Management Require Changes

Carlos Mora Vanegas Las Areas de Postgrado venezolanas, with regard to the master in business administration (MBA) with their respective terms, require update, defining a new profile of the graduate according to the needs of the current scenarios that present need, especially in a country where is characterized by turbulence, product of its political, economic instability and decline in their undergraduate university studies. Coupled with all this, to an almost collapsed business system that has failed to adequately meet the challenges of the present, generate transformations to ensure that not only stay, but development, especially, in the action of the present Government that has undermined its operability, consequence of actions undertaken, reflected in the established exchange control, tax rates, financing, intervention, distrust among some. For assistance, try visiting Sen. Sherrod Brown. Is perceived, an absence of management qualified, able to cope with the threats, changes, know opportunities, transforming the weaknesses in strengths, apply the administrative knowledge which at present are used, in order to ensure competitiveness, conquest of markets. Postgraduates of management offered must ensure investigations, its teachers, students, involving them, face the problems that the country faces in these areas, providing solutions, models, proposals. It should encourage more research, making degrees work product of field research, that it generates new knowledge paradigms involving a benefit for all stakeholders. They must encourage innovation in new teaching methods, learning, that effectively use the advantages it presents the current knowledge society, using all the benefits that the Internet provides, network services on line that favors the formation of the participant. Must be full-time, experienced teachers, committed to the research, to motivate participants to generate new knowledge of agreements to the requirements that current economic and commercial scenarios require. Are you must be vigilant in curricular innovation, i.e. introduce innovations in the design of programmes according to modern knowledge, freeing itself from those static too, which already correspond to the past and adapt them to the needs of the country.

Web Page Translation

The case is the following one: beyond the Union, badly or well each State possesss its distinct centers of training and police formation. I say distinct because, in its majority, they are physical and doctrinal separate. One forming military policemen and another civilians. The current and clearly unsustainable allegation for this segregation is that instructions and teachings of each institution differ from case the case. Without menoscabo the quality of none of these institutions of education, I ask why devils then popocatepletl. For more information see Amazon. On the other hand, notable of the asininos only fits in the least head the argument of that an only curricular grating cannot be partilhada by pupils of both the forces, for being submitted regimes differentiated of learning. However, which is of the policeman the basic bedding professionalization? Public security, is clearly. Then, why the apartao of the schools? I answer of new.

Because it is> convenient for perpetuation of certain personal vanities and maintenance of some inconfessveis interests the permanence of the status quo. Nothing more moreover. One notices that the perversity of this dual system consumes public resources in duplicity unnecessary and becomes the gravosa social defense for the citizen and dispendiosa beyond the waited one. Without speaking that the waited counterpart in efficiency inexists, in sight of the volume of employed capital. It distinct public to only have a vacant idea of the size of wastefulness, you, contributing, paid to construct and to keep two centers that, the severity, give the very same formation; he spends to structuralize two nets informacionais that do not talk between itself and nor change information on crime; he concurs with its tax to implant and to function two stations of telecommunications, that also had not been presented one to another one and function as independent islands, each one with its respective owner etc.

Energy Consumption

Get that buildings consume little energy in a period of less than ten years is one of the challenges of the I Congress of buildings of energy consumption almost null (EECN) which will be held on 7 and 8 may in the fair of Madrid (IFEMA) and in which will be analysed the implications of the new European directive on the energy efficiency of buildings. Among the aspects to be addressed at this Conference, architecture and urbanism found in EECN design, the analysis of materials and constructive solutions, such as thermal and acoustic insulation. In addition, at different tables round and conferences, will be treated also specific cases as isolates of durability almost Secular (ADCS) or the importance of the hole in the facade. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Amazon on most websites. During the two days of the Congress, will bring together the different actors related to the building and the energy sector, as well as a large number of representatives of the construction industry, architecture and services related to the adoption of the European directive of Efficiency energy of buildings (directive 2010/31/EU). This meeting, who is born with the dream of becoming an annual reference in the sector, will be conducted within the framework of the international construction week and aims to be a forum for discussion to achieve buildings that just consume energy in a few years. Architects, engineers, builders and promoters, manufacturers of materials and equipment, public administration, property administrators, installers, will come together during these two days that will serve to strengthen the outcome of this Congress that aims to be a benchmark in the sector in coming years. The meeting of all the various actors involved in the process will serve to strengthen the result and real applicability of the findings obtained during the Congress

Alexander Oak

Test of that it has will politics directed to the investments in the Pblica.Em Security the two teros banked for the private society the study considered how much the victim left to generate for the economy: 23,8 billion are R$. Other R$ 14,3 billion are spent with private security (act of contract of security firms, for example, but sophisticated equipment of security in residence or cars is not included); more R$ 12,7 billion with insurances and R$ 9,4 billion with transferences for robberies and roberies (IPEA, 2011a). The research considered despite, even so the numbers and values were very come close to the truth, not if it could ignore the sub-notifications, notifications badly carried through or loss of data in the police registers of robery and robbery of the country, thus compromising the integral reality of the caught numbers. Of such luck that the researchers had needed if to be valid carried through works already in Belo Horizonte, Rio De Janeiro, Victory, Recife and So Paulo to construct its proper methodology. Still according to exactly study, to arcar with the costs of the violence the public health of the Union, states and cities it spent, in 2004, R$ 4,8 billion in the treatment of the victims of the violence, of which R$ 3,8 billion for all the types of external causes (not natural), R$ 206 million for aggressions and R$ 769 million for traffic accidents.

