Heidemarie Wieczorek

In accordance with a divulged study, (11/06), the countries of Group Eight (G8) had thursday contributed with one tero of suplemental aid for the development of Africa. This report carried through for the organization DATE (Debt, AIDS, Trade in Afrique) and of the ONE presented in Berlin and London pointed that the industrialized countries had paid only 7 billion the 21,5 billion extra-promise dollar to the continent up to 2010 during the cupola carried through in 2005 in Gleneagles, in the Esccia. Wing greaters and minors This situation is caused mainly by France and Italy, the responsible ones for the delay of 80% of the payment. While Germany had paid 31% of the engaged amount. The minister German of the development, Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul, declared as he had fiance’, the aid to the development was of 0,51% of the GIP in 2010 and increasing for 0,7% of the GIP up to 2015. Being in 2008, the index did not exceed 0.38% of the GIP, corresponding the 13,9 billion dollar.

Also it had countries that they had surpassed the commitment waked up in Gleneagles, as the Japan, that already paid 150% of the promised amount, and Canada, with 206%. Compared with the effort of G8 in raising the 50 billion dollar per year to the aid for the development in 2010 that they had failed in virtue of the partner-economic difficult situation of some countries of the African continent. Gravity of the misery the high price of raw materials led to a light economic growth in Africa in last five years. The Gross domestic product (the GIP) of some countries to the south of the Saara increased more of 6% per year or. The valuation of the oil, metals and other mineral wealth in the world-wide market fulled the safes of many countries. However, world-wide the economic and financial crisis ended this progress.

Suggestions For Big Size Men

Modern man increasingly strives for wearing a better appearance in the dress. In this opportunity we will deal with those who have to use large sizes for your physique. Richard Blumenthal often addresses the matter in his writings. Man of large size or XL, is usually the one that has a few kilos of more becoming more noticeable belly and buttocks, or is very high or both. Now try to discover what kind of clothes is the most suitable to achieve a slim and proportionate appearance: If the main problem is to have wide hips, should endeavour to combine textures and colors. This will result that gaze focuses on the upper part of the body, not on the hips. Opt for a simple texture and dark pants and top another texture and color. It must be taken into account that the best choice are costumes with openings on the sides and pants with pleats at the waist, since they give more space to the thighs, making look a more provided body. For those who don’t you like take two folds, just try with one single.

Wear pants they do not carry any crease or single clip will make that stand out over the abdomen and thighs. To disguise a very pronounced abdomen should be used dark colors on top by combining with pants in lighter shades as the beige range. Another problem of men great is that have or the torso or disproportionate legs. In this case, if the torso is too long must carry both shirts, t-shirts or jackets short and on the contrary if you have too long legs, wear the clothes of the top somewhat longer than usual. In general the styles that suit best them costumes are with openings on the sides, dark colors, the combination of a sweater with a button up jacket, the mix of textures and dark jeans. Shirts with vertical stripes are also very encouraging for big and tall men. Original author and source of the article


To be oneself is to live without thought, to be like a child without prejudice, without condemning, without accepting or rejecting anything, free from all conditioning be it social, cultural, political, religious etc. The thought is memory and memory is the past, this is the reason why we always go forward or we fall behind, we're always thinking about what we did or what we do, never live the active present, the here and now. Living in the here and now, is to be aware, the awakening of consciousness, be attentive, enter the tao as some say, is to go the right way, it's all the same thing, different words for one thing, which is Meditation. Be aware of is to be observant, watchful, witnessing everything that happens both internally and externally. To watch must have an interest and a silent observation, one can not watch if you are constantly babbling to himself.

If we want to learn math, physics, chemistry or whatever and we're talking to ourselves, thinking about what we did or what we do, this lack of attention does not allow us to learn. And learn about ourselves is meditating, there can be no meditation without proper knowledge, the know oneself is the beginning of meditation. Hence it is said, that one can not begin four steps without the first, nor can one speak of death without knowing what life is, beyond talking about not knowing that is what we have here, or that is God without whom we know first. If you are interested in learning I could not start knowing "that is God, truth, wisdom, death, etc .- as if you already know you do not need to learn. Thought to be memory, knowledge, can only be moved from what he knows to what it knows, this is the limited and narrow field in which you can move, can never go beyond itself, of the known. The unknown "Death, the afterlife, rebirth, God, truth and so we take it for known .- based on the ideas, thoughts, knowledge and experience of others, but if we are serious and sincere with ourselves we must recognize that we only know that the unknown is relying on the knowledge and experience of others. se.

