Commercial Hook

Currently prevailing concepts of comfort, speed and simplification, which has characterized the loans faster. By many councils that provide institutions and consumer agencies to educate users about the dangers of this form of credit, we almost always end up falling into the trap. The explanation can be found in aggressive advertising campaigns. Today bids are …

Sanskrit Veda

Those women who can not only read information from a person or a space, but also possess power, are still referred to as witches. Sometimes with apprehension, but more in admiration … … .. The word “witch” is an old Russian root “vd”, which is associated with the values of “Veda”, “know”, “able”. In Sanskrit …

Magical Vestibules

In the worlds spirituals some vestibules exist that are accesses the superior and inferior dimensions, depending on the comment point. The territories are separate for borders that do not possess an accurate landmark, what it really separates the territories are the energy vibrations. Each vibration has a frequency, a color, a sound, specific and is …