When many doubted that the financial crisis would come to our country, we realized suddenly that was already a co-worker in entrepreneurial efforts that we developed and realized as we was affected. The crisis came and to stay for a long time, hoping this is as short as possible, subject to the measures that the …
Category Archives: General
Saint Maria
After deceased, still she continued being esquartejada for the carrascos with its eager eyes for the profit that would be vendendo its wood as firewood. They had been without house the pardais, the pombinhos, well-you-vile and the other birds and insects that way made its nests or its stops. Also we will not see more …
Education Ministry
According to Ministry of the Education (2004). (…) the care in the sequence of the process of development and learning of the children of six years of age implies the knowledge and the attention to its etrias, social and psychological characteristics (…) the children are respected as subject of the learning. Amazon takes a slightly …
The Legislative
According to Montesquieu: ' ' The Legislative one makes the laws for some time forever or, and corrects or revokes the ones that are made; the Judiciary one punishes the crimes or judges the demands of particular; the Executive, being the remain to be able, exerts the too much functions of the State, the general …
Spanish Skies
Four premieres the series revelation of the season, Falling Skies, an extraterrestrial series produced by Steven Spielberg that has swept in EE UU. Telecinco premieres this Tuesday Tita Cervera. The Baroness, a miniseries about the life of the Baroness Thyssen. It is the revelation of the season series, a story that draws on the always …
Work Conditions
But the work is more, is force, time ehabilidade that if it wins to get conditions to live, to dress, to eat. As seisso was not enough, the work in them points out in the social hierarchy of values, visible in the social prestige of some professions front to others (egaris doctors, lawyers and borracheiros). …
Management Require Changes
Carlos Mora Vanegas Las Areas de Postgrado venezolanas, with regard to the master in business administration (MBA) with their respective terms, require update, defining a new profile of the graduate according to the needs of the current scenarios that present need, especially in a country where is characterized by turbulence, product of its political, economic …
Web Page Translation
The case is the following one: beyond the Union, badly or well each State possesss its distinct centers of training and police formation. I say distinct because, in its majority, they are physical and doctrinal separate. One forming military policemen and another civilians. The current and clearly unsustainable allegation for this segregation is that instructions …
Energy Consumption
Get that buildings consume little energy in a period of less than ten years is one of the challenges of the I Congress of buildings of energy consumption almost null (EECN) which will be held on 7 and 8 may in the fair of Madrid (IFEMA) and in which will be analysed the implications of …
Alexander Oak
Test of that it has will politics directed to the investments in the Pblica.Em Security the two teros banked for the private society the study considered how much the victim left to generate for the economy: 23,8 billion are R$. Other R$ 14,3 billion are spent with private security (act of contract of security firms, …