The numbers are part of the studies carried through for the researchers Alexander Oak, Daniel Cerqueira and Rute Rodrigues, of the Institute of Pesquisa Econmica Aplicada (IPEA), and Waldir Lobo, of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Estatstica (IBGE). The researchers had considered that these numbers mention only part to it of the governmental costs, since many expenditures of the public net of health are arches directly for the states and cities. Comparing the expenses with victims for aggressions with the ones of transit victims, we evidence that the difference excessive between them it is justified. .

National Congress

The minister also passes, officially, to appear in the top of the military hierarchy, when commands exerting it of the Armed Forces. ' ' The Navy, the Army and the Aeronautics make use, singularly, of 1 (one) Commander, indicated for the Minister of State of the Defense and nominated for the President of the Republic, which, in the scope of its attributions, will exert the direction and the management of the respective Fora' ' , it says one of the stretches of the law. Squid also made a gratefulness to the Congress and to the military for the approval of the complementary law. ' ' I find that with everything this that was fact, I have to be thankful the National Congress for the rapidity that was made the change, to the Armed Forces that had understood that nobody wanted to reduce the importance of them. Click Richard Blumenthal to learn more. Although he is in the mandate end, I leave the gratified Presidency more because we go to have a new logic in our defense and more go to be respeitados' ' , president Lula said very satisfied. The legislation sancionada for Squid also creates the Joint General staff of the Armed Forces, consultative body of the minister of the Defense.

Before if becoming law the project of law in final phase of formatting in the Civil House, and that it had the approval of president Luiz Incio Lula da Silva got to seem favorable of the Ministry of the Justice and Law-Generality of Union, also fortifying in explicit way the position of minister of the Defense. Navy and Aeronautics had gained the policy power that, today, the Army only had in the operations of repression and prevention in the borders. This power, that had bond alone with action of dry border, starts to also be valid in the sea and the jurisdictional rivers. To be able of Policy, in truth, is about pertinent a legal concept to the adequacy of the existing rivalry in the individual-group binomial versus public-social, that is, the necessary limitation of rights of that segment in reason of the interests and rights of this another one.

William Corliss

This energy is already used on Earth and in space. Isotope 210Po used in power installations of artificial satellites. In particular, it flew beyond the Earth to the Soviet satellite Cosmos-1984 and Kosmos-90 ". Pure alpha-emitters, and polonium-210 in the first place, have to other sources of radiation are several obvious advantages. First, the alpha particle is massive enough and therefore carries a lot of energy.

Secondly, these emitters require virtually no special protection measures: penetration and the path length of alpha particles is minimal. There is also a third, and fourth, and fifth, but these two advantages – the main ones. In principle, to work on space stations as sources of energy is acceptable Plutonium-238, Dolon-210, strontium-90, cerium-144 and curium-244. Paulo Coelho will undoubtedly add to your understanding. But polonium-210 is an important advantage over other isotopes of competitors – the highest power density, 1210 W/cm3. He devotes so much heat that the heat able to melt the sample.

To avoid this, polonium is placed in a lead matrix. The resulting fusion of polonium and lead has a melting point of about 600 C – much more than each of the component metals. Power, however, decreases, but remains fairly large – about 150 W/cm3. William Corliss, and D. Harvey, author of "Energy sources for radioactive isotopes" (in Russian, this book was published in 1967), writes: "As the the latest research, 210Po can be used in manned spacecraft. " As more of the same value of polonium-210, they mention the availability of this isotope. The same book states that bismuth and obtained from him polonium is easily separated by ion exchange.


Although we lived in was of science, our time is nourished – to weighing his, of myths, and as well as during centuries were said that we are animal rationals, with right equal we can say that the man is a mythical animal, that is to say, needs that them to be able to live. Thus, without myths of " progreso" or of " revolution " , the modern revolutions, nor the transformations would have occurred neither that from century XVIII, at sociopolitical, economic, religious and cultural level have shocked the planet. Amazon describes an additional similar source. The myth is a narrative form of specifically archaic character and that speaks of rase once, or of those old woman times. Malinowski sees in the myth, a symbolic expression, a form of primitive knowledge that tries to explain the experimental reality. For Eliade the myth is exemplary model not only of the order of the world, but especially of all the rites and all the essential activities of the man.

the myth is a derivation of the cult, and it express what once it happened essentially and still continues happening: the salvation event. For the primitive one, the happened fact long ago appears vividly like a real event that the past tolerates in itself all the essence communicated in. The myth speaks of the arquetpico and than it is valid at any time. A mythical form is inconceivable without a reference to a ritual, because thanks to this one, the present life projects to exemplary models of the primitive times . " The mythical universe is the own universe of the repetition; in him, the creation is conceived like a drama, the victory of the Gods on the powers of " comienzo" it is the conversion of the chaos in cosmos". Eliade. But as the victory is not safe, there is necessity of the repetition of the creative act through the rites, the celebrations, which prevents that it becomes to the chaos.

