New Nintendo DS Console With 3D Display

Revolutionary gaming console Nintendo 3DS with the 3DS has brought a revolutionary innovation in the market the manufacturer Nintendo. The innovative console enables 3D games. For this, the players don’t even need a 3D glasses. The shopping portal presents the new console. In relation to size and weight, no significant difference from a conventional Nintendo DS is recognizable console. Only the two outer cameras suggest that the Nintendo 3DS can do more than its predecessors. Who would like to convince yourself of the possibilities of 3D, should test first the already installed program AR games. This, the supplied cards are placed on a flat surface and then captured with the cameras so that three-dimensional images will appear on the display.

To the optimum perception, the distance between eyes and display about should be 25 to 35 centimeters. In addition, the console should be moved as little as possible. The images are already with minimal deviations from the ideal viewing angle namely blurred. A related site: air jordan mentions similar findings. Moreover, the shaking may also cause the so-called gaming sickness, because the eye as opposed to the inner ear perceives a spatial change. Another problem when playing with 3D is that it quickly comes to fatigue on the part of the player’s. Can be countered but with breaks and switch off the 3D mode which. All in all is the 3D viewing experience very compelling with the Nintendo 3DS. More information: presse.html Unister GmbH Lisa Neumann