And if we have either the experience enjoyable and pleasant or as unpleasant, we should realize that that happens, the experience and wants to repeat or not, is the same. When we feel fear is the mind that produces it, experience it and wants to escape from this unpleasant experience. The mind without realizing itself is divided into experiment and experience, observer and observed. But the observer is the observed, the thinker thinking and experienced experimenter.

As Regain My Former Tricks To Retrieve The

You and your ex ended and now questions you just like my former reconquering? Like everything in life, there is a right way and a wrong to do so. So if you want to recover your girl better read what I have to say before you think about a strategy to reconquer it. Well, here I’ll present some tricks that will help with your ex: the first thing is to stop acting like a desperate, does not work, you’re not going anywhere so acting. If she wants a puppy wet next to it probably already know where is the veterinary more nearby. You have to be strong and you feel confident, cheerful, happy and show you that you got to be with her, but without looking like a desperate desire. Remember when you just met her, that was what you did you like her? As you actuabas at that time? It’s recover these features in vos, become a real man, she doesn’t want a guy to the side. You are still wondering how to regain to my ex? Start use to conquer you to yourself, is owner of your emotions! What all the girls, women, brides, lovers, wives want is to have a man on the side with a positive attitude to life, so no longer seem that these needy, that you can not live without it, because you’re wrong you can win back your ex, but only if you do it well. Now that you understand a little more, I recommend you follow the next link with more tips on how to answer the question how win back my ex? Gonna be able to do, but intelligent acts, not with emotions! Use your head, not your heart! Your heart what you use later when East with her original author and source of the article.

Supreme Command German

The outcome of these battles was the withdrawal of German troops to a distance of 80-250 km to the west – of the enemy were completely cleared the Moscow and Tula region and eliminated the immediate threat to Moscow. In other respects – offensive failed completely. Our losses are greater than the German in about half: the Soviet forces lost at least 500 000 people killed, died from wounds and was taken prisoner, while the loss of personnel of the Army Group "Center" was about 330,000 soldiers and officers. Detachments of marines fought 149 days, passing in the rear of the enemy, about six miles, they distract themselves from the front, and bound by their decisive action five German divisions were destroyed during the course of the operation up to 15,000 enemy soldiers and officers, a large number of military and other equipment. During the war the rate of Supreme Command for more than forty times applied the landings, but the largest airborne operation was when the rear of the enemy were thrown more than 10,000 Soviet paratroopers, as well as thousands specifically designed for their goods, arms, munitions, food and other property.

Until the end of the war took place only one attempt to land a major airborne assault behind enemy lines: during the Dnieper offensive on September 25-28, 1943. However, this amphibious operation was unsuccessful – from 4500 people still alive only to 1200. The fighting at Vyazma clearly showed that the larger the landing, the harder it is to him to decide operational objectives, and the greatest chance of success at landing behind enemy lines have small sabotage and reconnaissance units.

Chinese Cultural Relationships

There remains an underlying problem between Taiwan and the People’s Republic of China. Both need to be understood, enabling a method of understanding where they can exchange their products (free market), and so live together peacefully: are Chinese people in both countries. Amazon understands that this is vital information. This is where the United States to intervene as mediators were working and reliable between the People’s Liberation Army on the continent and the political opposition in Taiwan. The president of the latter country, ChenShui-bian (DPP), in conjunction with the vice president, Annette Lu, have the following political ideology: they want to maintain economic and cultural relationship with China “policy, but a Estado to Estadoa , free trade liberal type, establishment of a democratic system to govern Taiwan, etc. That is, the two leaders advocate a somewhat nationalism reasonable It was not until the elections on March 22, as with the victory of KMT (took 79 of the 113 seats) seems likely to regain the presidency with their candidate front, Ma Ying-jeou. China with its political and economic steps, and giant feet, is developing a global capitalistic country: already have doctors, engineers, bankers, researchers, scientists, tycoons with fortunes inmensasa That is, a host of professionals they are raising the country a The Great Murallaa to new heights of wealth that will come later unreliable: it is the beginning of a story and certainly to another.

