Anaximander Arche

Anaximander (610 a "547 BC) was born in Miletus, Greek philosopher and mathematician. Like Thales is considered one of the most prominent thinkers. Demas was astronomer and scientific discoveries are attributed as the solstices, the equinoxes and the obliquity of the zodiac. (Pliny Natural History, II, III) and released a sketch of geometry (Suidas) but the stories show us the man inventor. Nomon inventor, builder of world map, and the letter from heaven, an earthquake prediction, as well as military and political organizer, at the head of a colonizing expedition in Miletus in apolonia. (History III, 17) His treatise on the nature was the first written philosophical prose.

Anaximander can be seen in a materialistic scientist, applied to the natural questions of things. As happens with physics. His theories are the principles of scientific materialism which seeks to explain the phenomena of matter in its various phases. "Apeiron." That is infinite, the indeterminate, the eternal, that which governs the world by being substance law. We now can make a clearer idea about the theory of Anaximander as a result of our century we have a greater knowledge, for this reason are broader concepts even when they are reduced to the figure of speech. "If you look involving young people as the force of gravity in this beautiful phenomenon "raises the search Anaximander Arche or beginning of things given by the very principles of sensory experience. behold to our surprise, a rigorous thinker with a thought, which supports its analysis on the physical structure of the senses or the brain as a primary function of the body.

Table Steamers

Table steamers, as a rule, are equipped with one, two or three baskets for cooking. The presence of several baskets allow you to cook several dishes simultaneously. When choosing steamer should pay attention to the pallets. Preferable to have a few pallets because they help prevent condensation and Padania juice from one product to another. If you prefer a combination of flavors multiple products (such as vegetables, soaked in meat broth), will approach you with a steamer tray. Please note that trays should be deep enough so that during cooking is often not accounted for condensate drain. Type of control One of the important parameters when buying a double boiler type of governance. It can be mechanically and electronically.

In a double boiler with mechanical control of the device while set by a switch in a pen with subdivisions. The advantage of mechanical control is that it allows you to quickly and easily install the necessary time on the timer. Steamers with an electronic type control occur more rarely. They feature a keypad with a small board, which displays the selected mode. In terms of functionality steamer with electronic control is preferable because they allow you to set the exact time of shutdown device or delay the start of cooking. In addition, these steamers are usually the function of maintaining the food in a warm state: after work, they do not disengaged, and pass into the heating mode, so that food does not cool down.

Additional Features When you purchase a double boiler you should pay attention to the presence of a number of additional functions. First of all, the steamer should be equipped with automatic cut-off at low water level. For its control, you must have a special indicator. In addition, it is desirable that steamer had a hole for filling in during cooking. Since the effect of steamers and steam ovens is based on the active evaporation of water, they necessarily formed the scum of the salts contained in water.

Valve Engines

In diesel engines 9CB350-IIPC exhaust valves are mounted in a water-cooled housing. Camshaft installed in a compartment of the block casing and is driven by the crankshaft through a gear transmission. Y reversing diesels on camshafts attached removable fist puck forward and reverse. Camshafts irreversible diesels are made integral with the fist-washers. Actuator Valve boom. Inlet and two exhaust manifold for diesel-6L275 1PPN located on different sides of the body.

Diesels 9CB350-IIPC has three outfalls. Boost diesel gas turbine. Aluminum alloy pistons are connected to the rod at with hollow fingers floating type. In diesel engines with supercharging pistons are oil cooled. Cranks neotemny with lower head and I-bar. Some modifications to diesel engines of the first issue connecting rod bearing shell detachable. Go to the top of the head of the connecting rod lubricating oil flows through a pipe attached to the rod.

In diesel-6L275 PSHN each crank crankshaft, while the diesels 9CB350-IIPC first, fifth and tenth cranks fitted with counterweights. Cranks shaft located relative to one another at an angle of 120 . Fuel system with mesh or plate-and-slot-type filter and fuel pump gear type. Felt fine filters. High pressure fuel pumps individual, spool type. The engines are equipped with 9CB350-IIPC cooled spray nozzles. Speed governor for diesel engines crankshaft 6L275 vserezhimny indirect action of tight feedback. All modifications to diesel engines have a closed cooling system. Pumps and softened seawater piston diesel engines in recent versions – self-priming vane. Lubrication system with oil tank. Lube oil cooler pipe to the thermostat. In the latest release of diesel engines with jet lubrication systems centrifuge. The diesel engine by compressed air. Diesels 64HI6/22, five are equipped with air and electric starting devices. Most diesel engines drive a two-stage compressor mounted nondisconnectable. On diesels 6CHN 16/22, 5 set to manual compressor. Reversible pneumatic actuator diesel engines have to movement of the camshaft, some of them are equipped with hand reverse drive. Reverse-reduction gear in irreversible diesel engines with a hydraulic clutch friction. Diesel engines are equipped with electromechanical 6L275PN, 6L275 diesels, the NPA – pneumatic DAM design manufacturer. Some versions of diesels have mechanical or pneumatic control DAM design TSTKB Minrechflota Russia.


