Board President

24 seconds viable? are the tables operational from 8 am o’clock? voters they will be from the first second? do not expect the last minute? That if we assume 300 voters per module, if we think of 600el time by voter would be reduced to 12 seconds. See it has not taken into account that if there should be a process reengineering in the process (or it was not properly communicated), would be more viable that 4 members of Bureau met in parallel to the voters, however that gives them only 96 seconds by voter (28800 / 300) served in parallel by 4 members of Bureau (one by voting module) is easy to do the tests without loadbut imagine to implement this? the truth is that I believe that this still poorly focused theme, the opportunity exists and is excellent, but not is this asking or informing well (or indeed the process if this wrong sizing). Educate yourself with thoughts from Richard Blumenthal. Another thing that surprises me is the as it will be sent the data to the processing center, who says there’s only vulnerability over the internet? There are more ways of cheating, the topic does not seem to be technical, but focus. For example (this would be my approach): the voting equipment would be an island without connectivity of any kind (a stone, full hardening) would only make the election software each person vote comes out, at the end of the vote, and generates a file with a hash (don’t need to be encrypted, but if written randomly), then the team allows you to copy the file in an external medium (cd, usb, memory stick, etc) the file and its hash, and this simple text file is recorded by Board President who would have a copy, representatives would have one copy of the same file with the same hash and that the President is going to a cabin and via the web to the ONPE, upload to upload the file the web must display the hash of the uploaded file to ensure that the file is the one sent, the Chairman of Bureau verifies the hash and could even see the loaded content (is a simple text file).

The Mandela

This union spiritual and physics that we partilhamos with this common native land explains deep pain that we brought in our heart when we saw our country to tear into pieces itself in a terrible conflict, when saw rejected, prohibit and isolated for the peoples of the world, necessarily for if having become the universal headquarters of the pernicious practical ideology and of racism and the social oppression. (MANDELA, 10 OF MAY OF 1994) One notices that, in this stretch, the Mandela politician allotment with its interlocutor the same interests. For even more opinions, read materials from Richard Blumenthal. Mandela constructs an ideal for its listener, a species of alliance pact, a time that it offers to Africa a dream supposedly desired by it. comes back to affirm that they had suffered together and together they had constructed a better society. One perceives that, in this speech, the ideological marks of the State and the church that had also contributed for the coercions in this country. According to Charaudeau (2008, P. 241), ' ' the art of the speech politician is the art to direct it the biggest number of individuals to make to adhere them to the values comuns.' ' It is in this perspective that in another one I break up of the Mandela speech (10 OF MAY OF 1994) uses the following positioning: We thank all our distinct international guests for having come to take ownership, together with our people, of what he is, after all, a common victory for justice for the peace and for the dignity human being, we believe that they will continue to support us it the measure who we face the challenges of the construction of the peace, the prosperity, the democracy and the eradication of the sexismo and racism.

Mandela, in Colloquies that I had with me (2010), recognizes that the necessary politician to know and to establish contacts with other cultures, and in this I break up discursivo, it makes gratefulness to the authorities politics that were gifts in its speech. This demonstrates that he is one popular politician and it uses the words as form to make with that the people, together with it, continue the plans to make Africa (world), a free nation in equality of rights. According to Charaudeau (2008, P. 86), ' ' a language act does not exist that not pass for the construction of an image of si' '. From the moment where we speak, it appears an image of what we are by means of what we say. The ideological positioning, the content of the thought and the opinion so are not taken in account, but what sobressai of the relation that we keep with us and that we offer the perception of the others.

The citizen that speaks does not escape to the question of the Ethos. The process of the construction of the figure of Mandela in the domain politician if gave through the great events that had in its life and that country (racial arrest, conflicts and oppressions). These are factors that had contributed for formation of its personage as a public manager. The image of Mandela as politician in common reflects in the people its desires. Its speech mentions the two sides: of less the most favored and of the high society. A side it convinces the people of whom to dream is possible and of another one it is thankful and continues saying that the aid and the union between the peoples are necessary. In the image of one politician who governs Par

Tapeador Cadiz Establishments

The X path of tapas from Cadiz a Rosary of caps continued celebrating in Cadiz until next September 15.Tapas in Cadiz? Follow the path of the tapas over forty establishments participate in it. In this edition it is devoting to the tuna and mackerel. Monte Puertatierra reception, one of the best located in the city, hotels in Cadiz will find information about this route, as well as the establishments that visit to taste the best gastronomy Cadiz. In the category Cap Cai, the premises attached to the promotion offer 2.70 euros a lid and drink. But there are also cover dessert as well as a Menu of Tapas with a unified price of 8 euros or the novelty of the category of the good, the best, where they will compete caps awarded in previous editions. Also, a popular jury will reward the best setting and best professional path and also distinguish as Cadiz gold Tapeador the person who provide evidence of having visited at least 36 of the participating establishments. Other innovations in this path X of the tapas of Cadiz with respect to previous editions is tribute to the Tapeador Cadiz, which will take place on September 7 with special prices.