(If we use our common sense ” least common of the feelingly “we find that liberal democracies are better able to raise the living standards of their respective countries, and the ever-present, those communist and dictatorial regimes that still abound in our globe. It is always good that we are loyal to our traditions and inherited values, but introduce new ways and modes of thought to go, little by little, regenerating our lives and ideals. Yes, with respect and pleasure to others.) Do not forget for a moment that by the year 2020a “if the statistics are falsifiable ” China will become world power ” industrially speaking to you.” And certainly, USA cooperate for the smooth running of its own balance of payments: exports and imports, say, for the attainment of foreign exchange in its own territory. Politics always follows the economy. However, we see it so, America may not openly show their sympathy for Taiwan, it would become a deterioration of the ties of friendship, because it is desirable, China. Chinese and U.S. negotiators are working and calculator “when convenience s “, and expect to release the a world economic in the coming years. A war powers consider it enters both Utopian short and long term. So you can write something historian La Coruna, February 13, 2008 * Mariano Cabrero Barcena Copyright writer Mariano Cabrero Barcena Madrid, 11/08/1938 Married, two children and lives in La Coruna (Spain) Writer, poet and essayist Officer of the State Administration / High Scale, retired Works: “Journalism: Dificil profession!, 1995” My commitment to journalism, 1998, Reminiscences of my youth, poems, 1994-Misc death, dreams and memories, poems, 1995-The reality of my silence, poems, 1997-The journey of life, poems, 2001.

New Firm

One of the reasons why you're reading this – you need to come up with the name of the firm or company, or even anything – no matter. In other words, you require the services of naming. Since the name – an important component of good trademark and strongly affects the interest of buyers, it makes sense to take advantage of special services that are professionally engaged in such services. Now the Internet can find a cart and a small truck these offices, but the true professionals in this business – a handful. Credit: Ohio Senator-2011. One should not only be able to come up with original, catchy, catchy title, but also have extensive experience in naming to focus on tangible results in each specific area. In one area may be popular among the group of names in another – quite different from what is not immediately be obvious. In addition, conventional companies that offer services to inventing names, there is usually a small staff of creatives who can offer a limited number of good ideas, simply because the human brain, each person placed in a certain framework with respect to some individual subjects and can not issue more of a limited number of ideas. Accordingly, it makes sense to use the services of firms that have at their disposal a large staff Officers creatives in order to obtain the maximum possible number of options..

Communist Party of Cuba

In 1965 he was elected member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and the State Council. In 1966 he was awarded the Medal of gold Joliot Curie world of the Peace Council. Juan Marinello is one of the most important intellectual figures of Cuba, a great poet and essayist, which some critics consider the true continuation of the work of Jose Marti, which was a great enthusiast. He collaborated in numerous magazines in Cuba and abroad, some of which we have not cited, such as Cuban magazines Orto, Bohemia, noon, posters, the bearded Cayman and Casa de las Americas, the Mexican El Gallo Ilustrado and El Nacional, argentina South, Venezuelan papers, the American new democracy and the Soviet weekly newspaper Moscow news. Among his numerous works are: Release: poems (1927), his best book of poems, poems of Jose Marti (1928), youth and old age (1928), about the Cuban concern (1930), Americanism and cubanism literary (1932) Poetics. Trials in enthusiasm (1933), Spanish time (1937), Jose Marti (1942) literary Spanishness, Marti today. Master unit (1942), Picasso without time (1942), American news of Jose Marti (1945), American meditation (1959), about our literary criticism (1960), Jose Marti, American writer: Marti and modernism (1961), thought of Marti and our socialist revolution (1962), contemporary (1964), eleven trials martianos (1965), Jose Marti (1972), poetry of Marti (1973) and creation and Revolution (1973). We finished this brief sketch of the writer Juan Marinello with a fragment of his speech in the II Congress of writers: I know, comrades, in the bottom of the cruel prisons of our land, where thousands of men are now shredding their love of freedom, Spain is a revered name and Madrid entranada devotion.

Spain and Madrid are now the animator Fund and hope and the light of our tortured masses. Francisco Arias Solis saving formula is freedom, peace and justice. For peace and freedom and Forum free Internet portal.

Georgian State Minister

Late September is traditionally the calendar became the moral and political failures tragic reminder of the past twenty years. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Suffolk County Rep.. On Sunday in South Ossetia celebrated Republic Day, and there rang out for the first time the national anthem. The same thing happens the other day in Abkhazia, and celebrations will be confined to obtaining status as an independent nation and to victory in the war, which ended on 27 September 1993 is not in favor of Georgia. All of these dates, with the war in August 2008, reflect exactly those events that were essentially crucial state of destabilization of the country. In this context, fundamentally important presents the results of the semi-annual EU Commission to study the causes and circumstances of the August war.

