1973, (the Guerrilla of the Araguaia already was fought), offering a chance so that the aggravation of the social iniquities, that in the region of the Araguaia was so visible and sensible, was divulged. More than two decades of military governments had only accented these trends. In the combat to ' ' subverso' ' on behalf of ' ' security nacional' ' the military regimen curtailed the liberty of speech, kept the press under formal censorship during seven years, 13 pursued and assassinated journalists. The Guerrilla of the Araguaia was marked by the gag of the censorship of the Military dictatorship that feared, in case that it were divulged by the medias, the adhesion to that they opposed in the city that regimen of exception commanded for the military, becoming hegemonic the imposition of ' ' silncio' ' regarding the conflict.


I perceived that to the influx of the Armed Forces the old police character of the combat to the dealers gained contours solemn, going up some points in the institucional hierarchy. Quer to say then that the simple presence of the Navy and the Army in the Mount of the German abolished the police character of the combat to the dealers? In this in case that, it speaks to us of this transistion. If the combat to the dealers left to characterize a police action, characterizes now what? Before everything, I say that it more characterizes a graduated nobler action and. Of all the ways, we go for parts. LM gave then beginning to a long communication. It said: I invite to agree them it with me, since soon, where the historical scenes of the Mount of the German, where the Navy and the Army appear ‘ ‘ auxiliando’ ‘ the Policy in a typical police operation, constrangiam. constrangiam because, in the terms of the Constitution, the function of fits to the Policy and the Firemen; ‘ auxiliar’ ‘ after all the television showed to everything to the living creature and the colors that the constitutional order was kept: the Armed Forces to the front of the operations and the Policy, as it fulfilled, ‘ ‘ auxiliando’ ‘.

The television showed the decisive moments where the myth undid this first constaint. Myth? That myth? the myth that placed the Armed Forces in the command of the operations, however this. They remember: the myth is a message. Vocs does not capsize? Initially some taxing speeches. Later, the ultimatum to the dealers. The ultimatum that determined the evacuation of the hiding places, ‘ ‘ while it had tempo’ ‘. From there, nobody in the full domain of its emotivas facultieses could doubt of that, finally, They are Jorge accepts the challenge to face the dragon.

Cedar Park

The old inhabitants had been taken off of the place where they liked to live. people produced same there in the closed bush, and exactly thus he had much bush, now people sees much destruction for there. The power of the territory imposed conditions of use without arguing the property of daily making of the inhabitant of the park or the area of entorno. Surpreso, before seems better that now, to imagine that the memory of what it had daily pay-unit without the fines and the fiscalization was the freedom to think on the place to reflect on the routes of the place. The experience place is the community, its limits is the centennial abrangncia of the work? the daily action. The natural landscape is articulated with the space of the community, is also place of experiences and social transformations, experiences and affectivity? a prolongation of the house.

Therefore the park constitutes the space of the community while really an imposition of performance limits, more still of disruption with the relationship of the community with the place. If it cannot suggest that it does not have a human work without interference immediate on ecosystems of the area, but if it cannot dismiss the human work without calling this group destitute for plans the new arrangements of the environment. While the littoral communities present concrete motivations, so that if it can have changes in the estruturao and the ordinance of the environment, therefore its place come being modified independent of the existence of the park, in the communities in the interior in Vargem of the Cedar, Saint Maria and Orange grove the interviewed ones almost in its totality want to be in the place, accurately as it is. It is evident that it contributes for this the performance in the sales of hortifrutigranjeiros products for the Great Florianpolis. The beach, while local of existence, of living, pleasure and of work constitua in the look of the communities of the Pinheira and the Siri in the ideal place to survive, appears the park: the look withdraws.

