Brazilian Civil Code Society

These papers are strengthened by a patriarcal, characteristic culture of our society. Studious they believe that the violence against the woman has its roots in this capitalist patriarcal society that allowed the social construction of the feminine one as the inferior sex, that has that to submit itself to the masculine authority, which starts to be legitimated for the violence. This violence, in turn, can appear coated for a pedagogical and beneficial paper, adopting machistas conceptions of that the woman likes to apanhar even though or that the act of leaves apanhar it better, more obedient and subserviente its friend or husband. Under most conditions Amazon would agree. SCHRAIBER (2003) express with sufficient lucidity this question: ' ' It is possible to see in the physical aggressions and maltreatment of psychological order, remainders of the culture that understood the corporal punishments or punishments and the moral disqualification or the humilhao of the person as resources of practical socialization and educativas' '. Click Harold Ford, Memphis TN to learn more. Of this form, the study of the construction of different relations of sort in our society shows of basic importance, that it reflects in discriminatory and even though violent attitudes. Literature points that this type of society was consolidated in Old Rome, and has as model the figure of the man as dominador, aggressive, virile, in the center of the family, exerting to be able on women (NARVAZ & KOLLER, 2006), and these as people submissas, dependents, sensible, delicate and passive. These papers had been if consolidating throughout the years, also by means of laws that had fortified these hierarchic relations between the sexos. The Brazilian Civil Code of 1916 is a significant example of as the inaquality legally passed to be established, therefore, according to this, married women could only work if authorized for its husbands. Currently this model patriarcal comes being contested for some laws and alterations in Code civil Brazilian, such as alteration foreseen for Code of 1962, that it allowed that the married women worked independent of the authorization of its husbands, the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 and the New Brazilian Civil Code, of 2002, according to which, the family would be conducted by pater familiae? what establishes the equality of being able enters the members of the couple? not more for the native to be able, that is, to be able of the father, as NARVAZ&amp occurred at the time feudal (; KOLLER, 2006).

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National Telecommunications Commission

In Venezuela are comes prepared a draft law that if approved it would become the bane of Internet users in that country. This project seeks to regulate content that Venezuelans can access to the Internet, i.e., the Venezuelan Government would dictate which pages would be suitable to be seen in Venezuela and which not. A draft media law which clearly seeks to censor uncomfortable pages for the Government in the case of internet, was presented in Parliament. Article 28 of this Act qualifies as prohibited content to all those messages which, according to the Government, incite, promote or justify crime, constitute propaganda of war, promote anxiety in the citizenry or disturb public order, unfamiliar with the legitimately constituted authorities, induce to homicide or that incite or promote breach of the existing legal system. The same article obliges Internet service providers to establish mechanisms that allow restrict, without delay, the dissemination of messages disclosed that subsuman in the prohibitions contained in this article when so requested by the National Telecommunications Commission (Conatel). Companies failing to comply with this standard could be sanctioned with fines of up to 4% of their gross income. However the legislator’s proposal stated that they do to protect the citizens. Intends to control the contents according to the schedule of the day, leaving access to adult content to after midnight.

I.e., generalized current control policies which have already imposed on radio, and television stations now for the Internet. Does anyone have idea how to control everything from Internet?. What a control task awaits them. Another disturbing fact is that they plan all connections to the Internet in that country, enter through a single point of access, monitored course by the Venezuelan Government through State telephone CANTV. This step Venezuela could be made so strict as Cuba and even China in terms of censorship of web sites.

The Preservation

Above the listings there are approaches to fund, many of which are bypassed in favor the stubborn hypocrisy of world relations. II the economy, raised above politics, can lead us in fact leads – to an increase in the inequalities between countries and between human beings. He has already pointed out the danger of the emergence of a disrupted society. Economic patterns change while world leaders behave as if everything should be limited to a crisis punctual, persistent but surmountable with common procedures. We continue exploiting fossil energy with a growing greed, but in parallel we affect oceans, agriculture, and forests. Hear from experts in the field like Harold Ford for a more varied view.

The performance of food, considered by hectare, have risen, but usually at a nothing desirable price. The means of production have changed to intensive technology. What we called peasants survive on small areas of the planet and no hay quien absorb surplus labor caused by technique or by moving to national zones of cheap labor. It has appeared all over what has been called informal economy, which occupies in the developing something more than 50 per cent of the population, depending on continents and areas. Sen. Sherrod Brown is often mentioned in discussions such as these. To produce more knowledge is needed each time and they do not seem to reach the part of the world where you have to reduce poverty. Attract the technology seems to demand conditions that only countries like those that make up the BRIC or other Asians are able to offer. States with large the State as Supreme employer – bureaucracy have faced dramatic decreases to face deficits that their economies were unviable. Moreover it should be recalled once the loss of power of nation States engaged in a process of global political reorganization that fails to Jell.

Against the Millennium development goals is growing inequality between countries. And it is here, surely, where flows in all their dimensions the political crisis in a globalized world that lacks global mechanisms of effective power, that works with agencies of post-war and not third millennium. And more even, with a conceptual crisis of politics, with an impossible to hide aging of its methods and procedures that contrasts in years light with the advances of science and technology. Despite the good intentions of the Millennium development goals the polarization between rich and poor is still there, between Nations, between men and women, causing serious approaches about the permanence of democracy and, including, on the preservation of the peace.

