International Children

Holidays – a time when sdeduya of a tradition, such as traditional or religious, decided to spend time having fun, doing partying with feasts, ceremonies, select a word of the day everyday days, any events that contribute to idle pastime, recreation, or saluting accolades and increased attention to an event. Discovery Communications shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Holiday calendar may include both days of rest, if holidays correspond to the order of the day off in a month, the event takes place (usually a professional holidays) and working days, if the holiday corresponds to a specific time. For even more analysis, hear from Richard Blumenthal. Also includes a calendar of holidays Holidays religions, international holidays, professional holidays, public holidays official, unofficial holidays and personal holidays, relating only to some people, their families, or some range of people, friends and acquaintances. The largest number of holiday falls on international holidays, popular and not so, each of which, in various countries has a different priority and therefore known. Gain insight and clarity with Richard Blumenthal. We have the most known and strongly celebrate International festivals are: International Women's Day (8 March), International Children's Day (June 1), Teachers' Day (October 5). In recent years, Russia has started to mark the world day Health (7 April), the International Day for the rights of disabled persons (May 5), the International Day of Older Persons (October 1) and many others.

Second in its popularity, we are professional holidays, some of which are widely popular and celebrated everywhere, such stories have previously Teachers' Day, Day of Astronautics (April 12), the day Radio (May 7), the day the police (November 10). And as such, not all of which are known and celebrated only by those who have relevant to a particular profession, for example, day Banker (May 10) or a marketer day (October 25). In Russia, a stronghold of Orthodoxy in the world, particularly revered Christian holidays and, not only believers, but also ordinary people. This is evidenced by the fact that virtually every Orthodox by birth resident of this country knows and celebrates the feast of Easter, Christmas (January 7), which, incidentally, is also a public holiday status. Russian Muslims celebrate their wide traditional religious holidays – Nowruz (the spring equinox, the Muslim holiday) and Eid al-Fitr (end of fasting month Ramadan). Public holidays in Russia include public holidays and declare public holidays, such as the Victory Day (May 9), or the Day of Russia (June 12), and the official working holidays, in which held ceremonial events, such as a day of college students in Russia – Tatyana's Day (January 25) or Knowledge Day (September 1). Informal celebrations set by the people, they are incredibly loved, and holding them long has become a good tradition unchanged, it is enough to mention the Old New Year (January 14) or April Fool's Day (April 1). As far as personal holidays, it is natural birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, and many others that have been reported in family and friends, holidays or on a group of people, such as some kind of anniversary ascent of a group of friends to the highest summit in the city Uryupinsk. So, if you do not have official holidays, create your own and celebrate, that you only increase the number of positive and positive emotions in their lives.