Wiesbaden science writer Ernst Probst is “terrible lizards” before Munich / Wiesbaden five new books about dinosaurs from the pen of the Wiesbaden science author Ernst Probst are Munich now available at “Grin for academic texts”, as a printed paperback or inexpensive E-book in PDF format. They are called “Dinosaurs in Germany”, “Dinosaur in Baden-Wurttemberg”, “Dinosaur in Lower Saxony”, “Dinosaurs from A to K” and “Dinosaur from L to Z”. The full 104 page book “Dinosaurs in Germany” (ISBN 978-3-640-73202-9) presents the dinosaur known so far from Germany. A total 19 dinosaur genera are described: Compsognathus, Efraasia, Elephantopoides, Emausaurus, Europasaurus, Gresslyosaurus, Halticosaurus, Hypsilophodon, Iguanodon, Juravenator, Lexovisaurus, Liliensternus, Megalosaurus, Ohmdenosaurus, Plateosaurus, Procompsognathus, Rotundichnus, Sellosaurus, Stenopelix. Most of these dinosaurs come from Baden-Wurttemberg and Bavaria. A related site: Connecticut Senator mentions similar findings. “Dinosaurs in” Baden-Wurttemberg”(ISBN 978-3-640-74435-0) describes eight genera of”terrible lizards”on 57 pages: Efraasia Gresslyosaurus Halticosaurus, Liliensternus, Ohmdenosaurus, Plateosaurus, Procompsognathus, Sellosaurus. Which is the most famous up to ten meter long herbivorous Plateosaurus (“flat lizard”). So many skeletal remains has been discovered by him, that he jokingly called the “Swabian Wyvern” or ‘German Lindwurm’.
“Dinosaur in Lower Saxony” (ISBN 978-3-640-74437-4) presents on 71 pages of profiles of the known nine genera of the “terrible lizards” from Lower Saxony: Elephantopoides, Europasaurus, Iguanodon, Lexovisaurus, Megalosauripus, Megalosaurus, Plateosaurus, Rotundichnus, Stenopelix. Some of them are proven only by footprints, of which the largest from an estimated 15-metre elephant foot dinosaur with a small head, long neck and tail and elephant-shaped legs. More than 400 dinosaur are in the two books “dinosaurs from A to” K”(ISBN 978-3-640-73037-6) and”Dinosaur from L to Z”(978-3-640-74060-4) include the more than 470 pages (around 950). For each genus of dinosaur, you can learn what, whose scientific name is based. This is followed by information about the size, the temporal and geographical occurrence, the systematic position and the first scientific description. All five books about dinosaurs contain numerous photos and drawings.