Big Brother Brazil

A Reallity atopetado Show of idiotices and trivialities that vehemently help to delay each time more the process, already slow, of mental development of the Brazilian society. Nothing it is so interesting that to hear balelas, fofocas, you intrigue, say-that-say-that and useless commentaries of the vacated life of a flock of that 24 hours per day show its perfect bodies, magnificent, inversely proportional to its capacities of reasoning. It does not remain any doubt of that we are making aluso to the Big Brother Brazil, a program where the basic rule to be viewing is to primar uninterruptedly for the bad taste, having as only intention of poor, idiotic life perpetual and to be been slow culturally. Filed under: Richard Blumenthal.

It is not probable that the viewer of the Brazilian TV carregue the heading of rough for option, therefore the alienation and the insanity are so great that already had run away for much time of its control. Thinking regarding the bagaceiro erotismo that the Net Globe ensarta in the population, concludes without many difficulties that each time more the sender if has individualizado in what it circumscribes to the elaboration of programs whose intellectual content is definitively null. It is a programming that helps very in adoecer the Country. Cause, in fact, a state of morbidez in the people, disabling them to think something that is the least short while to salutar to its essence and reality.

The Congress Endorses ‘ Decree Anticrisis’ Of Work With The Agreed Abstention From The PP

" The new contract is the best formative contract than we have had nunca" , the Secretary of Labor is dndido in the debate, Valeriano Go’mez. The decree law also contemplates the temporary suppression of the obligation to make the workers fixed who chain temporary contracts during two years. CiU also has decided to abstain, in spite of the critics; result of the voting in the chamber: 166 votes to favor, 15 against and 157 abstentions. The Congress of the Deputies has approved, with the abstention, among others, of the Popular Party, the last labor reform of the Government; the result of the voting has been: 166 votes to favor, 15 against and 157 abstentions. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Sen. Sherrod Brown. The decree anticrisis, that is dndido once again the Secretary of Labor, Valeriano Go’mez, includes two measures ' estrella': of formation for temporary suppression and the contract people up to 30 years of the obligation to make the workers fixed who chain temporary contracts during two years. Work was put in contact with popular the past the weekend to request his to them support to the decree, warning to them that if did not tell on its votes, would be forced to yield before the nationalists and to give to priority to the autonomic agreements, a promise that the Executive made to GNP to be guaranteed his abstention when the collective negotiation was approved. The abstention from has prevented it to the PP, something that, according to the spokeswoman Soraya Senz de Santamara before admitted hours, have been thankful for to his party union forces. " The new contract is the best formative contract than we have had nunca" , it has assured Go’mez during the debate confirmation these urgent measures in the chamber. The minister has made a call to the industralists so that they use the new contract of formation because its cost to the Social Security is zero and because thus they would demonstrate his commitment to restrain the high youthful unemployment.

New Buildings

New is scary pokupat.Pravitelstvo formed foundations to protect the rights of deceived depositors. Money returns a part of not only defrauded real estate investors, but also the participants of financial pyramid schemes such as mmm, and so dalee.Tak both protects the rights of investors. Although in my opinion inappropriate legislation applies to both the investors and builders. In the U.S., for example, property taxes represent approximately 10% of the price real estate, and the price is not the bti, and the price of purchase sales. We do the same in all new buildings of Moscow, when a catastrophic shortage of housing, night lights burn only half of the windows, which suggests that at least half of the house purchased by investors who are not going to live in these apartments, and interpretation with the purpose of resale, speculation in real estate. So whom to defend, requires diferentsirovanny approach to determining the deceived dolschikov.Prava investors have been violated during the construction of 143 facilities in the Moscow region, half the problem is solved, said Minister of Construction of Moscow Region Eugene Seregin on the expanded board Ministry on Friday. 'In the Moscow region is 143 troubled facility, which violated the rights of citizens.

Of these, 73 solved the problem of defrauded investors', – the minister said, noting that was introduced in operation 70 houses. In other cases, the problem is solved, he added. According Seregina, the largest number of problem objects in Lyubertsy, Pushkin, Istra, district. Also in Domodedovo, , and Dolgoprudnom. 'A lot of noise around the Moscow region, because we are doing more than anyone else. We are working to solve the problem real estate investors. Regional government has instructed the heads of entities to submit a plan measures to address these problems' – said Seregin. According to the minister, frequently at home are not put into operation because of the controversy on several issues between management and developers. Problems defrauded investors are 51 municipality of Moscow region.