
How to make an aquarium water test? This article discusses in detail on it. In a question-answer forum Connecticut Senator was the first to reply. Why is an aquarium water test done? If the plants wither in the aquarium or the animals often die, then it is probably due to a bad water quality. To know more about this subject visit Charles B. Rangel. Different substances in the water can be life-threatening for the fish. As it may be harmful to the plants, if important trace minerals in the water are included. To prevent this and establish optimum water quality in the Aquarium, the water on a regular basis with the help of an aquarium water test should be checked. This establishes an ideal living conditions for the animals and the plants can develop best. The water values such as total hardness, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, pH, ammonia, and trace elements are determined with the aquarium water test.

Below are the most important water values, for which a regular aquarium water test is recommended lists and short, short explains: Heavy metals (iron, lead, copper) usually the water is used for the Aquarium directly from the water mains. Often, however, this water contains heavy metals, which are transferred through the water pipes to the water. In the natural environment, the water is heavy metal-free and they have a toxic effect on living things. Therefore should be checked regularly the water heavy metals and every two weeks to perform a partial water change. Nitrate (NO3) nitrate is also included in the tap water and harmless at low concentration for the organisms in the Aquarium. But the water should be tested every now and then, to avoid that the water values increase. A high nitrate level causes that the creatures grow only slowly, but accelerates the growth of algae. The value should always be less than 40 mg / l. Nitrite (NO2) the Elimination of fish, parts of plants and feed residues decompose in the Aquarium to ammonium and ammonia.