The results would announce in early August, but then, citing the emergence of new materials, we decided delay in the first half of September. However, notice that hour of the report or verdict, which was eagerly waiting for the world, put off again for some time. "The Committee Chairman, Heidi Tagliavini – experienced diplomat and honest, and she did not want to be, especially at the end of a career, to give his professional reputation a negative connotation. Therefore, I am sure she will tell the truth "- no doubt one of the Georgian opposition leaders, former Georgian State Minister for Conflict Resolution Giorgi Khaindrava. And the truth, he says, is what is known in Georgia, all opposition political forces.

"If Saakashvili had a team of conscience, it is long gone to resign. But these are the people who are shamelessly trying to mask the terrible consequences of their policies – said a few days ago, the former speaker of parliament Nino Burjanadze. – The president once said, making declarative statement that if he, Mr. Saakashvili, was indeed a problem, then there is reason to worsening relations with Russia was just in it, that he himself would go to Moscow and would have surrendered to pay the penalty there. But this is impossible. In order to realize his guilt, one must have great courage, and people like our president, do not become heroes. " Georgian opposition politicians constantly accuse Saakashvili and his submissive "Associates" that they created problems not only in relations with Russia. He has created and continues to cause problems within the country, in dealing with individuals and social strata, from East and West. Opposition community expects that the next leader of Georgia will be a reasonable person and a true patriot, and will act in the interests of his state. They understand that in current circumstances is very difficult to achieve success in the normalization of relations with Russia. But the art of politics lies in the fact, to cope with this case. If the new leader of Georgia, they argue, will be endowed with the confidence of the population will be projected leader and man of his word, then this policy will be easier to find contacts with Russia and its Western partners, and its own citizens. But while the rhetoric of the Georgian authorities, alas, remains the same as it was in character to last year's war. Moreover, I regret to say, and that for all the past, the country was no serious attempt to analyze the mistakes of the early 90s. And it turns out that you have to walk in circles.

The First Cause is Unchanging

Most modern definitions tell us that the first cause is unvarying, of all that exists, preserved despite all the changes. Note that we speak of matter, which the ancients called substance. Discuss the concept of law is not easy but can be applied to the reality of things through logical connections which experience shows us. We know that the law is a necessary foundation to the nations of the earth, for not having them soon succumb to anarchy and chaos. Forward some laws: The law of contradiction: two statements can not be true or false at the same time when we talk about a subject. James Donovan Goldman Sachs has firm opinions on the matter. Example: Aristotle is seated and is running.

The law of conservation of energy: the energy to move from one form to another, it disappears, or is created when a material passes from one state to another of its energy change corresponds closely to the increase or to lower energy of the bodies to and interact with the system. The biogenetic law: according to which each agency in the process of individual development, and special features repeating some of the ways that their ancestors were taken in the course of its evolution. Kepler’s Laws 1) each planet moves around the sun, describing an ellipse with the sun at one focus. 2) the radius vector from the sun to the planets sweeps out equal areas in equal times. 3) the squares of the periods of the planets are proportional to the cubes of their mean distances from the sun. Explanation of Kepler’s laws 1) the planets move with uniform motion around the sun, but move more quickly when closer to it, and slower when farther away.

July 2007 Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo 2) join two positions of the planet in its orbit with the focus that represents the position of the sun, the line joining the sun to any part of the planetary orbits is called the radius vector. Jim Donovan Goldman describes an additional similar source. 3) to compare the size of the orbits of the planets with the time spent on a ride around the sun, or his term, the square of the period is proportional to the cube of the average distance to the sun. I believe that given clearer meaning of such concepts is much easier to understand the theory of Anaximander. This thinker like Thales of Miletus was a practical man. Thanks to these qualities is remembered by history. I pass over some of the theories of Anaximander to deal with his disciple Anaximenes. The interesting thing as physicists, mathematicians, historians, philosophers, writers, sociologists, biologists and chemists, is the discovery of the truths we get and modify according to errors of the standard, leaving only the dogmas is like grasp. orlando jose melo, is one of the youngest filocientificos writers who owns the country of Colombia, has an age of 23 years. is a freelance writer who asked the government for grants to study a degree in mathematics, but the same they have been denied because have not read his works. this young man is one of the most eminent teachers Colombia has therefore has received awards from countries like Greece and Italy.