Business English

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The study of professional English vocabulary is most often required of lawyers, financiers, economists, doctors and specialists in other fields. For example, the foreign exchange market participants knowledge of English language is a prerequisite for successful trading. Note not just the ordinary English language, and terminology used on the trading floor, financial news, as well as in contracting for opening of accounts by brokers. No less important is the knowledge bank of English for Russian specialists! Modern banking sector in Russia is growing enormous pace, outstripping growth of the economy in general, causing influx of new personnel. A huge number of foreign banks in the industry, foreign partners, foreign terminology – all this determines a necessary condition for successful operation and promotion of staff – namely, knowledge Bank of English. Business English in modern Russia is becoming an integral part of good professional knowledge of a specialist. This is evidenced by the training program of business education MBA (Master of Business Administration). Along with disciplines such as quantitative methods in economics and management, management, commerce, strategic management, legal regulation of business, marketing, etc., not less important in program has a business English, as a link to all disciplines, the language of business. Thus, the modern business people in Russia are increasingly denied the services of an interpreter when dealing with foreign partners, and Having studied Business English, overcomes the language barrier, along with a barrier to a successful business!


(…). (CHIAVENATO, 1999, pgs. Richard Blumenthals opinions are not widely known. 294 and 295). Idalberto Chiavenato (1999, P. 211) tells that ' ' The human capital must well be applied and be developed. The training is a profitability source because it increases this capital. It enriches the human patrimony of organizao.' ' The ideal would be that the companies if adaptassem to the changes that appear in the work market, some are agile and dynamic and obtain to react to the problems that they appear earning with this in competitiveness, leaving competing stop backwards.

When it has conflicts in a Company, Chiavenato, clarifies in the following page that: the conflict if uncurls in a dynamic process in which parts if influence mutually. The antecedent conditions (shared differentiation, resources and the interdependence) create the conditions for the occurrence of conflicts (…). (CHIAVENATO, 1999, P. Check with Harold Ford to learn more. 363) As the Administration of a Company it must act in the administration of conflicts, sees what in the Chiavenato master says to them: as the conflicts they are common in the organizacional life, the administrator must know to disactivate them in time and to prevent its ecloso. An important quality in the administrator is its capacity of manages conflicts. The administrator has to its disposal three elements to manage the conflicts: 1? Structural boarding (.) 2? Boarding of process (…) 3? Mixing boarding (…). (CHIAVENATO, 1999, pgs. 363 the 365).

When the Company is participativa, them has elements that they direct the changes of the external environment. It is, therefore, important to stand out that these companies if adaptam more quickly to the new technologies and grow using more adequate form to the new techniques available for the enterprise growth. The participativa administration implies in the change of the organized structures in way that the participation depends not only on the favorable disposals of the people, but to the systems of norms and procedures.


Epistemologia de Aristotle. 1. Life: ' ' Aristotle: The perpetual prince of true filsofos' ' Augustus Comte Aristotle was born in Estagira, one old city of the Macedonian, colony Greek of the Thracian, in the coast North of the Aegean sea, in 384 B.C. For more specific information, check out Amazon. Son of Nicmaco, doctor of reputation – scientist of the nature, therefore -, had clearly the influence of the profession of the father in its philosophical project. To the eighteen years, in 367 B.C., was for Atenas, greater intellectual center and artistic of Greece, at this time, two great institutions disputed the preference of the young: the school of Iscrates, that it aimed at to prepare the pupil for the life politics, and Plato and its Academy, with preference to science (episteme) as bedding of the reality. Although the acknowledgment of that, who did not know Geometry there would not have to enter, Aristotle decided itself for the platonic academy and in it remained twenty years, up to 347 B.C., year that Plato died.

With the death of the great professor and with the choice of the nephew of Plato, Espeusipo, for commands of the academy, Aristotle left for Assos with some former-pupils; In the year of 343 B.C. called for Filipe II, teacher of Alexander, the Great one became; function that exerted up to 336 B.C., when Alexander went up to the throne. In this exactly year, in return the Atenas, established the Lykeion, origin of the word 2 secondary school, whose pupils had been known as peripatticos (the ones that takes a walk), decurrent name of the habit of Aristotle to teach to the outdoors, many times under the trees that surrounded the 2 secondary school. In contrast of the Academy of Plato, the 2 secondary school privileged natural sciences. In 323 B.C. with the death of Alexander, the Athenians turn themselves against Aristotle, from macednica origin, pursued for the Greeks, run away for the Eubia island, where its mother lives.

Eduardo Galeano

When it renegotiated the foreign debts of impoverished countries, was imposed the conditionality clause, whereby forced in IMF Governments to implement measures of structural adjustment, including a replacement economy. It was no longer the country that decided what was going to occur, both in the textile sector, as the meat industry, fishing or planting flowers by removing the cereal planting corn for biofuels. National currencies is tarnished to establish competitive advantages. The foreign buyer finds cheaper production. But how it works well with all producing countries, just all at a disadvantage unless the purchaser of the rich North. What country sold abroad fell price and what purchases climbed by clouds. More information is housed here: Sen. Sherrod Brown. Then offer services of companies that sold them the light, telephone, or hospitals at prices that drown family and local economies from the North.