We know the laws of nature, scientists have discovered. But science is constantly evolving, and opens new and often come into conflict with the already known. In nature, there are a lot of spiritual forces and relationships, which is insufficient to comprehend the purely materialistic approach. And modern science is beginning to shape a new framework that recognize objects of scientific study of information phenomena, or 'spiritual' nature. With the deepening of the 'bowels' of matter it becomes evident that the source of the forces that govern it, is at a higher level, called now spiritual. Findings of modern scholars agree with the opinion of the Kabbalists: The laws that govern nature, and the power that created the man and his paths lead story – this one and the same spiritual phenomenon. Kabbalah offers consider all natural processes and human development in relation to each other as spiritual phenomena originating from the same spiritual source, and united by a common spiritual purpose. She said there was no chance, and there is a consistent development system from a simple initial state to a state of similarity higher spiritual power.

This system is gradually opening up to humanity all the new stages of spiritual comprehension of the laws of our private world. And every next stage of comprehension, we are still not known, the Kabbalists call 'spiritual'. Thus, the spiritual in Kabbalah – it is not transcendental God and not the minister of culture on television. This is our tomorrow's more sophisticated state to which we are inevitably forced to come, attracted by the future enjoyment and pushed today's suffering. The entire history of mankind – is the story of man's relationship to the spiritual, to how it is their future. Endless wars of liberation and revolution that had been affecting society for several thousand years – is just the tip of the iceberg under the name 'desire for a better spiritual state'. So we arranged: Continuing dissatisfied with what we have and try to improve it by changing 'for themselves' environments, and each change is preceded by a change of spiritual ideals. But it is possible to act in the opposite direction: to determine what is unchanging spiritual ideal, constantly improve ourselves to achieve compliance with this ideal.

In this case, the spiritual will, first of all, the quality of relationships between people and their desire for knowledge single source. We understand that the spiritual – it is not ritual, not a temple and not a sect. Spiritual – this is love, opening the world of new relationships between people in the infinite perfection without time and space. Source article –

Gursuf Village

Gursuf village – is the eastern edge of Greater Yalta. Area that opens to a height of trolleybus routes, like a magic box. Like a snake with silver sparkles verdurous Avunda River, which flows along the slopes down moryu.V to these places near the net and fast mountain water from time immemorial, people have settled, built their homes on the rocky shore. Appearance Gurzuf occurred in the mid 6 th century, about the first time mentioned the historian Procopius Caesarea in his treatise "On the buildings, which reported on the construction of fortifications on the southern coast, he was among other names, and" Castle in the county Gorzuvitskoy. From the Middle Ages were crumbling walls of the fortress which called Genoa, due to the fact that the Genoese were the last of its hosts. Once Gursuf was a lively seaside town. In 1472, there has visited the famous Russian traveler Athanasius Nikitin returning from his "walking the three seas".

While in today's Gurzuf hard to imagine that once this place was one of the most powerful fortresses, the stronghold and bastion of the entire "neighborhood Gorzuvitskoy. Also difficult to imagine now, and that "Yurzuf", which with great love and admiration he wrote, AS Pushkin, stayed in the family hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, Gen. N. Rajewski. At that time the only European building in the District was a house once owned by Governor-General of the Novorossiysk Territory Duc de Richelieu. In this house from August to September in 1820 and stayed a poet.

