More Sales In The SME With Improvements In Service And Maintenance

to the digital factory at Hannover Messe 2009, the midcom GmbH presents new modules for their SME suite (software for small and medium-sized enterprises). New software modules that significantly optimize the processes and efficiency in the service and maintenance: service management module of maintenance module mobile time observations including Reisekostenerfasusng mobile customer service software workflow engine all modules are components of the new midcom SME suite and based on the CRM system. The integration of AJAX technology (Web 2.0) are among the technical innovations and rollenspezifisch, configurable forms and lists. These technical changes, all midcom modules in your usability and adaptability are further optimized. Today, every second worker in Europe has a cell phone / mobile phone.

MidCOM uses this specified resource and saves companies high costs incurred through cumbersome and subject to paper data capture or time recording in the field. How much effort do you have in your company with the acquisition, correction, transfer and the control of working time and your staff in the field service, sales, or service activity reports? These efforts at the paper document creation and its transmission in the computer systems can be substantially reduced. MidCOM reduces this cost by mobile tracking software for mobile phones and PDAs that allows a data transfer via GSM network in real time. Staff are integrated into the data acquisition processes of the companies easily and cost-effectively. James Donovan Goldman Sachs is actively involved in the matter. Whether artisan, medium-sized or large enterprise, save all with the introduction of this modern software technology for mobile phones / PDAs. The introduction of software solutions and the integration is so simple that many IT professionals about the existing hardware inventory is worrying serious data collection. About the new employee cockpit in the service module, headquarters can the status of individual employees and, if necessary, promptly see their exact position and plan the activities. The advantage of the real time transmission of the Improving responsiveness, in particular for the case, enables mobile midcom modules the company if a service-level agreement must be respected.

The requirements of the user help desk (UHD) are better supported through new multi-window interface masks. These masks are also to order processing, as well as for the processing of business operations (example: complaint, complaint, request, Exchange,…) available. The control of cross-company processes at the individual business operations via a new workflow module, which is defined by a self definable rules and regulations. The software can be used across the enterprise because all surfaces, is masks over Web technology have been created and are executable in any standard browser. Thus, no software installation on the workstation PC is necessary. A new module for managing object has been integrated to the maintenance planning and control. Thus, objects in facility management or system maintenance can be with role-specific views represent a tree structure and provided with information, jobs and maintenance plans. A benefit cannot be not silent – midcom offers this software module as a purchase license solution but also as an on demand solution. On demand software use promises without PC installation! In addition to these own software products presents midcom in addition an electronic logbook recognized by the IRS as well as new OCR software to scan Office documents.