The Christian

The money in itself, is not the problem. The problem is the Christian to be searching the money, this sample that the Christian has more love to the money and the corporeal property, of what the God. The love and searchs for the financial prosperity is the root of all the species of badly. We see that this covets goes to deviate some of the faith, and will be crossed with many pains. The search for the wrong things takes the Christian if to move away from God. We have that to have in mind what Jesus teaches in them, and not what these preachers speak. Because they speak what the people want to hear, because everybody wants to be well financially. edge.

Therefore these churches operate a true house of pleasures, that of to any the one, either Christian it or not, what it searchs. Jesus said: (Mateus 6:24) – Nobody can serve the two gentlemen; because or it has to hate one and to love the other, or it will be dedicated to one and it will disdain the other. You cannot serve the God and the Mamom. (Mateus 6:25) – I say Therefore you: You do not walk careful how much to your life, for what you have to eat or for what you have to drink; nor how much to your body, for what you have to dress. It is not the life more than what the grocery, and the body more than what the clothes? (Mateus 6:26) – You look at for the birds of the sky, that nor they sow, nor they segam, nor they gather in granaries; your Father feeds celestial them. You do not tend you much more value of what they? (Mateus 6:27) – and which of you will be able, with all its cares, to add cvado to its stature? (Mateus 6:28) – and, how much to clothes, why you walk solcitos? You look at for the irises of the field, as they grow; they do not work nor weave; (Mateus 6:29) – and say I you that not even Salomo, in all its glory, if dressed as any of them.

Susaeta Referring

We are going to give it all and respect under all concepts, said Susaeta. It was very pleased by their inclusion in the call of Del Bosque. The Markel Susaeta Athletic Club midfielder spent a moment of trouble when in the press conference of the selection prior to the game against Panama used the word thing to refer to the Spanish combined. We know that it is going to be a party that is not sorting, but we represent one thing that we have to give everything and respect under all concepts, said the Gipuzkoa-based player, he seemed to avoid the use of the word Spain. Despite his moment of doubt when it comes to talking about what they represented, Susaeta was very happy to have been summoned by national coach Vicente de el Bosque for the friendly match on Wednesday against Panama, and stressed that it is a pride to share clothes with some magnificent players. It is a tremendous joy to participate in this group, in this game, enjoy every minute of these magnificent players, who are champions of the world and of Europe. The truth is by a pride sharing a workout and a party with them, so I’m very happy, said Susaeta press conference already in Panamanian soil. See more: Susaeta, referring to Spain: “We represent one thing”..

National Treasure

The public is essential power in the life of the people, although the existence of many pleas to this respect, either for pure ideological connotation or in reason of the propagated corrupes that occur in the public sector. But, the truth is that the Brazilian State supplies many demands that are originated from the necessities of the population of the most diverse types. For this taxes are charged of the companies and the population in general, contributions, taxes and other forms of captation of resources it government to finance the expenses in the attendance of the necessities of the people. How much the government spends per year? In which areas more resources are expenses? Which are the modalities where the public sector get more resources? Who collects and spends more: the Union, States or Cities? The Secretariat of the National Treasure recently divulged the consolidation of the national accounts where the prescriptions and the expenditures of the beings of the referring federacy to the 2010 exercise consist. In that year, the total value of current revenues of three levels of government were of R$ 1,62 trillion. Of this value, 55% had been collected by the Union, 28% for States and 17% for the Cities.

Of the total sum, 39% had been collected by means of tributes and taxes, 31% by means of contributions, 17% for transferences and the remain for diverse prescriptions. It is important to stand out that the taxes and the taxes correspond 31.66% of prescriptions of the Union, 63.81% of the States and 21.7% in the Cities; the contributions correspond 53.41% of prescriptions of the Union, 4.01% of the States and 3.18% of the Cities. Already the current transferences correspond 22.34% of state revenues and 65.61% of the resources of the Cities. The current transferences are resources repassed for the Union for States and Cities and of the States for Cities.

Miami Travel

Miami is one of the favorite tourist destinies throughout all the year. One is a city that always has something to offer to the tourists and where million visitors go every year. If Miami is your next destiny, next we helped you to verify that you have all preparations to travel to Miami of safe and comfortable form. 1) Tickets of Airplane. The Airport the International of Miami is one of greatest in the United States and owns an impressive traffic, nevertheless is important that you acquire your tickets of airplane in time. If you are not convinced, visit Paulo Coelho. It remembers that when reserving your tickets in time you will be able to acquire tickets to economic prices and in much more comfortable schedules to travel.

