Urban Development Code

Currently is not elaborated in the legislation because it does not specify who should determine the fact of the inadequacy of existing regulatory requirements established by the project. It seems that customer, even those with considerable experience in construction activities may still not have a sufficient level of knowledge to determine whether such a fact and it does not have an interest in large orders of project documentation, compared with the standard. On the other hand, project organization, in essence, should not impose an additional volume of their services. Thus, the question remains open up its proper decision by the legislator. 2) if the requirements for reliability and security, in principle, are not set by regulatory and technical documents. At present, this situation is quite realistic in light of the incomplete formation of technical documentation in accordance with Federal law "On technical regulation" of 27.12.2002 184-FZ (as amended on 01.12.2007). In accordance with paragraph 3 of the Order in Depending on the degree of security of the planned construction of an object existing legal provisions to address the customer (the investor) tsa may be developed in three types: 1) tsa for particularly hazardous, technically complex and unique objects (Article 48.1. Urban Development Code), as well as other objects, which is insufficient for the design requirements for reliability and security established by regulatory technical documents, 2) tsa in respect of all facilities designed, constructed or operated in areas with high seismic activity (more than 9 points) – in order to ensure earthquake safety, 3) tsa with regard to ensuring Fire safety at the facilities.

New York Statue

It was a complex system of thin iron rods that serve as a support for glass walls. Nevertheless, to assemble and disassemble it was not difficult. Crystal Palace a year later was moved to Sydenham Hill, for a long time there were sports competitions and concerts. Unfortunately, in 1936 a fire destroyed a unique structure.

No less a sensation was the erection of the 300-meter Eiffel Tower in Paris. Today, any coach tour includes a visit to the attractions. However, in the beginning of construction of the majority of citizens were opposed to the future character of France. Even after twenty years from the date of opening of the tower Government intended to demolish it, and the creator of the future character French capital – Alexander Gustave Eiffel – even accused of lack of taste. Paris pandemonium is fair to note that the tower was not the first “metal” project engineer. Alexander Eiffel participated in the creation of no less famous project – developed the steel skeleton of the New York Statue of Liberty.

The idea is to build a 300-meter long iron design, it caught fire before the start of its construction, and a platform for construction of the century nearly became Barcelona. True, the Spanish government, counting the costs of bringing about such a landmark, and questioning how it will be reliable, responded Eiffel categorical refusal. But Alexander has not changed his idea. V1889 year marks one hundred years since the French Revolution, and on this occasion, the French government has announced a contest among engineers and architects, the main prize was become a grant that will make a competitive project to life.

Interior Ministry

Twenty days per year statements of citizens promptly dealt with. In Moscow for the last action was removed from the streets of 900 unnecessary characters, nearly 60 billboards to distract drivers from the road. In the whole country during the campaign removed the nearly 52 thousand of unnecessary characters. There is no information from the Interior Ministry that will whether the impending summer to hold a similar event. If, however, still get together, then the date of the shares of the traffic police will inform in advance.

In the meantime, without waiting for action, we can around the clock to report broken traffic lights, stolen or Broken road signs by telephone 127-23-81 or 127-23-13 in to use state institutions "Center of traffic the government of Moscow" (PG TSODD). If you're going to not just rebuild or does not work, but to remove the bothersome or create a new act would have otherwise. Suppose you wanted to pedestrian crossing was closer to home, on the way to the store appeared light, but rather the school hung a sign, limits the speed of cars. You also have every right to try to get the desired solution of the traffic police. Let us say at once: the time it would take quite a lot. The first step is to know in whose subordinate there is street traffic on which you want to change. For example, all of Moscow's ring (Boulevard, Garden, and the Third Transport Ring Road) and all vyletnye highway (Kutuzov, Lenin, Leningrad, and other pamphlets and highway) are urban subordination, and smaller, like the streets of the upper field or Innovators – are on the balance of counties.

Political Constitution Of Colombia Part VII Science

Senators and Representatives shall be elected for a term of four years, beginning on 20 July following the election. ARTICLE 133. Members of collegial bodies directly elected represent the people and must act in a manner of justice and the common good. The elected by popular vote in any public corporation, is responsible to society and to their constituents for the fulfillment of the obligations of their office. Your vote, except for purely procedural matters will be nominal and the public. (Amended by Act 796 of 2003) Article 134.

Members elected public corporations have alternates. Vacancies for his absolute failures shall be filled by the unsuccessful candidates of the same list as the order of registration on it. Resignation will not produce the effect of income to the corporation who should replace him. (Amended by Legislative Act No. 3 of 1993 and Act 796 of 2003) Article 135. The powers of each House: Choosing their boards. Elect the Secretary General for a four (4) years from July 20 who must meet the same qualifications assessed for membership in the respective chamber.

