Economy and Government

There are no guarantees for the majority of the people to revolt against an atropellador Government from human rights and vendor or stash of natural resources; as is this uncovering the conduct that had the Minister Pedro Pablo, who held the post in economy and which allowed him to establish contracts damaging for our State, but very juicy for transnationals. First before the brazen theft of whole sale of enterprises of the State, whose funds have gone into tax havens in Asia, to buenaventura of the children and descendants of the family of the Fujimori, continues with the gift of all natural resources to transnationals, that have very well rewarded by intermediaries, as it has been able to listen to in the scandalwhere an employee of this service such as Romulo Leon Alegria and partners were engaged to represent to the more grained dome aprista. Being rewarded with juicy economic privileges.And above all this that has made the judiciary? Absolutely nothing. That is the sad reality. More properly this dilating and already is this seeing that many traces of corruption aimed at Alan Gabriel and all their cronies is being erased. For the same Judicial power is putting his granite of gold to cover up the indefensible. The same applies for example to that Provincial Prosecutor who in an outburst of value I venture to file the complaint against the real culprits of the massacres of the curve of the devil in Bagua. Immediately has been shifted and cautioned she the same attorney.

Thereby we are giving to know where this entrenched corruption, does not respect anything. I think that this implies that restructuring must be accompanied by political struggle and ideological at the universities where the future judges that do form in the arrivismo and opportunism, the easy economic climb. It is that that is what has influenced the encystment in all faculties of law by aprismo, than the main virus of corruption, which arrives and corrupts everything what finds its way.Both the fujimorism, the aprismo and the far right are the plague of locusts that devastate what little dignity that can hold society. The question of what to do. It is the dilemma for now.


After all, if the profit is the maximum objective and the return has corresponded to the expectations, so that to move? The human being and the proper existence become angry! In the cultural industry, mass society does not pass of one simple agglomerated on no-pensantes human beings, but that they are left to lead for the wave of the moment and if they brag to belong to the modern times. As they affirm Adorno and Horkheimer, they do not pass of one ' ' statistical material distributed in the maps of the justinian codes of research. (Ib., 102). The entire world is forced to pass Currently for the filter of the cultural industry (…), the atrophy of the imagination and the espontaneidade of the cultural consumer it does not need to be reduced the psychological mechanisms. The proper products? between them in the first most characteristic place, the sonorous film? they paralyze this capacity in virtue of its proper objective constitution. They are made in such a way that its adequate presentation demands, is truth, promptness, dom of comment, specific knowledge, but also of such luck that they forbid to the intellectual activity it spectator, if it not to want to lose the facts that parade quickly ahead of its eyes. (…) The violence of the industrial society was installed in the men of a time for all. The products of the cultural industry can have the certainty of that even though the distracted ones go consumiz them openly. Each one is a model of the gigantic economic machinery that, since the beginning, not of the recess to nobody, as much in the work how much in the rest, that as much is resembled Inevitably to the work (…), each man


Every day the Cel. Plaisant ordered to distribute for the pobresa viseres: big cookie, coffee, to assucar, cod, meat secca etc; excused it will be to say that all were poor! The Cel. sortia Plaisant of the necessary merchandises the traders of the square, ordering to bring them of Curityba in its reasonable trucks and later yielding them it price to the traders. It was not having in the square a Real, said it who wanted to leave for where he entered and that he did not want to know. For where it entered and that atrz did not want tail. all the people of Apiahy falla with homesickness of the Cel. Plaisant! ' ' The notations made for the Foot. Prime Vieira Maria is important for the description of the Movement of Constitutionalistic revolution of 1932 ' ' now we have the Constitutionalistic revolution for our State.

Our zone is of new in war foot. Everything paralyzed; the fear everything dominates because the memory of the 1930 revolution still lives fresquinha in the memory of all. I have strengthenn for infusing spirit and courage the staff who to the few goes raising its moral. Ribeira, occupada for the Bandeirantes has been theater of some escavanas and also already of two small combats. In day 17 it had a meeting in the Paran enters the advanced destacamentos of recognition.

