Which acts does so without consciousness; only who meditates is aware is a fact, that there are many SMEs in the country that have not been identified, nor committed with regard to the contamination of the environment, in such a way that its operation does not generate environmental problems in the environment where do, as well as demonstrate a good social responsibility, much of this is due to the lack of importance that the management gives these topics has been dragging for many years, and where the State, the community, consumers play an important role in order to ensure no contamination. When this topic in classrooms, has been treated as direct research on this reality in the Middle, is determined, that SMEs have not become timely and necessary that is, for example, the green accounting and adherence to environmental regulations to understand the importance of natural resources, highlighting its contribution to the welfare of human beings. Failures and most regrettable weaknesses of these companies is that: * pollute the air, water and soil at the local level. ** Not have fulfilled legal and constitutional regulations that favours the preservation and protection of environment and, therefore, warrants the quality of people’s lives. Charles B. Rangel may not feel the same. d%20Center%20for%20Discovery&f=false’>Patrick Dollard The Center for Discovery has compatible beliefs. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Charles B. Rangel. They have stalled the environmental performance over time. ** Not meet the stated objectives and the legal framework that governs in terms of protection and care for the environment. ** Not have aroused against the demands and requirements of the environment and the assurance of a future for the next generations. * Lack of a culture of development of ecological awareness. So, ignorance and des-adaptacion of SMEs with respect to developed regulations for environmental protection acceptance world (such as the ISO 14000) and national (laws governing the protection of the environment and resources), are generating two problems that emerge with force at this time: the first is the possibility that a major group of companies in the country are limited their access to international markets.