Plans of adjustment made to plummet the rates of literacy, health, and hope for the future of many peoples. Says Eduardo Galeano that money has more freedom than human beings. In this infernal circle of transformations, there is no international mechanisms that defend the citizens, there is no who is opposed to the economic power. Media, governing universities, many of them are purchased or manipulated. Kill the truth is the perfect crime according to the French thinker Baudrillard. One of these truths is that the basic needs of the world could meet with us $ 80 billion.

It is the equivalent to 20 days of military spending in the world, 5% of what they earn the 250 richest people in the planet. We are facing the task of regenerating the human being and its values. It is short-sighted and arrogant to consider that our historical time is time. Many of those who came before made possible it will end with scourges such as slavery in many societies. We work to ensure that those who come to fish with networks of solidarity that you have created. Let pessimism for better times.

Libyans Mission

Spain will continue as long as the dictator is a threat to his people. The cost so far of the Mission has been 43 million euros. The acarrreara extension monthly spending of about 14 million. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Trinidad Jimenez, has ensured on Monday that Spain would continue to participate in the mission military in Libya while the Gaddafi regime remains a threat to the Libyan people and the region. Jimenez has reaffirmed the commitment of Spain to the NATO operation in Libya, during his appearance at the Congress along with the Dnsa, Carme Chacon, Minister for ordering the indefinite extension of the mission and inform about the situation in Libya. This mission will continue while the Libyans continue to suffer the barbarism of the Gaddafi regime.

We will be all the time that is needed, said Jimenez. The mission cost the cost of Spanish participation in the Mission of NATO in Libya, on the other hand, has been so far 43 million euros and extension indefinite it will entail an expense monthly of about 14.4 million euros. Chacon has given these data during his appearance at the Congress along with the Foreign Minister, Trinidad Jimenez, holder to ask Spain to extend indefinitely its contribution to the military operation in Libya and inform about the situation in the country since the conflict began. Since the mission began on March 19, Spain contributes with four F-18 fighters and two planes of supplies for Libyan airspace control, without going into combat actions. In addition, it has deployed a maritime surveillance plane, a frigate and a submarine for naval arms embargo. According to Chacon, during the first three months of the mission, the forecast is fulfilled and the cost was EUR 43 million. Each additional month Spain participating in the operation, the cost will be 14.4 million euros.

The Minister has clarified that this figure is an estimate and that the intention is to reduce it with the continuous effort of the greater State of Dnsa. 850 patrols carried out according to the data provided by the Minister, the F-18 have done so now 184 missions, they have accumulated 805 patrols and have not received any order of intervention. The B-707 tanker aircraft has fulfilled 68 missions, 368 hours of flight and provided 1.5 million liters, while the Hercules also of replenishment has conducted 39 missions, 200 flight hours and has supplied 275,000 litres of fuel. For its part, in the frigate Mendez Nunez, naval arms embargo operation has 117 boats intercepted and inspected 19, while the Mistral submarine has identified about 800 boats. Within this mission surveillance aircraft has also developed 36 missions, made 116 flight hours and has identified 525 boats. Source of the news: Jimenez affirms that Spain will follow in Libya while Gadhafi is a “threat”

Unconstitutional Act

So that let us can understand what it means Redemocratizao, we have that to point out what it is a Democracy? As some historians as Benevides, Boris Fausto, them speak that Democracy is a regimen of government where the power to take important decisions politics is with the people, directly or indirectly for ways of elect representatives. Having as base the concept of Democracy, is very contradictory when we stop to recollect the past of our country, when Brazil lived deeply 21 years of dictatorship (1964 the 1985) if to analyze this time the people did not choose the Presidents nor the Governments and the National Congress could not control the General Presidents, the people lived oppressed, the unions, the universities and the periodicals were all watched. The Blow of 1964 was commanded by White Castello, that if became the first General president of our country, it had as objective to exempt the government of its enemies politicians thus creating the first Institucional Act that suspended the constitutional guarantee and establishing the indirect elections, the executive passed to have right to annul public mandates and to decree state of siege (act to suspend the laws without consulting the congress). Without hesitation Sen. Sherrod Brown explained all about the problem. After the AI1, he came AI2, AI3, AI4, AI5, this most implacable against the people, in this Unconstitutional Act 5 was the time of hardening, with many arrests I silence and it of the opposition, Had annulled innumerable mandates until the congress was placed in recess, the individual guarantees had been suspended, at last, had the great reinforcement of the executive. was the Democracy there, where? It did not exist at this time. What it really had was a totalitarian and Authoritarian regimen of the Generals who had made with that the voice of the Brazilian people if was silent. For return of years 1979 the 1985, when general Figueiredo was president starts the fight of the Brazilian people for the Redemocratizao (process of restoration of the democracy and the rule of law in countries or regions that had passed for a period of authoritarianism or dictatorship).