The Article

Hello, is there anyone at home? He asked when he arrived in the dining room.To hear him, the blind man left his hiding place and hit such again in the back that the hunchback was straight suddenly. my hump gone! exclaimed crying with joy. My back is straight thank you, thank you!!The two friends had tried to do harm to the other; but all that had been achieved was do yourself a favor each other. The blind man had recovered the view and the hunchback had lost the hump.That same morning, the two friends sinceraran explaining all his feelings. Be asked for forgiveness a thousand times promising that never again would attempt to do harm, and so it was as the blind man and the hunchback continued to live together in that House until the end of their days. But most importantly they got is that their friendship was stronger every day the intention of being a DISCIPLE on one occasion, a man of great erudition, he was to visit an old man that estabaconsiderado as a Sage. He had the intention to declare disciple and learn from their knowledge. When he arrived in his presence, said its claims but could not avoid leaving evidence of their status as scholar, reviewing and sentenced on any topic the less occasion who had opportunity.

At a time of the visit, the wise man invited him to take a cup of tea. The scholar accepted, taking advantage to make a short speech on the benefits of tea, its different classes, methods of cultivation and production. When the steaming Kettle came to the table, the Sage began serving tea on the cup of his guest. Immediately, the Cup began to overflow, but Sage continued pouring tea impassive, spilling already on the ground.-elliquido what you do foolish? -cried the Scholar-. Don’t you see that the Cup already it is full? – illustrated this situation – replied the Sage-. You, like the Cup, are already full of your own beliefs and opinions. What you you would be that I would teach you nothing? Original author and source of the article.

Milton Friedman

This philosophical concept is at the basis of classical economics, laid the basis for further discussion in which the market was not defined as an area without ethics, but as the instance that occurred while certain conditions information and competition, had no negative connotation but allow interest-aunt translated as selfish individualists-made-in interest groups and thus altruistic. Later intellectual reflection was aimed at discussing the mechanisms by which benefits are unequally redistributed market through the development of the concept of added value brought by Marx, for the alteration of the assumptions of competence and information on markets , ie for the imperfection in the functioning of the free and efficient market. The process of cartelization, the existence of monopolies, the absence of freely accessible information for to-two, handling advertising and information and the actions of the-graph is supporting special interests were the re-bending and most significant advances to relativize or criticize the classical analysis of the positive relationship between ethics and market . In recent times one has been prosecuted broad reflection on the lack of ethics in the public sphere, the global. Together with the processes of democratization that led to the government have been based increasingly on electoral legitimacy, which are a reflection-based on strong empirical data, on the arbitrary management of public resources by the state as allocator agent goods and services in the community. One of the debates was aimed at the problems arising from the existence of a decision on the allocation of resources and power rested on the subjectivity of the acts of men.

Under this approach, it contains elements of ethics while any person to express all the interests of society, but it will always be stripped in their choices, their subjectiveness, their information and their own interests. This reflection has been introduced primarily by Milton Friedman along the usual lines of Von Hayek. But according to the ethics we need to live in such a system, it should be emphasized that the mere fact of living in each society imposes a certain line of conduct towards others and us who we play in a profession, we must legislate principles to protect the fundamentals that make up the doctrine of the individual, the man ignored the progress that has no cell phone or PC Note Book, and perhaps never come to them, but who loves and needs of the bonanzas of life as much as us. The only aim of all science, all philosophy should be to relieve exposed the misery of human existence. If scientists, if humans are left frightened by the self-crats and merely accumulate knowledge for Likewise, the science will become an upstart invalidation and new engineering-tions only serve to produce new calamities. Perhaps, over time, will come to discover all there is to uncover, but that progress, if stripped of its social ingredients only alienate more and more of humanity.

And the gap between it and them, scientists and politicians, can become so deep that when scream of happiness to a new discovery, the echo will return a universal cry of panic. This should be the beginning of ethics, morality that will lead to the restoration of the common man as the center of all human doctrines, which take precedence over the social components of this century. Only then there will be tomorrow, a new dawn.

