Premium Adjustments Of The PKV In 2013

What is the Privatversicherten next year after the enormous contribution increases earlier this year and there were even voices that demanded its abolition of the subsequent discussion on post explosions (PKV), private health insurance. Given the previously present data about the tax cuts of many global 2013, this reaction seems somewhat exaggerated. 2013 positive premium development the beginning makes Germany’s biggest private health insurance, the Debeka. She has announced not only post guarantees, but also for 100,000 elderly members provided a reduction in posts in Vista. Thus the Debeka standards again, and keeps the car stable contributions runf a quarter of all Privatversicherten. The Debeka, however, is not the only private health insurance.

Next to her, many more service providers for 2013 intend making no contribution increase for many of their fares. These include among others the Barmenia, the Signal Iduna and the HanseMerkur. The DKV goes, what the post warranty concerns, even a step further and promises not to increase the posts until April 2014. Other providers, such as for example the ARAG, many tariffs stand next to the post guarantees. This not means that 2013 here a contribution increase is imminent. Contribution increase: It isn’t even 2013 without even in 2013 the PKV is not completely do without contribution increases.

Since the normal contribution increases are due to rising costs in the health sector a. On the other hand especially (male) customers are facing much higher contributions, because the introduction of unisex tariffs, a post adjustment in the PKV for 2013 is inevitable. And it applies to all providers. So contribution increases are known already for occasional tariffs of new customer business, like Royal tariff 891 “of the Munich Club with ca. 35% and the tariff Vision1-4500” of AXA by over 41 per cent. Also the Halle and Gothaer private health insurance in this regard tax cuts announced for 2013. Hidden contribution increases has recently become known some private health insurance companies try to disguise their premium adjustments. So get the customers to such credits, which are charged directly to the contributions. A while continuing the credit is however uncertain and will after the expiry, the amount charged back in full. Increases of deductibles are a further stumbling block. These affect directly on the level of contributions by this fall. However, more out of his own pocket to be paid now. (O.