Expelled from St. Petersburg to the south link, the poet came to the brig Gursuf "Mingrelia, and when waking up in the morning off the coast saw a charming picture. And ten years later, he was transferred to an impression in one of the chapters of the novel "Eugene Onegin": Beautiful you brega Tauris, When you see the ship when Kipridy light of morning, As you first saw me … To this day, preserved, and the house where Pushkin lived, olive grove, where at one time loved to walk a poet and Pushkin's "cypress. Also there is a Gurzuf rock and grotto named poet. Modern Gursuf grew up on the slope of the left bank Avunda is landscaped urban village, with modern hotels, cottages, shops, beautiful beaches, where you can have a good summer holiday. Beauty Gurzuf also gives its mountainous terrain. One can not imagine the village without the twin rocks Adalars, rising from the seabed, without picturesque Dzhenevez Kaya – Genoa rocks, without mountains Ayudag. Genoa rock, resembles a truncated pyramid, here in the Middle Ages were a settlement and fort. At the beginning of this century in the rock was broken tunnel going out to sea. From the sea on the boats can get into the amazing beauty of Pushkin and Emerald Grotto. The latter recalls the words of Maxim Gorky, the famous Azure Grotto on the island of Capri in Italy. Not far from the coast, lies a rock which bears the name Chaliapin, who was resting in the summer of 1916. Ayu-Dag closes the bay to the east, resembles the image of leaning toward the sea bear, that's got another name for Bear Mountain. Altitude Ayu-Dag, is 565 meters.

Deputy Governor

JOSE DEL CARMEN RAMIREZ CUPITRA (Governor), AROC LOZANO STREET (Deputy Governor), GERMAN tickets (Secretary), YARA FIDEL CONDE (Treasurer), Marco Tulio Culm CONDE (Attorney), EUSEBIO YARA CONDE (Mayor) and JOSE ALEJANDRO CAPER Tique (Commissioner). According to the petitioner, on December 19, 1992 a meeting was held in the indigenous community of El Tambo Municipality Coyaima, in which it decided to expel him, with his family, for the alleged commission of the crime of theft. Their exclusion from the community was held – held – without evidentiary basis and without indigenous council directives would advance research in relation to any alleged facts. Similarly, based on rumors that none sustained – he said – was stripped of the plot allotted to him by the community of about two hectares, which was cassava, sugarcane, bananas, corn, lemons, passion fruit, mango and papaya. Indigenous council directive did not accept his proposal that the parcel be left to his youngest son, 16 years old, at which time he voluntarily leave the community.

Despite mediation by the Regional Indigenous Council of Tolima, CRIT – added – the indigenous council reiterated its decision to "expel" and "banished" along with his family, the community where he lived and labored for over 11 years, having known for being a true leader concerned about his welfare. 2. The orities considered the decision of the indigenous council of El Tambo violated their fundamental rights to due process, to work, to the honor and good name and life, and ignored the constitutional prohibition of punishment of exile, imprisonment and confiscation.

Personalities Throughout History

Cyn Aziz, Abu Mansur Al Aliy, known as Al-Hakim bi-Amrilla (x) "God's call of committing", "the ruling by the will of Allah", is one of the most interesting personalities in history. First of all, I note that until the middle of XI century. Fatimids stayed on top of a wave of economic prosperity. This is due to the following factors: unrest in southern Mesopotamia, the increasing instability in the Persian Gulf, the rise of trade with Egypt and Europe; religious tolerance (for Christians and Jews), the conclusion of peace with Byzantium, establishing authority over North Africa, Palestine, and part of Syria. During the reign of Abu Mansur Nizar al-Aziz Bill (975-996), the Fatimids were recruited into the army Berbers, blacks and Turks, as well as a small number of Arabs from bordering countries, but this attempt failed to achieve a balance, because competition undermines the rule of mercenaries of the caliph. Fatimid army was then of the two major competing groups: magribintsev (Berber), on the one hand, and the eastern "mashrikitov" (Turks and Persians) – on the other. Gradually, opposition grew. In the year 996, came to power Fatimid caliph third, al-Hakim, born of a Christian mother (her influence on the governor stressed by many historians).

During this period he was only 11 years old. Regent al-Hakim bylFutuh Bardzhavan. The coming to power was accompanied by al-Hakim bloody confrontation magribintsev and mashrikitov, ending a temporary victory magribintsev (Berber). In the early years of al-Hakim, the country's crisis began a political system.

The Government

It is in this article to see the true meaning of the Tower and Death in the pulling of tarot cards. They are two of the most dreaded letters from the consultants, however its meaning may be quite different. If there are two letters that cause very bad feeling when reading the letters are Death and the Tower. It is generally believed that the two mysteries, both upright and inverted, are very bad omen, but this is not true. We will see how to get revealed in the reading of letters, their meaning, according to each particular circumstance, may be very different from what most of the consultants think. There are two versions of the mystery of Death. Any of them who is employed in reading the letters in no way means that death is coming in the future of the consultant.