Soviet Union Example

A phrase popular in the halls of the OAS is that if the OAS would not exist, we would have it to invent. The Organization of American States (OAS) today operates by consensus, is a body where only States are represented, and that although in its infancy, i.e., after the second world war, his main work was support to United States in the cold war in his confrontation with the Soviet Union, ended the cold war is doomed to new threats and economic cooperation directing duties on the mandates of the summits Presidential. The rationale is that the Organization lacks funds to carry out mandates that are generated, which prevents its timely completion. Other international, regional organizations or not, act in parallel, competing many times, with the actions of the OAS and, sometimes, advances to their initiatives, which gives the impression that is a useless organization, outdated or repetitive of what, for example, already United Nations It adopted. In short, the OAS is an organization where there is not the political will of Governments, nor the States to ensure a cohesive power and set to represent the interests of the hemisphere, as if this occurs, for example, in the European Union. And is that the OAS groups, if we can say so, countries that even though they belong to the American continent do not share the same interests, even so Western values, but also, in her womb they host to indigenous groups, indigenous communities, Native American, etc. For example, Canada and United States has more interest in reaching agreements in the G-8 that at the OAS.

And other countries in UN. What does allow the OAS is, in the heat of the debate, understand each other and legislate and develop some documents, although non-binding, if of interest on problematic issues in the region such as, for example, drugs, gangs, democracy, etc. Caribbean countries obtained financial aid, scholarships and in natural disasters. Countries oil as Venezuela and, in another time, Mexico, donate them oil. And countries such as Brazil and Argentina, grains and other products. We can not fail to mention the permanent presence of the ghost of Cuba. The OAS is an organism that when it collapses in resolving some political crisis enters to carve in its UN and EU aid. Then, we find that the OAS, by the countries represented diverse composition, is of itself mired and ineffective, is not a homogeneous group and is only a place where converge problems of the most diverse views of the opposite that not allows to reach any important agreement that are not nothing other than generalities. In other words, his performance is at issue.

Innovative Biotechnologies

What do bmw, Porsche, Mercedes, Volvo, Magna, Thyssen, Austria Email, Caterpillar and Palfinger? In all of these productions used protec, when it comes to protecting metallic surfaces. All products protec, designed for welding processes, are produced from biological raw material. For over 10 years means protec sold worldwide. A large number of known metal-working companies around the world have confidence in their excellent quality and their use. Highly protec products are used in many industries: automotive, manufacturing of cranes, shipbuilding and other product development for ordinary people seems elementary welding process. In fact, this coupling process has a decisive influence on the quality of the final product. Crane, cargo or passenger car – in any case we are talking about the exact connection of metal parts that will guarantee not only ultimate security, but also an excellent appearance. Inventor protec, Hans Hoffman: "In the early 90-ies of xx century, the use of funds against spatters were forbidden by law to protect the environment.

The choice was between explosive sprays and irrelevant biological means against spatters. We realized this problem, so developed and patented in 1994, the formula protec. This lotion forms a base coat shall: protection against spatters and excellent final cleanup. No additional follow-up treatment, thereby reducing the costs of the company. To date Metallotion protec CE15L – this is the most famous and popular tool against the build-up of welding spatter. Convincing quality: the successful implementation from 1994 to 1996 started with the introduction of such well-known Austrian companies such as: Austria Email (Enamel), Bombardier, Liebherr, man, Palfinger, Pottinger, Siemens and Steyr Daimler Puch.

Internet System

Pay-as systems are developed on a commercial basis and are thoroughly tested for vulnerabilities and therefore has a higher security level. This is no small argument for the acquisition of toll management system. The cost of one license for the control system online store is different, all systems are characterized by functionality, convenience for the administrator and users as well as many technical features, such as the possible number of items, number of visitors at the shop which keeps performance, as well as the load which has a store on the server. On average, a good management system for store can be purchased for $ 250-300. You have chosen the system management? Well. Now you need to register a domain name (the name of the shop on the Internet) and get hosting (a place to put the store). Domain is the average price of $ 12.10 a year, hosting an average cost $ 04.05 per month.

Choice Hosting serious question, because of it will depend on the performance of your shop and according to its success. Now we need to establish a system of controls on web hosting, domain podklyuyait to comply with all eneobhodimye settings fill the convenience store and start advertising on the network. If you can not do it yourself, you can ask for help from freelancers. Performance of these works will cost $ 30-50 a result, your cost is $ 50 with free installation management system and $ 300-400 for the acquisition of toll management system. In addition, you will need a design for your shop. Management systems typically come bundled with one or more predefined templates. In addition there many ready-made templates that can be adapted to your store for free or for a token. Razarabotka same individual design will cost you about $ 100-150.

