Spanish Skies

Four premieres the series revelation of the season, Falling Skies, an extraterrestrial series produced by Steven Spielberg that has swept in EE UU. Telecinco premieres this Tuesday Tita Cervera. The Baroness, a miniseries about the life of the Baroness Thyssen. It is the revelation of the season series, a story that draws on the always …

Management Require Changes

Carlos Mora Vanegas Las Areas de Postgrado venezolanas, with regard to the master in business administration (MBA) with their respective terms, require update, defining a new profile of the graduate according to the needs of the current scenarios that present need, especially in a country where is characterized by turbulence, product of its political, economic …

Web Page Translation

The case is the following one: beyond the Union, badly or well each State possesss its distinct centers of training and police formation. I say distinct because, in its majority, they are physical and doctrinal separate. One forming military policemen and another civilians. The current and clearly unsustainable allegation for this segregation is that instructions …