Acili Son Representatives

In day 20 of September, the National Congress would approve for 241 votes the favor against 145 against the reforms politics presented in June for the government. Although the pressures, paranaense senator Acili Son, of the Enclosure for bullfighting, the extinguishing of the figure of the elect senators presented an emendation considering for saw indirect, the calls ' ' binicos' ' , but it would be defeated by 178 the 131. In day 15 of October, the official plate commanded by general Joo Baptista de Oliveira Figueiredo and by its vice Aureliano Engineer Keys was elect for 355 votes against 226 data to the opposition represented for the plate of general Euler Bentes and Pablo Brossad, thus guaranteeing plus a presidential mandate for the group that, inside of the proper regimen, the politics of gradual distenso sponsored. In the following challenge faced by this politics it was to obtain majority of members of the house of representatives of its political party, the ENCLOSURE FOR BULLFIGHTING, in the elections of 15 of November for the renewal of the state legislatures, of the 1/3 and House of representatives of the Senate since another one 1/3 are elect indirectly, thus guaranteeing the majority governmetalist. Geisel intensely participated of the campaign of its political party, the Enclosure for bullfighting, obtaining to choose 15 senators and 228 representatives against 8 senators and 196 members of the house of representatives of the MDB, even so the opposition has looser in the total addition of votes for the Senate receiving 17 million and four hundred a thousand votes against 13 million and one hundred a thousand data to the Enclosure for bullfighting, remaining majoritria in main states of the country, but taking the elect vice-president, Aureliano Keys, to ask for so that to the government ' ' it did not cover the sun with peneira' ' , and it admitted the new correlation of forces in the National Congress. .

Brazilian Psychiatric Reformation

The Movement of the Workers in Sade Mental (MTSM) appears specifically in the year of 1978, year that if attends the reemergncia of the main social movements in the country, after a long period of repression opened for the military regimen, that until then disabled the expression politics of the civil society in the country, giving origin to ' ' social movement for the rights of the patients psiquitricos' ' in Brazil. Its formation sufficiently was diversified, with syndicalists, people with description of insanity, associations of familiar, members of associations of professionals, integrant of the sanitary movement. The objective of the Movement was ' ' to breach with old paradigmas' ' , in search of the desinstitucionalizao of the lunatic asylums. Making critical and denunciations Psychiatry as they dealt with the mental carrying users, who were considered as ' ' loucos' ' , and victims of violence, as well as shock-electric, bad-treatments, etc. In the year of 1987, appear the first CAPS in Brazil, in the city of So Paulo, with the intervention of the Nursing home Anchieta (psychiatric hospital), in the year of 1989, gains repercussion national. The Nucleus of Ateno Psicossocial (NAPS) is implanted in the city of Saints having functioned 24 hours, becoming one of the first carried through projects of intervention already in history, ' ' inhaled in the experience of Trieste, Itlia' ' , as beginning of a landmark of changes in the process of the Brazilian Psychiatric Reformation, showing that the project was possible to be applied. (Vasconcelos, 2006) In the same year the member of the house of representatives Paulo Delgado (PT/MG) of the entrance in the National Congress with the Project of Law, ' ' that he considers the regulation of the rights of the person with mental upheavals and the gradual extinguishing of the lunatic asylums in pas' ' (Health department, 2005, p.7).

Diets Thought Language

Vigila your thoughts, become words. It watches your words, become action. It watches your actions, they become hbitosVigila your habits, become your carcterVigila your character, becomes your destiny Frank J. – Outlaw (1843 -1915) We know that they are on 58,000 thousand thoughts those that we have daily, that is to say on 40 per minute, more of 90% of them are repeated to us daily, without we have left space in our memory much to be able to store new thoughts. That means, that we cannot hope to change our lives, and to have a different reality, that we at least begin to think of different way. Mrese same you It is being fed healthily and making exercises daily? When it was the last time that you said not to a hamburger with chipses and a refreshment tail? Sometimes it has demonstrated to his children the importance to them of feeding themselves healthfully? They remember learn what they see. He knows somebody to which can serve and help to him, in addition if he knows like doing it? or to inverse, It could refuse to support that one approaches to him and it requests some type to him of aid? Of the book; " A Man – a Trainer – I sound; With permission of author Carlos N. Strap (Coaching) original Author and source of the article