And another way of creating an online store – is to rent. In this case, you get 100% ready for work shop. You are granted access to the administration panel shop and you fill his goods. All work to install, configure and support the store carries James called the landlord. In most cases, later you can pay for the shop and move it to your hosting service. The cost of renting an average of $ 20-30 per month. Thus you can start your online business with minimal investment. That's all. I hope I was able to convince you that having your own online store is quite real and not a luxury.

Journalistic Ethics In Bolivia

I always believe, irrevocably, that one of the main functions of a journalist is to provide the news company with the ability to provide full, accurate, true, complete and free from any personal subjectivity, since everyone who practices journalism, so I understand it, must inevitably be a priority for public welfare personnel, respecting the right to be properly informed inherent in each and every one of the inhabitants of a country. The journalist regardless of their cultural heritage or ethnic origin should establish and support the development of its work, the time to provide the news, on the accuracy and objectivity, leaving aside any personal passion, so as to provide this service to society in a balanced manner, concise, clear, credible and reliable.

It is true that journalism is not only limited means to communicate news items, political, social, sporting, economic, scientific, cultural, etc. but in a broad sense, and for the benefit of all citizens, including or chronic, criticism, reviews, interviews, human interest news, investigative journalism, opinion, analysis, and more. Sadly, in Bolivia a large number of media workers forget there is a time and place for everything and only engage in the above mix, and since the country is experiencing today in the crucial moments that will decide their future through elections general out on the “journalists” who forget their real responsibility to society to the extent that some openly support a political party and others strongly criticize both sides overturning the information and making accusations and “analysis” omitting the expectation of negligible a people means that their work towards the whole society and not just a group or groups.

Price Production

This is due not to the taste preferences of buyers, but rather with the price of the product – traditionally believed that cookies should not be expensive. However, the road segment cookie is gradually increasing, and even those manufacturers who have always specialized in inexpensive biscuits, gradually introduced into their range of higher costs position. Sugar cookies – unconditional liderNaibolee common is sugar cookies (a representative – cookies ‘Jubilee’). The predominance of sugar cookies on the market explained by the peculiarities of its production, as used in its manufacture high-performance production lines, whereas the production of so-called spritz cookies (typical representatives – Kuraby, , etc.) used small-scale production (up to 1.5 thousand kg / shift).

That is why there is predominance of only a few brands of manufacturers of sugar cookies, the most famous of which ao is a ‘Bolshevik’. The production otsad-GOVERNMENTAL kinds of biscuits is the lot of small and medium-sized businesses. Fraction of dry biscuits (typical representatives – crackers) is not very large. Some experts explain this to some monotony of this type of cookie. Stuff cookies or netPechene stuffed yet won a deserved place among the other varieties. This is due to a slight suggestion of this kind of pastry and, consequently, weak demand and also with the fact that the technique allows it to manufacture, relatively new, it’s too expensive and not yet very common in the industry. However, analysis of market consumption of biscuits in Moscow shows that redistribution among different types of sand-spritz cookies in favor of cookie with fillings, so this kind of a big future.


The deforestation of the Amaznia continues the steps largossegundo the sources of some justinian codes that monitor aquesto. The subject is serious, worries todosns or until the o world all, giving motivo speculation of questoquanto to the internationalization dAmaznia.Em the world the countries desenvolvidosdestruram its forests to propitiate odesenvolvimento, without the concern quanto preservation, was other times? Perhaps, but today we cannot admit essadestruio. But for aproduo of cattle, soy, etanol or another type farming deatividade she is necessary to knock down the bush. Then we do not have the right to the development? Human Oser has the capacity to create different forms or ways dese to get the desired results using its intelligence. Hojej dentrodo exists diverse proven studies of activities model of sustainable development, that can generate umganho real for hectare of forest, greater of what any atividadeagropecuria of the mentioned ones. The nafloresta existing wealth is immense, in the set its main riqueza referring to the global heating that reaches the world all eno has price.

