German Emigrants Leave

Besides Australia, the Emigration to Canada in second place in popularity. A colorful mixture of red, white, yellow and black, that is the norm in the traditional country of immigration, Canada. This alone is not what Canadians mean by multiculturalism, interracial eve series with actors, fashion catalogs, depict the models in wheelchairs, and also two official languages: English and French. It all seems to go some way good. Integration issues are not heard. The economy is booming and skilled workers are always welcome.

A broad education with transferable skills is more favorable than the one for special skills. The wage level is lower than the Central European average. However, that should scare anyone, because the cost of living may be relatively low depending on location. Official site: Click here. The labor market is managed by the Government, the Department: Human Resources Development Canada. Here you can also the current need for workers in the different regions of information.

For skilled workers there are three different programs with which you can apply for a visa; Federal Skilled Worker Program, Quebec Skilled Worker Program, Skilled Worker Provincial Nominee Programs. In addition to a completed vocational training including work experience and demonstrated sufficient command of one of the two national languages of the requirements to participate in these programs. Since the procedure is much easier for an entry as soon as you have a contract in the bag, it makes sense to plan a first trip to the new dream home to be there by looking at the labor market. Information on visas can also call the Canadian Embassy in Berlin: The price of homes is different in the different regions. Generally speaking, outside the major cities it is cheaper. Caution on leases, they often tie the tenant for a whole year. The Canadian currency is dollars and Cent. U.S. dollars are widely accepted, but it is better to have in Canadian dollars. Never should we try to bribe a Canadian police officer. But the attempt is a crime and is punishable in any case.