Ask the Government the reports you need, except as provided in paragraph 2 of Article next. Decide to hold meetings at as a priority to oral questions formulated by the Congress to ministers and their answers. The rules regulate the matter. Fill the positions established by law for the performance of their duties.

German Leadership

Germany, 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall shows his rebirth. Since the formation of the Empire in 1871 until the end of World War II, Germany became flesh, and made clear what the Treaty of Versailles of 1919, the sole and humiliating warfare. The division that the country lived for over forty years under the dual leadership of two capitals, Bonn and Berlin history, devoid of autonomy in geopolitical terms, made it impossible for international leadership. Only 138 years after its establishment as a unitary state and 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Germany speaks its own independent voice. The mandate of Chancellor Helmut Kohl, the most widespread since Bismarck, was in his ulltimo tranche (1990-1998) a sensitive and intelligent transition focused on the problems of reunification and European integration of the new giant.

Now, under the leadership of Angela Merkel, the woman powerful in the world that Germany is beginning to emerge as a global leader. Impossible for thirty years had been seeing a German head of government pointing the finger at a member of the Security Council of the United Nations, China in this case occurred during the Copenhagen summit last December, coercive legal mechanisms to frustrate to carbon emissions. Germany is not restricted to a share neutral and politically correct, afraid of irritating. If Konrad Adenauer with his great personal prestige, the wall that divided Berlin prevented him from transferring his influence to the east, Angela Merkel is the country unified allowing him to act in all directions. A country convinced of its own weight in the global without any expansionist or hegemonic purposes. And, conversely, identified, attuned to his most intimate fiber, with human rights for all and with full respect for international humanitarian norms. Germany now leads all of its European counterparts on the issue of bilateral cooperation with less developed areas of the world.

A quiet leader who is not afraid of openness. This is being done Angela Merkel. Without fanfare and showing indisputable achievements in the domestic. The public sector deficit (to below 3% of GDP in compliance with the requirements of the European Union), in contrast to the disarray and fiscal irresponsibility Spanish, Portuguese and Greek. At 20 years of unification, Germany, exemplifies what it means finally a global presence and help define power, giving the impression of not wanting to, the edges of how much to involve international responsibility. And past six decades since the end of World War II, go paradox, Germany today shows two of Europe's most respected leaders: Angela Merkel and Joseph Ratzinger.

News Yesterday And Today

From the primitive society gossip in the family circle through the foot, and then mounted postmen through rail and air mail, radio and tv people have reached today with the Internet and mobile phone. The amount of information received today (of course, in the presence of desire) simple inhabitants per hour, far exceeds the level available to our forefathers for many years. Fast and complete information about events, ie The latest news, allows time to react and take action. If the advertisement – the motor trade, the news – the engine of civilization in general and the state in particular. A huge number of journalists are constantly update news sites, but we must understand that this is all real people, and therefore deliver news, interesting and useful primarily to their employers.

Of course, there would be a totally independent news service, and all would be cool, but alas Eliminate one-sided presentation of information news reviews by combining multiple dependent sources. Therefore, for the timely and full awareness of need to constantly keep track of multiple reviews Web sites containing news of Economics and Politics, Culture and Sports: Of course, anyone interested in what happens in the world in general, others need only to Russian news, the third – highly specialized, the fourth – just entertainment. But in any case have a general idea of what’s going on, that somehow guided in reality, it is necessary to almost everyone. Here, perhaps, one is enough beloved . But the man for whom the operative information – a source of income, or simply an opportunity to feel like a modern man in every sense of the word, without the constant comparison and analysis of all varieties Media can not do.

Sovereignty in Cities

Sovereignty should not be confined to the cities must consider the nature, in general, because this is leading to any decision taken to develop or evolve. Citizens (as) are members of nature and as such, both environment and human beings should receive the necessary attention to avoid a break between them. The government is elected by the majority and the principles of political groups must be based on: – Integrity – Honesty – Complementarity political systems both capitalist and socialist or communist must obtain the “raw material” of the natural realm, none of our systems, objects or other manifestations ascribed to the evolution comes from outer space, comes from the ground through the work of everyone: man and nature work, homonatropia, behold our essence and existence.

Jose Alfredo Jimenez

Mid (A future for Mexico) Nino Gallegos a In mid-December is the middle of the Administration of Felipe Calderon, the song is like December to me like you went to Jose Alfredo Jimenez, and nothing one wanted to leave has been or will be, because it is our carstensiana permissiveness and incompetent counsel in mid-week. I reread The Chaos (against terror), Pier Paolo Pasolini, and I encounter with a quote in another reading underlined with a blue marker pen and red.

