Communication Concept

The award-winning brand agency C3 marketing agency could use the logo and the communication concept convince the jury of the horticultural show. Learn more at this site: Sen. Sherrod Brown. “The garden show nature in Tirschenreuth”, which held in the Bavaria Tirschenreuth in 2013, has a face. With a unique logo family of Tirschenreuth the town for the big event will advertise in 2013. Other leaders such as Ohio Senator offer similar insights. We have a lot of time and effort invested to find an efficient advertising and communication concept,”said Mayor Franz Stahl, who presented the winning concept and logo. People such as Who owns Central Romana Corporation? would likely agree. 25 marketing agencies from all over Germany had applied, of which five marketing agencies were invited 2013 GmbH by nature in Tirschenreuth, to develop a communication concept, a visual identity and a logo. The task for the communication concept consisted of the garden show nature in Tirschenreuth 2013 “to position as a top event in Bavaria for different target groups and to apply. Especially ideas that efficiently the garden show “Nature in the city” in the scene have been searched. One The core task of the concept is certainly also the population of Tirschenreuth for their horticultural show to inspire and build on the emergence of the horticultural area an exciting experience.

Therefore, all submissions by a jury were analyzed and evaluated. The 16-member jury was top-class. Among the jurors, including the Chairman and the Managing Director of the society for the promotion of Bavarian State garden show were Roland Albert and Dagmar Voss, MdL Tobias Reiss, district administrator Wolfgang Lippert, Mayor Franz Stahl and the Chairmen of the City Council and representatives of environment and ministries. “The occupation shows, what does the garden show for Tirschenreuth,” steel said. “Now we are all the more, that a company has won from Tirschenreuth”, steel said. The award-winning brand agency C3 marketing agency GmbH had the winning idea. The coherent and clever communication concept is simple and still have a high recognition value.