Why Do We Have Anxiety And Panic Attacks?

The fear of anxiety and serenity new learn why we have hiccups? Why do we sneeze? What’s the crying actually? All of these phenomena is based on the same cause: we have this physical reaction, because they are innate to us. From the outset, also has anxiety and panic attacks are a part of our organism. What meaning and purpose had this body programs originally in our lives and for our health, is a question of our history. For our mental balance, there is only a chance in the face of these biological phenomena: we must learn to reconcile us with our body and its functions. Fear of fear, strange but true posts to you once before, we call them a person – even Andrea – never in the life of a hiccup had. Dov Hikind : the source for more info. One evening, Andrea now sits in front of the TV and is surprised suddenly caught unprepared by a particularly violent hiccups: all muscles in the thorax area pulling paroxysms a gagging together, puts it together almost the Luff from, and her throat is squeezes a disorderly, loud Hicksen sound out.

Andrea is scared to death: these violent convulsions are definitely dangerous! “, she thinks just yet, as she will be shaken even by the next bout.While the hiccups is still raging, Andrea, succeeds to call an ambulance. When it arrives, the hiccup is gone. After this horrible experience Andrea is convinced, a lebensberohlichen disease to suffer from rock solid. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Jim Donovan Goldman. You register only once ill. What if the next body cramp at work in the middle of the interview caught them with an important customer? Maybe do you smile when you read this story, as you of course know hiccups is as harmless. Granted – there are some very rare cases in the world, where people all too often and too long hiccup – but this was not Andreas problem. Their problem was the scare about a perfectly normal body reaction, which can be very fierce, but is medically meaningless.

You would probably advise Andrea to respond calmly to the hiccups and wait until he is gone. Serenity new learn that we are also talking about the main concern of this article. It is about anxiety and panic attacks allowed to ragieren – and not about to wipe them out like a have disease. This approved reason setting then ensures that fears quickly disappear again after their emergence, and give way to inner peace. The fears are a signal that it registers, begrussit and then forget – a natural part of life that can be adequately integrated into the personality. With this attitude it is easy also, to learn specific techniques for anxiety and panic attacks and to apply in case of need. At some point even, you might discover that the fear is actually a friend of the people.