Because to destroy, if we can obterganhos Reals with it in foot. The world has that to pay hoialtpara the Amaznia to be preserved this the forest would be first ganhosobre, pay to the proprietor in fact and of right. Ofardo is weighed excessively for the government, not resolvea question to be creating area depreservao or reserves, and to be spending to paraproteger. To be implanted model would be aexplorao of preservaoda forest for companies of the private sector, whom they would get resultadospreservando the forest and the environment.

Psychological Aspects of Wrought Iron Fences

Fences, railings, fences for a country house, cottage, or dacha is not just an element of protection of its territory, but also an integral part of landscape design. Therefore, when planning the inner area is taken into account decorative features should not only consider the features of the landscape, but also take into account the decorative functions of fencing. In the city the prestigious offices, government agencies and banks to protect the inner area prefer presentable forged fences. For houses or holiday homes make better use of fences closed brick, stone, concrete or combined type. For the protection of unpretentious cottage in the village is quite fit the traditional wooden fences. And for the primary fence netting rather nets.

Wrought iron fence is not just a safe guard your territory. Wrought iron fences, it is also the prestige and decorating your home or office. Psychological component forged fence is, above all, reliability, consistency and aristocracy. It is this first impression will be created by guests and visitors to the landlord and customers of the company. And about nature and taste the home owner directly tell immediately artistic forging. Open forged fences attest to the openness of the owner, and the solid on the stealth. Strict forged fences with little amount of art elements forged often choose reputable, large companies and banks and associated with the business restraint, solidity and reliability.

A wrought-iron fence with lots of twists and flowery weaves come across the idea of subtlety and originality of the owner. Also forged fences can tell about the life style or occupation owner. Artistic elements forged in the form of emblems and logos prompt, which the company owns the building, heraldry will tell you that the owner of a home is an aristocratic man. Many famous people are woven into the wrought-iron fences, elements that are associated with their professions or hobbies – musicians or musical instruments, sheet music, sports – sports equipment, etc. For additional security fences can be equipped with cctv, alarms or pointed items. Of course, for such fences just needed a beautiful wrought-iron gates. Usually forged gates repeat or complement the design of the fence, which gives the composition a complete solution. Modern wrought iron gates often be equipped with a drive to automate open / close, electric lock, and a video intercom system, or, which is certainly very convenient.

Tea Debts

Here's the hidden insidious and diabolical intent marketing "Someone", introducing us into the temptation of snobbery and vanity. Have insignia larger than the differences themselves – this is the very desire for the satisfaction of which we are willing to pay more than half the price. Of all the arts important to us is the "Seem". A "be" us "is not enough will! ", and two points above the" E "- is not enough! Two points everyone has. And we – not everyone.

We have – incomparable, unique, naiprevoshodneyshie. We have three points, when all the two, the soul of something and sell it. And much more willing to pay additional money. And if not money – credit shall find on the thing will not spoil! Such is the analysis It turns out the car, then we have enough money. But not enough to pay for their own snobbery and vanity. Not enough to pay for inadequate self-esteem.

But it is not deadly, with outstanding self-esteem to live, not tea debts of rent. Experience is finished. Conclusions are drawn. It is time to restore order on the table. Cutting paper, depicting unnecessary money given to children for drawing, and in fact money, in fact – colored paper. And if you cut his fifteen cash "dolls" out of toilet paper, return them to the grand Dr. Puppet Sciences Carabas-Barabas back into the toilet, because there they were present place, and let it out there, they relate to the secret thoughts back to your ridiculous self. Such an romantic encounter between two characters at the waterfall. Now replace all the text the word "car" to "House", "home" to "Furniture suite "or" a set of saucepans, to "a pack of cigarettes, on anything. Reasoning remains valid. Because it is the law of marketing. And if its beauty will penetrate your heart oh, my brothers! – That you then dishes Zepter! You are arrogant prefer different pot boiler and mechanical plant from the city of Elektrostal. And never, no snobby bullshit does not offend you. And never Faberge eggs will not close your horizon genuine consumer culture. Fashion trash can cost a fabulously expensive (example: a greasy cravat had died of heroin lead singer of the group Hell with imprints of lipstick). And the excellent things (clean air, parks, intelligent conversation, true love) can be absolutely free of charge, gratis. Anyway, the price varies depending on the quality of the goods to a much lesser extent than depending on other psychoanalytic reasons. I tried to talk about them. Sergey Alexeev