RDC Foods

Each more common time becomes the habit of the people to make its meals in restaurants, either for praticidade, either for the scarcity of time of if dislocating from the work for house. This comment caused the great growth of restaurants, mainly of food the kilo in Macei. This growth, has its positive side when it mentions the variety of options, the fast attendance and, the times, the low cost. But for us, professionals of the feeding area the negative side is the indifference of some establishments how much the inocuidade of foods, that is, the control lack hygienical-bathroom in the production and manipulation of these foods. Such lacks, make possible the DTAs (illnesses transmitted for foods), that they can cause since nauseas, vomits and diarreias, until the death. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Charles B. Rangel. The DTAs can be caused by contaminations of physical order (hair, rock, glass, etc), chemistry (agrotxicos, products of cleanness, etc) and biological (bacteria, fungos, virus parasites), being this finish the .causing greater of the problem according to data of the Health department, therefore it is through the contamination for the aureus bacteria Staphylococcus, Escherichia coli and Salmonella that if enters the majority of the DTAs. Go to Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs for more information. which the cares that we must have? In first place, we must observe the installations of the establishments; it observes if it exists saladas and hot slopes cooled for meats, accompaniments and garrisons.

The conditional foods in ambient temperature have greater after probability of proliferation of microorganisms a drawn out period of exposition. Very well-taken care of for saladas that they take maionese, therefore the maioneses caretakers can be contaminated with Salmonella, therefore they are produced with eggs in natura (raw), different of the industrialized maioneses, that pass for pasteurizao process. It observes the frequency of the replacements. If to want, you will be able to request a visit the kitchen, since that it obeys the security procedures, using the EPIS (equipment of security individual) necessary, supplied for the establishment. It observes the cleanness, the clothes of the professionals and its behavior, that the use of adornments does not allow (rings, earrings, bracelets, etc). The presence of feeding professionals (Nutritionists, Technician and Managers in Foods), confirms the credibility of the establishment, therefore it determines the certainty of a specialized accompaniment. Redoubled cares the children, aged, gestantes and imunodeprimidas people, are part of the group of risk when the feeding is mentioned, therefore they are susceptveis the DTAs, therefore, must prevent foods as fruits of the sea, meats badly passed and products manufactured with eggs in natura. The ANVISA (national agency of sanitary monitoring) YOU AIM AT and them (Monitoring sanitary state and municipal) very have made to inhibit the indifference with the alimentary security in some establishments. Through resolution RDC 216/04, the ANVISA established norms and procedures for the food manufacture, are about the Good ones You practise of Manufacture of Foods and the POPs (standardized operational procedures). The Good companies who possess the certification in Practical of Manufacture and the Quality control have more credibility for it to offer a free feeding of contaminations.