The Paranaenses had shone for the escape, leaving to the Bandeirantes 15 arreiados cavallos of race, 10 snaps and a prisoner. It consists that it lives, with enttusiasmo in the troops Bandeirantes, the idea to try the discovery of Curityba.' ' Alzira owner Branches Baptist, with 81 years of age, all lived in Ribeira. In the room of its house, she helps to reconstitute to the history of the small pacato city of Ribeira on the Revolution of 1932. ' ' Something was very terrible.

Proper Nature

Then, most sensible and honest to make it is, simply, not to publish the workmanship that if constitutes instant offence to the beliefs and principles Biblical-doctrinaires of the public which if destines. Dake, to all evidence, does not share of the vision theological-doctrinaire of the Assembly of God in some points, many of them unnegotiable central offices and for the Christianity. It is what it happens, for example, with the Cristologia, the basic Soterologia, Trindade and other doctrines. Relation the Cristologia, Dake believe that, the spite of what it teaches the Bible, Jesus if would have become Son of God at the moment of Its incarnation, and Messias for occasion of Its baptism in the river Jordo. Position anti-Biblical and condemned clearly by the Christian Church already in its primrdios, and today adopted for the Witnesses of Jehovah, is known as ' ' Doceptismo.

The Soterologia taught for Dake is, similar, divorced the Biblical parameters. According to it, not obstante perpetual life to be one dom gratuitous of God, it, in turn, is insufficient to operate the salvation in the individual. If the Cristologia and the Soterologia de Dake are contradictory, what not to say of its positioning in relation the Trindade and the Proper Nature of God? Completely opposing to the assembleiana conception about the Trindade, Dake advocates that the Father, the Son and the Espirito Santo possess, each one of them, body, soul and spirit. E, as if it was not enough, the only difference between ' ' corpo' ' of God and the body of the man is that the body of God is composed for a substance spiritual and the body of the man, for a material substance. For everything this, and a infinity of other anomalies not mentioned here, the Bible of Dake Study becomes harmful and antagonistic the position Biblical-theological-doctrinaire of the Assembly of God, not representing, for no bias or angle, the theological thought of the Classic Pentecostalismo represented by the Assembly of God in Brazil. its publication, one year before the First Centenarian constitutes, nothing more and nothing less, that a desvairado act and inconsequente of who, having to engrandecer the denomination for its rich contributions for the Kingdom of God and the history of the Church in Brazil, of the one shot in the proper foot.

The Individual

It can have a significant autonomy in the action, case the environment is favorable to the sprouting and development of this autonomy. It does not do without, however, of the action of the adult, but in what it transmits the child, practical the cultural ones of its group and works with it, the constructive quantity of the formal knowledge of the cultural and scientific legacy of the humanity. In such a way the citizen if constitutes in virtue in virtue of processes between multiple of interaction with the partner-cultural way, for the presence of other individuals and/or culturally inserted and defined objects. It is characterized ahead of the mentioned one that the individual is not only a being in psychological development, but one to be without relation with the Real, consequentemente formation of cognitivas possibilities of apprehension and understanding of the reality, of proper transformation of itself and consequentemente, of this reality and producer and consumer of knowledge. In this context, practical the pedagogical one implies a process continues of interactions between agents you participate and children who if configure of multiple forms: dades (adult-child child-child), groups of adults and children or groups of children.

The knowledge that if it intends: to take the pupils is apprehended and reorganized in function of the processes of reception of information-lesson-assimilation and modification of posterior information-research-and construction of proper knowledge. WHAT IT IS LEARNING? The term learning if does not only apply the said learnings pertaining to school that however happen through a test of day-by-day, that it corresponds since beginning of the estudantil life. The learning can be understood as a lasting modification of the behavior, through the trainings, experience, comment. To the professor it fits to evaluate; if the pupil trained, or passed significant experiences extremely, or observed the accomplishment of something being able to demonstrate this modification since that he presents conditions adjusted, and, moreover, to keep this change for reasonable long time – then we can say that it hears learning.