The intellectual is situated where the cultural industry: why and as the market will quierea . And the quote is part of a feature that Pasolini wrote and got published on his collaborations with the weekly newspaper, Tempo, 13 August 1968 a difficult year for critical and rebellious students Pier Paolo and Italian, French, Americans and Mexicans. The quote, after 41 years of being written and published and having read it in 1981, have spent 28 years and its ideological and political content in relation to the current intellectual, remains valid and the slogan connotes criticism itself. As for Pier Paolo Pasolini was at the time the nascent cultural industry with its now-ubiquitous consumerism that is the wonder of numbing down and the popularization of critical thinking as a single thought as the mainstream running from the top to bottom of the human condition, we took twenty-first century as a bewildered herd, uncertainties, most exposed to the chaos and order factual media. a In the political essay, not a program and another one agenda, a Oeun future Mexicoa , of non-organic intellectuals and intellectuals themselves GM, Hector Aguilar Camin and Jorge Castaneda, who either do like the dynamic duo The menage a trons with Enrique Krauze, recommend recipes and guide to bold and interested then what the kitchen is the kitchen of liberalization, not as economic, for future economic policy, and that a full quartet, Roger Bartra, calls to demolish the Revolution along with the monument.

Departmental Comptroller

To conclude this issue of transparency touch the issue of liquor. Everyone knows that 31 year before last December won the award and the date of today there is no definitions about the liquor monopoly, much less so now 13 months after the contract has been settled earlier. Is this a game "Cunning" between contractor and Government to facilitate this multi-million dollar lawsuit against the Department of Huila? Do you continue with the same voucher scheme? Will there be new concessionaire or will be awarded at the same that was until last year and who was a major funder of the campaign Pajarito Governor? Will resume production and marketing directly by the Department? Nobody knows today. In the words of the Departmental Comptroller is very serious what is happening today in this very serious issue and also the fact that they come to the same company Licors to make a new contract production of 600,000 units "with a series of irregularities." I am running a right to petition the governor to have information on all these points, but I agree with the Controller to be explained very well the recruitment of 600,000 units. Licors Why? What was the contractor selection process for this? Who did and how he became the marketing of those units and based on what contract? What was the process of selecting the contractor for the marketing of those 600,000 units? "Based on what studies are made all the hiring? Licors "plant used for this Department? How Licors paid for the lease of the plant in their power since the end of the grant? If no lease, "in which capacity the company has taken possession of the assets of the department? The answers to these questions are necessary not only to control agencies but the entire public opinion of Huila. Finally I come to one of the themes of fashion: The Quimbo. It is common knowledge that the governor lacked much leadership throughout the process and now that we are at the peak of the final negotiations. It is very important for all our Huila governor takes a position more in line with the interests of the Department in order to achieve compensation fair to the Huila.

You can achieve far beyond the issues raised by Emgesa, Governor. You can make the financing of irrigation projects of 8,000 hectares. You can achieve differential pricing of energy to the producing areas of the country. You can achieve a share of interesting proportions, either in Emgesa or Bogota Power Company owns 51% of Emgesa. You can obtain the repeal of the declaration of public utility in the area to make the cadastral reavaluos sufficient to achieve justice in the values Emgesa must turn to one-time funds established by the affected municipalities for investments in the respective socio-economic study (Article 5 of Law 56), you can set a term to achieve the maximum holding of 50 years and the reversal of all the Department. You can achieve much more if our ruler was more forceful leadership. After all this, would end by saying that if I were asked a rating the first year of the Government of Pajarito Sanchez, no doubt would put a 2.0, which is not serious if we consider that in Colombia now no one can lose a year! '.

Marxism and Cuba

To the extreme left Cuba should have a dictatorship of the proletariat but the Castro are encouraging a new breed or class of rich and creating another dictatorship over the proletariat. Most governments in Europe and the Americas that Cuba would evolve gradually and peacefully towards a multi-party democracy with free enterprise.

However, there are those who propose such a violent change in Eastern Europe to create a laissez-faire capitalism (as they want many of the Cuban exiles in Miami) or an anti-bureaucratic revolution that would prevent the return of capitalism and return to the path of Lenin Che (as postulate some Marxists). The Communist Party, however, rejects all this as it ensures that if your model is broken the post-Castro Cuba could follow the path of post-Tito Yugoslavia and into a terrible civil war. Havana prefer to follow the path of China and Vietnam to maintain control of the Communist Party but make concessions to the market and perhaps a certain ideological pluralism. The work despite the United Kingdom suggests that Cuba becomes a democracy, the monarchy does not choose its Head of State or his Upper House.

Fidel Castro (the leader of Cuba since 1959) and Elizabeth II (British queen since 1952) were the most heads of state in office lasted throughout the West. While the former justifies his position for having led a popular revolution, the second does it for the rights of his family. While some sectors Labour that Britain wanted to have a head of state and an elected Senate, his party (after almost 11 years in power) was restricted to want to give it a more modern monarchy while his reform of the House of the 738 Lords overturning the fact remains that his power is the only one where all members of the Upper House have been appointed rather than elected.