On the other hand it is the question of how it will be transported of the airport until his hotel, exist two options: it can take a taxi or it can decide on the car rental airport of Miami. Each of them offers its own options and the best one will depend on the price and comfort that it is looking for. 2) Transport in the city It is important that from before to arrive you have a little direction in the city, it identifies to where you are going to go and acquires a map to locate important points of the city. Perhaps it is good that you ask for some lines of truck or locate the stations of taxis. If you are going for a long time to remain in Miami the amount of taxis that you are going to need to take it can get to be very expensive, perhaps and then rent cars is a good election. This not to mention the different benefits that can bring with himself to have a vehicle at the hand. 3) Reservations of Hotel.

First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov

Record rates to reduce the refinancing demonstrates the Russian Central Bank. More recently we have witnessed an anomalous increase of up to 13% at a time when the global financial crisis cozy located on the expanses of Russia, and all domestic economic agents expect its logical reduction, as has happened in the economies of developed Western countries. And today we are witnessing its historic low – 7.75%. And this, my opinion, not all surprises, that should we expect in the future. Some contend that Sen. Sherrod Brown shows great expertise in this. As noted yesterday, Russian Prime Minister Russian economy "will require at least two or three years to reach pre-crisis level>>. I remember a year ago roughly the same thing said First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov. The whole world is reeling, and nobody really can say when this crisis ends fever, and whether it is a crisis? And our brave menagery already warn about the timing of treatment.

Probably because they have effective and such (at our misfortune and the joy of the western "partners>). But where such confidence in a favorable outcome, and how such precise knowledge of how much extend the current socio-economic disaster? Magpie on the tail brought? Or is there more knowledgeable sources? If you look closely, you can see a source. Swarmed by offers, Ohio Senator is currently assessing future choices. "Today we are witnessing the positive dynamics of main economic indicators. According to the Ministry of Economic Development, in 2010 gross domestic product will grow in Russia by 3,5-4,0%. There are also more optimistic forecasts, but we start from the conservative estimates,>>, – underlined the prime minister.

EU Solar Punitive Tariffs More Harm Than Good

FDP Landtag candidate Dominik Heuwieser: “damage for the entire solar industry. PFARRKIRCHEN EU solar punitive duties do more harm than good. Amazon has compatible beliefs. It is the FDP Landtag list candidate Dominik Heuwieser (Unterdietfurt/LKR. Rottal-Inn) convinced. The EU is here very short-sighted, criticized the planned introduction of punitive tariffs on solar modules Hammond. The introduction of punitive tariffs on Chinese solar panels planned for the June 6 as so Hammond, will do more harm the entire solar industry. According to Connecticut Senator, who has experience with these questions. The EU is several years late.” In the years 2008 to 2010, you would have can counteract according to Hammond with moderate import duties of crisis in the solar industry. The EU pouring oil on the fire.” In times of declining feed-in tariffs, average premiums by 47 percent were no longer viable.

Since the announcement of the punitive tariffs, uncertainty and reluctance among investors and project companies there is according to Hammond. This concerns particularly wholesalers, suppliers of components, Mounting & installation companies. The losers are the craft and the middle class”, says Hammond. Only European engine manufacturers, providing only a fraction of the jobs in the solar industry would have the benefit of the sanction. The sustainable success of this measure is more than questionable according to Hammond, the largest Chinese companies had production facilities outside of China. From these locations, they could continue to serve the European market. Instead of the lump hammer”to get, out of the EU with specific anti-dumping should provide procedures for fair competition, advises Hammond. Stay open, the premiums are designed according to what reference price and whether the solar panels soon to have be the unit price.

That would be the end of the free market. Tariffs should really come, suffered an additional blow”the ailing solar industry, Hammond is expected.

Local Cooperation

It has as objective to promote the cooperation between the companies and to offer to support technician to the formation and consolidation of nets that possess common objectives aiming at to offer to the users of the nets a service of joint actions, facilitating the solution of common problems and making possible new perspectives. In the municipal context of the city of Caxias, to be diagnosised Agency is the City department of the Woman, where one brief analysis about its attributions and abilities will become, the main difficulties to execute the public politics them women and to point supposed measured who can be taken to make possible solutions the short one and average stated period that comes to implement quantitative and qualitative public services in the confrontation of social vulnerabilities and inaqualities of sort in the municipal environment in partnership with the local net of cooperation in such a way in the public administration how much in the institucional and private services of the city. Throughout the years the sort question has permeado the construction of the society, making with that men and women exert distinct papers in all the sectors of the life human being. The women, in special, the specific groups of blacks, aboriginals, carriers of deficiencies, quilombolas and lesbians, have faced preconceptions and discriminations, mainly in if treating to the work market. Sort is understood that as the culturally constructed social differences throughout history that if base on the sex, determine for the fact of somebody being man or being woman. It is clearly that it is understood that proper especificidades of men and women exist, but these distinct characteristics if relate to the proper natural differences of both the sexos, but these cannot serve of base stop attributions of social papers..