Modern Age Philosophy

The politics stimulates a thought and a speech that they do not look to be formulated by private seitas of the initiates in sacred mysteries, but that they look for, in contrast, to be public, taught, transmitted, official notices and argued. The idea of a thought that all can communicate and transmit is basic for the philosophy (CHAU, 1999, p.32). All these economic factors, politicians, social and cultural had changed the mentality of that people, that more does not attribute as much power to the word of the myth, to the word of deuses, and starts to value the word human being, the power of the argument. The first philosophers, the daily pay-socrticos appear there, for return of sc. VI B.C., and searched answers on the bedding of the things, the principle, the element that constitutes all the things.

The philosophers break with the dogmatismo of myths when its answers divergem between itself, of form to show diverse possible explanations. The Philosophy breaches with the mythical thought how much to the way as knowing it is received. While the myth is a narrative whose content is not questioned, the philosophy problematiza … While in the myth the inteligibilidade is given, in the philosophy it is looked. The philosophy rejects the supernatural one, the interference of agent the holy ghosts in the explanation of the phenomena … searchs the coherence, the rigorous definition of the concepts, the debate and the quarrel internal, is organized in doctrines and appears, therefore, as abstract thought (SPIDER; MARTINS, 1993, p.67). The philosopher can itself be noticed that, in Old Greece, for dominating the thought rational, he is who also dominates knowing scientific, forming a link between the philosophy and the science that is only gotten rid in the Modern Age, when in sc. XVII, Galileu initiates a metodolgica revolution that it aims at to separate to philosophy and science.


The changes of handling or exploration of the environment are not only in itself producing of new social relations e, therefore of social spaces, the ideology and the factor politician represent important paper in the formularization of these new environments. (SAINTS, C. 1997). The Units of Conservation while territories must represent important paper in the construction of a new learning of the relation man/half following a conducting wire of the experimentation for the valuation of the way, this valuation must be constructed by the perception and the concepts acquired in an educational process. The metodolgicos aspects of ambient perception tranfer for a search for the space experimentation of a person and after the group, a search of the directions, the meaning that if of to the space becoming it the place. The settling of the catarinense coast that more recently suffered the impositions from the environment that was constituted of unknown ecossistmicos aspects of the aorianos and Europeans in a general way, and in the destitution of the cultural traditions, and mainly in the malfadados projects of modernization of the field.

They now face the biocntrico impetus of the constitution of protecting spaces integrally in places has explored centuries, without consulting and clarifying the communities, that is, without its participation in projects of protection to the environment. To observe the contours of the convivncia with the way to a large extent consists of a etnogrfico work of impressions of the experimentation human being. Easily the human phenomenon of the experimentation is neglected and if they tie only to the work that marks the landscape. This action human being on the nature, the work, seems to comfort, perhaps in consequence of a economicista vision or a thought occidental person who permeia the constructions human beings and not really the man (TUAN, 1980). She is necessary to know of the places, but also as if of the direction to the place.