Treated Theological

In the Words of Espinosa, in Page 309 of Treated the Theological Politician, he is demonstrated in the Chapter XX, this: ' ' I? It is impossible to take off to the men the freedom to say what they think. II? This freedom can be granted to the individuals without damage of the right and the authority being able of them sovereign, being able each one to still use it without damage of this exactly right, since that from there it does not remove excuse to introduce alterations in the legislation of the State or to make something that goes against the established laws. III? The same freedom does not represent no threat in relation the peace, nor causes inconveniences that cannot easily be neutralized. IV? The same if it can say in relation the mercy. V? The laws promulgated on substances of speculative order are of all useless. VI? Finally, the opinion freedom, not only can be granted without the peace of the State, the mercy and the right being able of them sovereign are threatened, as also it must be, if to want to preserve everything this. In truth, where it wants that if it tries to remove it the men, where wants that the opinions of the opponents are raised the court and not them intentions, when these only is that they can be pecaminosas, there, the punishments that if give to serve of example, to the eyes of the good men, they seem martyrdoms, and to the others, they infuriate them and they more induce them to have compassion, seno exactly to avenge if of what to be with medo.' ' Conclusion. In chapter XX of Treated Theological-Politician, one reveals that no matter how hard the freedom to think and to say what if thinks can bring inconveniences, does not bring seno those common inconveniences that always occur, and that such freedom does not have as to be taken off of the man, the freedom to think cannot be taken off of the man; the end of the State is the freedom, and the bedding of it, is to keep this freedom to think and to teach what it is thought. The State alone must subjulgar those that find that it has the right of, with violence, to take off the right outrem of it, the nature right, the right nature superior, to think what to want, and to say what he thinks. Bibliography: Treated Theological-Politician de Espinosa.

Manoela Maria Rock

Art. 19, in turn, establish: Art. 19. All child or adolescent has educated right to be created and in the seio of its family and, bonanza, in substitute family, assured the familiar and communitarian convivncia, in free environment of the presence of dependent narcotic substance people. According to Manoela Maria Rock, the family is indispensable to assure the protection, the development and the survival of the children. The family, in its etimolgica meaning, means the group of people effectively citizens to the power of the paterfamilias, deriving of the Roman law. This implies to say that the familiar power, to the time, was exerted with absolute exclusiveness for the figure of the older masculine sex.

The family as this model would be the set of the people and good that would constitute its property and on it could make use as it understood well. From there if it originated, then, the native denomination to be able. The teacher Manoela Maria Rock registers that: Pater families could make use of the life of the children, vender them, abandon them and puniz them. How much to the wife, to pater families exerted manus, or maritalis potestas, that were analogous to the native land potestas, not allowing to the woman no power on its children, time that would be on the guardianship of its children men when of the death of its husband. The native denomination Roman to be able was adopted by the Code of Civilian of 1916, that it dealt with the subject with its abrandamentos, but still with discriminatory vision, time that to the mother was not given to it to act in equality of rights in the education, cares and choices. The emancipation of the children fit to the father, commands it of the conjugal society and the authorization for the marriage, amongst others. To the time, it invigorated most traditional of the models, of the marriage family.

IBGE Residues

The space clipping of the research corresponds the city of Gois-Go, whose population esteem in 2005 was of 26.705 inhabitants in accordance with the IBGE, for being a city where not yet it has a correct treatment to the residues what it causes ambient and social impacts the region. In this direction, the secular clipping is understood to the year of 2008 in which if it evidences the lack of implantation of I fill with earth local bathroom. The correct implantation of treatment of solid residues allows to the ambient valuation of the place propitiating the respect to the nature and the social and ambient conscience. The Brazilian ambient legislation is each more rigid time, the new requirements requires great investments on the part of the city halls in the destination and treatment of the solid residues, mainly of the call domiciliary garbage. Such fact can be exemplificado with the edition of Law 11445/078 that it establishes national lines of direction for basic sanitation; it modifies the Laws in the 6,766, of 19 of December of 1979, 8,036, of 11 of May of 1990, 8,666, of 21 of June of 1993, 8,987, of 13 of February of 1995; it revokes the Law in the 6,528, of 11 of May of 1978 demanding the implantation of I fill with earth bathroom in all the Brazilian cities. The increase of the demand, in special the consumption of the industrialized products, extended of direct form the ambient problems, especially with the collection and destination of the garbage. Many cities, in specific case the ones that are regions of source or of agricultural base, nor always have resources and enough free areas for the construction of one I fill with earth bathroom, as it determines the legislation. With this the necessity to argue the different types of treatment of the residues, through scientific works that the agreement in easy and direct way makes possible the population and to excessively interested by the subject.