Making such a reading is being too simplistic, and totally lacking scientific rigor. In one version of the tarot, Death is seen as a Lord who progresses on a new town with his spirited white horse. What in fact is evidenced in when reading the letters out this secret is that a stage has definitely come to an end. From that moment a new order governed, and the same should be welcomed by the consultant, in the same way the bishop in the letter received with relief the new Lord, who finally put some order in the kingdom. Death is an inevitable stage in the life of any living being. From the humblest to the most powerful of mortals is subject to this rule equalizer. Death is what ultimately makes us all equal.

Resistance is in vain. The change has been launched, however the client likes it. But this new phase can be much better than the previous, more prosperous and beneficial. No resist is the secret to survival. In the words of the Bible, who loves his life will lose it. The Tower is another letter that is not very welcome in the reading of letters. He speaks of divine intervention, which comes as a wave, hit fast and hard, and there is nothing you can do about it. Not always mean the destruction of the Tower, in the sense of loss. Rather it is that what we have at the moment topple like a house of cards, giving rise to a new and fertile field which to build our homes again, perhaps with more humility. In short, this is the teaching of the tower, not pretentious, act with humility and accept our fate. It is the only way out of the trance in good standing.

South Ossetia

According to previous reportedly said of the five citizens. In the Georgian capital came to 27 after the European Union, on the spot to learn about the situation and understand whether there are substantial grounds for further aggravation of the situation in the zone conflict. Briefly, we note that these trips, as life has shown, are almost useless in terms of real impact on the situation. Nevertheless, after the bloody battle of August the European politicians, by their activity, try to be more attentive to what is happening in the Georgian-Ossetian conflict events. In Tbilisi, was in those days and EU Special Representative for South Caucasus Peter Semneby.

And he and the ambassadors returned after a two day stay in Brussels, where he is expected to be worked out concrete measures. It is unclear just one thing: how to secure the release of the hostages if the Ossetian side raises condition the release of captured earlier Ossetian and Georgian – the fact of such seizure, as mentioned above, has denied categorically. To install adjacent to South Ossetia under international control, which would help continue to avoid kidnapping cases (although hard to believe that crimes will oppose all "controlled space"), the Georgian side demands the EU to send observers, and the organization no objection. Tskhinvali administration strongly opposes such a move, arguing that international institutions there is nothing to do, as long as they adhere to "pro-Georgian position." The Georgian leadership, of course just trying to draw international attention to the territorial problem, or, better yet, increase the interest of the West to support Georgia's interests. And seeking to use this every opportunity. Suffice it to say about the film, which Hollywood takes on the scenario of last year's war in South Ossetia. Opposition leaders, including former Speaker of Parliament Nino Burjanadze expressed outrage, saying that the film involving Andy Garcia plays the role of President Mikheil Saakashvili, removed the funds allocated from the budget of Georgia.

That is about $ 200 million … Hollywood tape is designed to, like, to reflect the events of August, in all their tragedy, however, according to some reports, the film inevitably highlight and "strange" Georgia's political regime, as against the background of the main conclusions of the European Union Commission on the causes of war art paintings reliability, even if its relative conventionality seems largely uncertain. Well, the infamous PR is present in everything, including a massive collision with diplomats in Tbilisi. And here I want to say about it: Caucasian traditions do not deserve that our problems are solved for us overseas officials. But what can you do if so ordered by life itself, directed by incompetent politicians …

Robert Gates

The decision made in Iran at the state level. So that Moussaoui, as if ethnic Azeris, Kurds, whether, if the Baluch, and finally (and why not?) Armenian, etc. – Simply would not have had any right to himself to change this level decisions related to the higher national interests of their country. But the fact re-elected president of Iran M. Ahmadinejad a second term also means a lot more, it is not associated with the Iranian-Azerbaijani nor the Iranian-Armenian relations. To begin with, on the eve of the election (June 9), the Americans decided to surprise the world. A different application can only be regarded Pentagon chief Robert Gates that the de "Russia has recognized his mistake," and seems to be "turned toward us" (ie the Americans).

Speaking before the U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations, he also said that the issues placement of U.S. radar or centers for data exchanges in Russia appear as possible options, discussion of which is currently under way between Washington and Moscow. According to the head of the Pentagon, prospects for cooperation between the U.S. and Russia on missile defense (NMD) is somewhat "improved." According to the Associated Press, the reason for this "improvement" Gates called the "fear of Moscow because of the increasing threat from Iran ". "The fact that the Russian came back to us and recognized us right on the possible threat posed by Iran, they admitted they were wrong on this point" – Gates said. However, he told the senators, some details of his meeting with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.