National Security

If the police, legal and illegal violence, was systematic and used against enemies and critics of the regimen in extreme cases and situations in which the generals in the power felt themselves threatened particularly, the monitoring on the civil society and the information were constant. The obsession for monitoring as form to prevent the performance ' ' subversiva' ' , over all in what the manuals of the Doctrine of National Security called ' ' propaganda subversiva' ' ' ' war psicolgica' ' against the democratic and Christian institutions: ' ' in a military dictatorship, guided for the Doctrine of National Security, to arise itself in weapons against the regimen it constitutes a crime gravssimo' ' (CHIAVENATO. 1994:118), finishing for generating a logic of the suspicion. I consider that although the dogmatismo, reflecting the marxism and the moral rules of the PC of the B, ' ' The press alternativa' ' , mainly the alternative periodicals politicians, had perceived the perigos presumptions of the increasing Brazilian indebtedness, still in 1973, (the Guerrilla of the Araguaia already was fought), offering a chance so that the aggravation of the social iniquities, that in the region of the Araguaia was so visible and sensible, was divulged. More than two decades of military governments had only accented these trends. In the combat to ' ' subverso' ' on behalf of ' ' security nacional' ' the military regimen curtailed the liberty of speech, kept the press under formal censorship during seven years, 13 pursued and assassinated journalists. The Guerrilla of the Araguaia was marked by the gag of the censorship of the Military dictatorship that feared, in case that it were divulged by the medias, the adhesion to that they opposed in the city that regimen of exception commanded for the military, becoming hegemonic the imposition of ' ' silncio' ' regarding the conflict.


I perceived that to the influx of the Armed Forces the old police character of the combat to the dealers gained contours solemn, going up some points in the institucional hierarchy. Quer to say then that the simple presence of the Navy and the Army in the Mount of the German abolished the police character of the combat to the dealers? In this in case that, it speaks to us of this transistion. If the combat to the dealers left to characterize a police action, characterizes now what? Before everything, I say that it more characterizes a graduated nobler action and. Of all the ways, we go for parts. LM gave then beginning to a long communication. It said: I invite to agree them it with me, since soon, where the historical scenes of the Mount of the German, where the Navy and the Army appear ‘ ‘ auxiliando’ ‘ the Policy in a typical police operation, constrangiam. constrangiam because, in the terms of the Constitution, the function of fits to the Policy and the Firemen; ‘ auxiliar’ ‘ after all the television showed to everything to the living creature and the colors that the constitutional order was kept: the Armed Forces to the front of the operations and the Policy, as it fulfilled, ‘ ‘ auxiliando’ ‘.

The television showed the decisive moments where the myth undid this first constaint. Myth? That myth? the myth that placed the Armed Forces in the command of the operations, however this. They remember: the myth is a message. Vocs does not capsize? Initially some taxing speeches. Later, the ultimatum to the dealers. The ultimatum that determined the evacuation of the hiding places, ‘ ‘ while it had tempo’ ‘. From there, nobody in the full domain of its emotivas facultieses could doubt of that, finally, They are Jorge accepts the challenge to face the dragon.

Cedar Park

The old inhabitants had been taken off of the place where they liked to live. people produced same there in the closed bush, and exactly thus he had much bush, now people sees much destruction for there. The power of the territory imposed conditions of use without arguing the property of daily making of the inhabitant of the park or the area of entorno. Surpreso, before seems better that now, to imagine that the memory of what it had daily pay-unit without the fines and the fiscalization was the freedom to think on the place to reflect on the routes of the place. The experience place is the community, its limits is the centennial abrangncia of the work? the daily action. The natural landscape is articulated with the space of the community, is also place of experiences and social transformations, experiences and affectivity? a prolongation of the house.

Therefore the park constitutes the space of the community while really an imposition of performance limits, more still of disruption with the relationship of the community with the place. If it cannot suggest that it does not have a human work without interference immediate on ecosystems of the area, but if it cannot dismiss the human work without calling this group destitute for plans the new arrangements of the environment. While the littoral communities present concrete motivations, so that if it can have changes in the estruturao and the ordinance of the environment, therefore its place come being modified independent of the existence of the park, in the communities in the interior in Vargem of the Cedar, Saint Maria and Orange grove the interviewed ones almost in its totality want to be in the place, accurately as it is. It is evident that it contributes for this the performance in the sales of hortifrutigranjeiros products for the Great Florianpolis. The beach, while local of existence, of living, pleasure and of work constitua in the look of the communities of the Pinheira and the Siri in the ideal place to survive, appears the park: the look withdraws.